Maple 2018 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2018

How can plot two  and bipolar figures as attached and extract their data.

Thank You.


How I can write a code for the determination of Laplacian in a new form that is introduced in the maple code (First line).

Thank you.


Maple Worksheet - Error

Failed to load the worksheet //convert/FOR

Download FOR



Hello, i am experiencing some problems when trying to open the maple 2018 software*
I have tried unistalling and download it again.
I have tried to search for sollution but there is very ittle intel
When i open Maple 2018 it just lingeres on the start up (pic below) and just disappears after 10 seconds

Can someone please help i have a very important examination upcoming

Give the following functions find Domain, Range, Possible Asymptotes, Intercepts, Critical Points, Intervals of Increase, Decrease, Relative and Absolute Extrema, and Concavity.

A) f(x)=x(x^2-6x+8)

B) f(x) =x^3/4 -3x


I have been away from Maple for a year.
Then, when I used op command, I am puzzed to notice the results were different from those I know.

      _EXPSEQ((x+5)^2, x+y)

Result I know is 

        (x+5)^2, x+y

Has a modifire such as _EXPSEQ   automatically come to be attatched?
Or, can I have maple express it  in the form I know:  (x+5)^2, x+y?

Thank you in advance.









how I can write a program code for newmark method.

in this method time has 3 order derivation

 We know the following facts: 

The SequenceGraph command returns a graph with the specified degree sequence given as input, if such a graph exists. It raises an exception otherwise. 
 But  If I  want to get more graphs  that satisfy this condition of degree sequence ? (If graphs are not many ,I want get all graphs better)
what should I do.?
For example: DrawGraph(SequenceGraph([3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1]));  It returns the first graph below, but it is obvious that the second graph also fits the condition.

I can  this equation.

restart; c__v := 1.2; `τ__q` := 8.5*10^(-12); `τ__T` := 90.0*10^(-12); rho := 1000; k := 10







k*(diff(T(x, t), x, x))+k*`τ__T`*(diff(T(x, t), t, x, x)) = rho*c__v*(diff(T(x, t), t))+(diff(T(x, t), t, t))*c__v*rho*`τ__q`+(1/2)*c__v*rho*`τ__q`^2*(diff(T(x, t), t, t, t))

10*(diff(diff(T(x, t), x), x))+0.9000000000e-9*(diff(diff(diff(T(x, t), t), x), x)) = 1200.0*(diff(T(x, t), t))+0.1020000000e-7*(diff(diff(T(x, t), t), t))+0.4335000000e-19*(diff(diff(diff(T(x, t), t), t), t))


Boundary condition:

T(0, t) = 300; T(10, t) = 300




T(x, 0) = 300; (D[1](T))(x, 0) = 0, (D[2](T))(x, 0) = 0

(D[1](T))(x, 0) = 0, (D[2](T))(x, 0) = 0







How I can take Laplace Transform from equation.



How I can do ?

Thank you.


Substitution of . 5,6,7) into Eqs. 1–(4), gives the new equation as functions of the generalized coordinates,
u_m,n(t);  v_m,n ( t), and w_m,n ( t). These expressions are then inserted in the Lagrange equations (see Eq. 8)) a set of N second-order coupled ordinary differential equations with both quadratic   and cubic nonlinearities.

In Eq (8) q are generalized coordinate such as uvw  and q = {`u__m,n`(t), `v__m,n`(t), `w__m,n`(t)}^T.

\where the elements of the vector,q_i are the time-dependent generalized coordinates.


U = (1/2)*(int(int(int(E*(`∂`(u(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)+(1/2)*(`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(x))^2+`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)*(`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))/`∂`(x))-z*(diff(w(x, y, t), x, x))+v(x, y, t)*(`∂`(v(x, y, t))/`∂`(y)+(1/2)*(`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(y))^2+`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(y)*(`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))/`∂`(y))-z*(diff(w(x, y, t), y, y))))*(`∂`(u(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)+(1/2)*(`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(x))^2+`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)*(`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))/`∂`(x))-z*(diff(w(x, y, t), x, x)))/(-nu^2+1)+E*(`∂`(nu(x, y, t))/`∂`(y)+(1/2)*(`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(y))^2+`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(y)*(`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))/`∂`(y))-z*(diff(w(x, y, t), y, y))+v(x, y, t)*(`∂`(u(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)+(1/2)*(`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(x))^2+`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)*(`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))/`∂`(x))-z*(diff(w(x, y, t), x, x))))*(`∂`(v(x, y, t))/`∂`(y)+(1/2)*(`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(y))^2+`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(y)*(`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))/`∂`(y))-z*(diff(w(x, y, t), y, y)))/(-nu^2+1)+E*(`∂`(u(x, y, t))/`∂`(y)+`∂`(v(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)+`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)*(`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(y))+`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))*`∂`(w(x, y, t))/(`∂`(x)*`∂`(y))+`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))*`∂`(w(x, y, t))/(`∂`(x)*`∂`(y))-2*z*(diff(w(x, y, t), x, y)))^2/(2*(1+nu))+E*l^2*(diff(w(x, y, t), x, y))^2/(1+nu)+E*l^2*(diff(w(x, y, t), x, y))^2/(1+nu)+E*l^2*(diff(w(x, y, t), y, y)-(diff(w(x, y, t), x, x)))^2/(2*(1+nu))+E*l^2*(diff(v(x, y, t), y, y)-(diff(u(x, y, t), x, x)))^2/(8*(1+nu))+E*l^2*(diff(v(x, y, t), x, y)-(diff(u(x, y, t), y, y)))^2/(8*(1+nu)), z = -(1/2)*h .. (1/2)*h), y = 0 .. b), x = 0 .. a))

