I've created a Maple help page, saved in a small hdb file, that describes the hierarchy of Maple's numerical types.  Insert it into the path assigned to ?libname.  Access the help page with ?numer-hier. To make it compact, I took some liberties with the notation.  Here is what it looks like

Hierarchy of Numerical Types
- The following table describes the partial ordering (Definition[partialorder]) of Maple
  numerical types. Each type is defined in terms of its minimal cover. A type on the left side of
  the definition operator (::=) is defined by the expression on the right side. Each type is
  defined by previously defined types (those preceding it in the table), though some definitions
  are recursive. 

- The vertical bar (|) is the or operator. The ampersand (&) is the and operator. 

- The symbol x is the expression being tested; it is used to indicate a non-type restriction or a
  restriction on a transformation of the expression. For example, Re(x) > 0 & Im(x)::integer is
  true when the real part of x is positive and the imaginary part is of type integer. 

- The term d stands for a subtype, that is, a restriction of the domain of the base type. 

- The point (.) stands for any appropriate expression; for example, Float( . , infinity)
   corresponds to a float with any valid mantissa and an exponent of type infinity. 

- Single forward quotes around a field is used as a shorthand for the identical type. For
  example, 'infinity' is equivalent to identical(infinity), which is not the same as the 
  infinity type. 

- The fields Integer, Fraction, and Float (SFloat) refer to constructors for the integer, 
  fraction, and float elements, respectively. 

    integer               ::= Integer( . )                                              
    integer[1|2|4|8]      ::= integer & representable by (1|2|4|8)-bytes (signed)       
    integer[i1..i2]       ::= integer & i1 <= x <= i2 (i1 and i2 are integers)          
    posint                ::= integer & (x > 0)                                         
    nonnegint             ::= integer & (x >= 0)                                        
    negint                ::= integer & (x < 0)                                         
    nonposint             ::= integer & (x <= 0)                                        
    even                  ::= integer & irem(x,2)=0                                     
    odd                   ::= integer & Not(even)                                       
    fraction              ::= Fraction( . , . )                                         
    rational              ::= integer | fraction                                        
    extended_rational     ::= rational                                                  
                              | identical(infinity,-infinity,undefined)                 
    float[]               ::= <hardware float>                                          
    float[8]              ::= <hardware float>                                          
    sfloat                ::= Float( . , . ) | SFloat( . , . )                          
    float                 ::= sfloat | float[] | float[8]                               
    numeric               ::= rational                                                  
                              | Float(integer)                                          
                              | Float(integer, integer)                                 
    infinity              ::= identical(infinity,-infinity)                             
                              | Float( . , 'infinity' )                                 
                              | (Re|Im)(x)::infinity & (Re&Im)(x)::(infinity|numeric)   
    undefined             ::= 'undefined'                                               
                              | Float( integer , 'undefined' )                          
                              | (Re|Im)(x)::undefined & (Re&Im)(x)::(undefined|numeric) 
    extended_numeric      ::= numeric                                                   
                              | identical(infinity, -infinity)                          
                              | Float( integer , 'infinity' )                           
                              | undefined                                               
    nonnegative           ::= extended_numeric & (x >= 0)                               
    positive              ::= extended_numeric & (x > 0)                                
    nonpositive           ::= extended_numeric & (x <= 0)                               
    negative              ::= extended_numeric & (x < 0)                                
    negzero               ::= '-0.0'                                                    
    poszero               ::= '+0.0' | '0'                                              
    realcons              ::= evalf(x)::{float | identical(infinity,-infinity)}         
    complex(d)            ::= (Re & Im)(x)::d                                           
    complex               ::= complex(numeric & realcons)                               
    finite                ::= complex(numeric)                                          
    complexcons           ::= evalf(x)::complex                                         
    nonreal               ::= complex(extended_numeric)                                 
                              & Not(extended_numeric)                                   
    nonreal(d)            ::= nonreal & (Re&Im)(x)::d                                   
    imaginary(d)          ::= complex(d) & (Re(x) = 0)                                  
    imaginary             ::= imaginary(extended_numeric)                               
    embedded_real         ::= complex(extended_numeric) & (Im(x) = 0)                   
    embedded_real(d)      ::= embedded_real & Re(x)::d                                  
    embedded_imaginary    ::= nonreal & (Re(x) = 0)                                     
    embedded_imaginary(d) ::= embedded_imaginary & Im(x)::d                             
    embedded_axis         ::= embedded_real | embedded_imaginary                        
    embedded_axis(d)      ::= (embedded_real | embedded_imaginary)(d)                   
    algext(d)             ::= RootOf(polynom(d, . ))                                    
    algext                ::= algext(anything)                                          
    algnum                ::= rational                                                  
                              | RootOf(polynom(algnum))                                 
                              | algnum+algnum                                           
                              | algnum*algnum                                           
                              | algnum/algnum                                           
    algnumext             ::= algnum & RootOf                                           
    radnum                ::= 'I'                                                       
                              | rational                                                
                              | radnum+radnum                                           
                              | radnum*radnum                                           
                              | radnum^rational                                         
    cx_infinity           ::= nonreal & (Re&Im)(x)::infinity                            
    real_infinity         ::= infinity & extended_numeric                               
    pos_infinity          ::= infinity & positive                                       
    neg_infinity          ::= infinity & negative                                       
    SymbolicInfinity      ::= infinity | infinity * anything                            

See Also 
anything, evalf, Float, Fraction, Im, Integer, Not, Re, type  

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