it took some time, a little help by this forum and the excellent maplesoft-support, but here is how it worked on my SuSE 10.1: As root: -Create a directory and copy your installation files into it, i.e. from the delivered CD -The trick is to edit the installer script with binary mode vim (using the -b flag: vim -b LinuxInstaller.bin) -Then scroll down to the first instance of "export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL" and replace the 'e' in 'export' with '#'. This comments out the line and evidently leaves the installer size intact so those compression errors are bypassed -Save and quit the file As your maple-user: -Run the installation script 'installMapleLinuxSU' -Have fun :-) This has been posted before in this forum in the thread 'Can't run or install Maple 10 on Linux (Fedora Core 5)' by Thomas Richard and it worked with my SuSe 10.1 as well :-) Have a lot of fun with it and Maple Markus

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