This post is inspired by a serie of questions from @JAMET.
I wondered if it was possible to prove plane geometry theorems with the geometry package.

Here is an illustration for the Poncelet's theorem for the triangle (French designation), see for instance

Are any of you interested in challenging the geometry package to proof other plane geometry theorems?


Poncelet's theorem for the triangle

Let ABC a triangle, c its incircle (center omega, radius r) and C its circumcircle (center Omega, radius R).
Let D the distance between omega and Omega.

then R^2 - D^2 - 2*r*R = 0


Without loss of generality one sets :

    x(A) = y(A) = 0
   and  y(B) = 0

ABC is a non degerated triangle provided x(B) <> 0 and y(C) <> 0



`Maple 2020.2, X86 64 WINDOWS, Nov 11 2020, Build ID 1502365`


assume(x__B <> 0):
assume(y__C <> 0):

point(A, 0, 0);
point(B, x__B, 0);
point(C, x__C, y__C);







triangle(T, [A, B, C])



bisector(bA, A, T);
bisector(bB, B, T);

eA := isolate(Equation(bA, [x, y]), y):
eB := isolate(Equation(bB, [x, y]), y):

xc := solve(rhs(eA)=rhs(eB), x):
yc := eval(rhs(eA), x=xc):

point(omega, xc, yc):
r := distance(omega, line(lAB, [A, B]))







circumcircle(C, T, 'centername' = Omega);
R := radius(C);





Oo := distance(Omega, omega)



S := simplify(R^2 - Oo^2 - 2*r*R)  assuming x__B::real, x__C::real, y__C::real



simplify(S) assuming x__B > 0, y__C > 0;
simplify(S) assuming x__B > 0, y__C < 0;
simplify(S) assuming x__B < 0, y__C > 0;
simplify(S) assuming x__B < 0, y__C < 0;












Improvements of the geometry package                                                                                           

It already appears that (some) assumptions are not (always) correctly taken into account. This is a weak point which requires, as in the attached mw, to use an indirect approache to construct the incircle.

As a matter of fact, the procedure incircle, whose first lines are


geometry:-incircle := proc(inci, T)
local cname, d, A, B, l1, l2, dis, x, y, tmp, msg;
   1   if nargs < 2 or 3 < nargs then
   2     error "wrong number of arguments"
       end if;
   3   if geometry:-form(T) <> ('triangle2d') then
   4     error "wrong type of arguments"
       end if;
   5   if nargs = 3 and op(1,args[3]) = ('centername') and type(op(2,args[3]),'name') then
   6     cname := op(2,args[3])
   7     cname := cat('center_',inci)
       end if;
   8   if geometry:-method(T) = (':-points') then
   9     d := geometry:-DefinedAs(T);
  10     A := op(1,d);
  11     B := op(2,d);
  12     msg := sprintf("find the bisector of %a at vertex %a",T,A);
  13     userinfo(2,geometry,msg);
  14     geometry:-bisector('l1',A,T);
  15     msg := sprintf("find the bisector of %a at vertex %a",T,B);
  16     userinfo(2,geometry,msg);
  17     geometry:-bisector('l2',B,T);
  18     msg := sprintf("find the intersection of the two bisectors");
  19     userinfo(2,geometry,msg);
  20     geometry:-intersection(cname,l1,l2);

requires that the two bissectors are not parallel(call to geometry:-intersection).

Since the non-parallelism of bisectors is trivial for all non-degenerate triangles, why doesn't incircle inherit this property rather than not being able to decide if the bisectors are parallel or not?)

Here is a detail of what happens and the endless loop in which incircle seems to be caught

                  Maple 2015.2, APPLE UNIVERSAL OSX, Dec 20 2015, Build ID 1097895

AreParallel(bA, bB, 'condition'):
        AreParallel: hint: cannot determine if -y__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)*(x__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)-x__B*(x__B^2)^(1/2)-x__B*((x__B-x__C)^2+y__C^2)^(1/2))+y__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)*(x__B*(x__C^2+y__C^2)^(1/2)+x__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)) is zero

assume(lhs(condition) <> 0);
AreParallel(bA, bB);
intersection(J, bA, bB);

infolevel[geometry] := 4:
incircle(inc, T);
incircle: find the bisector of T at vertex A
incircle: find the bisector of T at vertex B
incircle: find the intersection of the two bisectors
intersection: find the intersection between two lines l1 and l2
intersection: one point of intersection
incircle: find the radius of the incircle
line: define the line from two points
circle: define the circle from its center and radius
circle: hint: abs(x__B^2*y__C/(csgn(x__B)*x__B+(x__B^2-2*x__B*x__C+x__C^2+y__C^2)^(1/2)+(x__C^2+y__C^2)^(1/2)))/(x__B^2)^(1/2) > 0
Error, (in geometry:-circle) not enough information: the radius might not be positive
assume(abs(x__B^2*y__C/(csgn(x__B)*x__B+(x__B^2-2*x__B*x__C+x__C^2+y__C^2)^(1/2)+(x__C^2+y__C^2)^(1/2)))/(x__B^2)^(1/2) > 0):

assume(abs(x__B^2*y__C/(csgn(x__B)*x__B+(x__B^2-2*x__B*x__C+x__C^2+y__C^2)^(1/2)+(x__C^2+y__C^2)^(1/2)))/(x__B^2)^(1/2) > 0): 
incircle(inc, T);
incircle: find the bisector of T at vertex A
incircle: find the bisector of T at vertex B
incircle: find the intersection of the two bisectors
intersection: find the intersection between two lines l1 and l2
AreParallel: hint: cannot determine if -y__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)*(x__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)-x__B*(x__B^2)^(1/2)-x__B*((x__B-x__C)^2+y__C^2)^(1/2))+y__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)*(x__B*(x__C^2+y__C^2)^(1/2)+x__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)) is zero
intersection: two given lines intersect each other if -y__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)*(x__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)-x__B*(x__B^2)^(1/2)-x__B*((x__B-x__C)^2+y__C^2)^(1/2))+y__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)*(x__B*(x__C^2+y__C^2)^(1/2)+x__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)) <> 0
Error, (in geometry:-intersection) not enough information

assume(-y__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)*(x__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)-x__B*(x__B^2)^(1/2)-x__B*((x__B-x__C)^2+y__C^2)^(1/2))+y__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)*(x__B*(x__C^2+y__C^2)^(1/2)+x__C*(x__B^2)^(1/2)) <> 0):
incircle(inc, T);
incircle: find the bisector of T at vertex A
incircle: find the bisector of T at vertex B
incircle: find the intersection of the two bisectors
intersection: find the intersection between two lines l1 and l2
intersection: one point of intersection
incircle: find the radius of the incircle
line: define the line from two points
circle: define the circle from its center and radius
circle: hint: abs(x__B^2*y__C/(csgn(x__B)*x__B+(x__C^2+y__C^2)^(1/2)+(x__B^2-2*x__B*x__C+x__C^2+y__C^2)^(1/2)))/(x__B^2)^(1/2) > 0
Error, (in geometry:-circle) not enough information: the radius might not be positive



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