Maple Transactions Volume 4 Issue 4 has now been published.


This issue has two Featured Contributions by people who have been plenary speakers at Maple Conferences in the past, namely Veselin Jungić and Juana Sendra. We hope you enjoy both articles.  There is an accompanying video by Professor Sendra, which we will add a link to when it becomes ready.

As usual, there is an article in the Editor's Corner, but this one is a bit different.  In this one, Michelle Hatzell (the new copyeditor for Maple Transactions, who is also a Masters' student working with me at Western) and I have written about a fun use of Maple's colour contour plots to make an image that might be used as the cover of an upcoming book, namely Perturbation Methods using backward error, which I'm just finishing now with Nic Fillion and which SIAM will publish next year.  So, while there's some math in that paper, it's more about Maple's utilities for colour plotting; so you might find it useful.  We also hope you like at least some of the images.  Some are more attractive than others!

We have several Refereed Contributions, not all of which are ready at this time of publication but which will be added as they are revised and sent in.  We have a nice paper on using continued fractions in a high school context, another on code generation, and another on using Digital Signal Processing in Engineering courses.

Finally we have a first publication in French, by Jalale Soussi.  Actually we have the paper also in English: we chose to publish both, in our Communications section, each with links to the other.  It is possible to publish in Maple Transactions solely in French, of course, but the author provided both, so why not?

Happy reading, and best wishes for 2025. 

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