When mucking around with my Maple setup, I occasionally find it useful to check various kernelopts settings.  To simplify this task, I wrote the simple kerneloptsall procedure, which prints all the (useful) values of kernelopts:

(**) kerneloptsall();
ASSERT                    = false
assertlevel               = 0
bindir                    = "/home/joe/maplesoft/sandbox/Maple14/internal/bin.X86_64_LINUX"
byteorder                 = "little endian"
bytesalloc                = 1834672
bytesused                 = 1634728
cacheclearlimit           = 131072
cpulimit                  = infinity
cputime                   = .024001
cputype                   = "x86-64"
datadir                   = "/home/joe/maplesoft/sandbox/Maple14/data"
datalimit                 = infinity
dirsep                    = "/"
display_zero_complex_part = true
filelimit                 = 960
gcbytesavail              = 0
gcbytesreturned           = 0
gcfreq                    = [10000000, .1]
gctimes                   = 0
gmpthreshold              = 18
gmpversion                = "4.2.1"
homedir                   = "/home/joe"
includepath               = ""
inline                    = true
jvmheaplimit              = 65536
level                     = 27
limitjvmheap              = false
mapledir                  = "/home/joe/maplesoft/sandbox/Maple14"
max_record_depth          = 1
maxdigits                 = 38654705646
maximmediate              = 4611686018427387903
multithreaded             = true
numcpus                   = 4
numactivethreads          = 1
opaquemodules             = true
pathsep                   = ":"
pid                       = 28592
platform                  = "unix"
printbytes                = true
printlevel                = 1
processlimit              = infinity
profile                   = false
setsort                   = 1
sparse_sort_cutoff        = 590
stackalloc                = 9
stacklimit                = 8160
system                    = "X86 64 LINUX"
toolboxdir                = ["/home/joe/maplesoft/sandbox/Maple14/toolbox/MapleSim", "/home/joe/maplesoft/sandbox/Maple14/toolbox/BlockImporter"]
toolboxversion            = []
username                  = "joe"
version                   = `Maple 14.01, X86 64 LINUX, Oct 15 2010, Build ID 535952`
wordsize                  = 64

The following zip file contains kerneloptsall.mpl, which defines the procedure.


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