Maple 15 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 15

Hi, I am looking for some help for a computation on Maple. I have the following objects

I have a function

 int(exp(-(ln(p)-mu)^2/(2*sigma^2))/(sqrt(2*Pi)*sigma*p)*((k*x/p)^(k-1)*exp(-k*x/p)*k/(p*GAMMA(k))), p = 0 .. infinity)

where mu=-19.89674583,sigma=2.35671007 and k=2.475778082 are parameters

I calculate the integration of s with respect of x on intervals of 

How do I install Maple 15 in Windows 8.  I get a requester that says that the GUI version is not supported.

Hi guys,

I have the following complex equation,


It gives a value which is constant for frequency upto 3000 Hz, i.e. if I run the solution again keeping all the values constant the result is the same  BUT   When I change the frequency to 15000 Hz, the equation still give me the result but every time its different when I run the program with constant values.

Dear All,

I am trying to add the following two equations but MAPLE doesn't give me one value i.e. either in cos or sin,  its giving me both so don't know which one to choose sin or cos:

A:= (142.3*cos(w*t))*cos(theta);

B:=(142.3*cos(w*t + Pi/6))*cos(theta+Pi/6);




Looking forward to your kind replies.

Best Regards






Hello Everyone,

I got a question about the inverse laplace transform of the classic second order system:


zeta < 1

if I take the inverse laplace transform, it will give me root of (zeta^2-1) term, how can I force maple to consider the range of zeta before doing inverse laplace transform?

I am trying to evalute a double integral symbolically using Maple 15.  I have gotten it to work when some of the parameters are specific numbers, but it won't work if I use variables, even if I assume sufficient conditions on them for the integral to make sense.  I have tried to use AllSolutions but it didn't work.  Breaking it down into steps isn't working either. 

I am working on a file on a remote server and I don't think I can upload it here. ...



I wrote a Maple 15 worksheet containing a function that calls two other functions defined earlier in the worksheet.  The main function didn't work, so I replaced one of the functions that was called, by cut-and-pasting its definition into the main function.  This is obviously inconvenient because I want to alter the function that I cut-and -pasted and whenever I do it I will have to cut-and-paste again.  It also detracts from the...



I'm going to ask an question which I think it has an easy answer. However, I can't figure it out.

I wonder why f:x->sin(x)/x is not considered as a function. When I type "type(f(x),'function')", Maple says it's false, even though I don't know why. I'm asking this because I'm making a procedure in which one of the parametres is a function and when I type



I have a finite Fourier series of the form, Asin(x)cos(z) + Bsin(2x)cos(z) + Csin(3x)cos(2z) +... I would like to be able to extract the coefficients, A,B,C etc., that correspond to a specific mode. I have tried using the coeff and coeffs functions. They work for a one-dimensional Fourier series (i.e. if S= Asin(x) + Bsin(2x) + Csin(3x); is my series, then coeff(S,sin(2x) returns B). I cannot however get this to work for the 2-D case. Any suggestions?


I am trying to make a custom on maple but when i get an error on dynamicSystems saying:

> sys := DynamicSystems[AlgEquation](eq, inputvariable = [Altura(t)], outputvariable = [Teste(t)]);
Error, (in DynamicSystems:-AlgEquation) algebraic equations cannot depend on past/future values of the input/output

But if i change AlgEquation to diffEquation i get no error. I dont have any diff equation on the system. This is happening with one of the "equations":

hi, i have a function in Infinite seri's with one unknown parameter and i want to solve it.
I use pade approximation in the MAPLE 15.
is it true!?
this is my function :


written in maple:

> f := (29/2)*x^2-(899/24)*x^4+(26941/720)*x^6;
> with(numapprox); pade(f, x, [5, 4]);

please help me

thank you 

I have the following problem in normal 2-D output: Greek letters appear not to show up.
Here is an example of the issue (screen shot):

Hi guys. I need to do a Runge-Kutta method to solve two equations and I'm having trouble at using functions. My program is as shown below:

restart; A := Matrix();

dt := 0.1e-2;

diff(x(t), t) := v;

diff(v, t) := a(x(t), v);

xo := 0; vo := 0;

for i to 1000 do

xn := xo+v.dt;

vn := vo+a.dt;

dx1 := vn.dt; dv1 := a.dt;

dx2 := (vn+(1/2)*dv1)*dt; dv2 := a(x(t)+(1/2)*dx1, (1/2)*dv1)*dt;

dx3 := (vn+(1/2...


I'm trying to get a hold of using DLL with Maple at the moment.

Just to give you some background informations.

My Headerfile:


using namespade std;

namespace WAVEFUNC

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