U = (1/2)*(int(int((1/12)*(-E*(-v(x, y, t)*(diff(diff(w(x, y, t), y), y))-(diff(diff(w(x, y, t), x), x)))*(diff(diff(w(x, y, t), x), x))/(-nu^2+1)-E*(-v(x, y, t)*(diff(diff(w(x, y, t), x), x))-(diff(diff(w(x, y, t), y), y)))*(diff(diff(w(x, y, t), y), y))/(-nu^2+1)+4*E*(diff(diff(w(x, y, t), x), y))^2/(2+2*nu))*h^3+E*(`∂`(u(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)+(1/2)*`∂`(w(x, y, t))^2/`∂`(x)^2+`∂`(w(x, y, t))*`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)^2+v(x, y, t)*(`∂`(v(x, y, t))/`∂`(y)+(1/2)*`∂`(w(x, y, t))^2/`∂`(y)^2+`∂`(w(x, y, t))*`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))/`∂`(y)^2))*(`∂`(u(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)+(1/2)*`∂`(w(x, y, t))^2/`∂`(x)^2+`∂`(w(x, y, t))*`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)^2)*h/(-nu^2+1)+E*(`∂`(nu(x, y, t))/`∂`(y)+(1/2)*`∂`(w(x, y, t))^2/`∂`(y)^2+`∂`(w(x, y, t))*`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))/`∂`(y)^2+v(x, y, t)*(`∂`(u(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)+(1/2)*`∂`(w(x, y, t))^2/`∂`(x)^2+`∂`(w(x, y, t))*`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)^2))*(`∂`(v(x, y, t))/`∂`(y)+(1/2)*`∂`(w(x, y, t))^2/`∂`(y)^2+`∂`(w(x, y, t))*`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))/`∂`(y)^2)*h/(-nu^2+1)+E*(`∂`(u(x, y, t))/`∂`(y)+`∂`(v(x, y, t))/`∂`(x)+`∂`(w(x, y, t))^2/(`∂`(x)*`∂`(y))+2*`∂`(w__0(x, y, t))*`∂`(w(x, y, t))/(`∂`(x)*`∂`(y)))^2*h/(2+2*nu)+2*E*l^2*(diff(diff(w(x, y, t), x), y))^2*h/(1+nu)+E*l^2*(diff(diff(w(x, y, t), y), y)-(diff(diff(w(x, y, t), x), x)))^2*h/(2+2*nu)+E*l^2*(diff(diff(v(x, y, t), y), y)-(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), x), x)))^2*h/(8+8*nu)+E*l^2*(diff(diff(v(x, y, t), x), y)-(diff(diff(u(x, y, t), y), y)))^2*h/(8+8*nu), y = 0 .. b), x = 0 .. a))


T = rho*h*(int(int((`∂`(u(x, y, t))/`∂`(t))^2+(`∂`(v(x, y, t))/`∂`(t))^2+(`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(t))^2, y = 0 .. b), x = 0 .. a))

T = rho*h*(int(int(`∂`(u(x, y, t))^2/`∂`(t)^2+`∂`(v(x, y, t))^2/`∂`(t)^2+`∂`(w(x, y, t))^2/`∂`(t)^2, y = 0 .. b), x = 0 .. a))


F = (1/2)*c*(int(int((`∂`(u(x, y, t))/`∂`(t))^2+(`∂`(v(x, y, t))/`∂`(t))^2+(`∂`(w(x, y, t))/`∂`(t))^2, y = 0 .. b), x = 0 .. a))

F = (1/2)*c*(int(int(`∂`(u(x, y, t))^2/`∂`(t)^2+`∂`(v(x, y, t))^2/`∂`(t)^2+`∂`(w(x, y, t))^2/`∂`(t)^2, y = 0 .. b), x = 0 .. a))


W = int(int(w(x, y, t)*f__1(x, y, t)*cos(omega*t), y = 0 .. b), x = 0 .. a)

W = int(int(w(x, y, z)*f__1(x, y, z)*cos(omega*t), y = 0 .. b), x = 0 .. a)


u(x, y, t) = sum(sum(`u__m,n`(t)*sin(m*Pi*x/a)*sin(n*Pi*y/b), n = 1 .. N), m = 1 .. M)

u(x, y, t) = -(1/4)*(cos(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-cos(Pi*y*N/b)*cos((M+1)*Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y/b)+cos(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-cos((M+1)*Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*y/b)-cos(Pi*y*N/b)*sin(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-cos(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y*N/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-cos(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)+cos((M+1)*Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y*N/b)+sin(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y/b)*cos((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-sin(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)+sin(Pi*y*N/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)+sin(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a))*`u__m,n`(t)/((cos(Pi*x/a)-1)*(cos(Pi*y/b)-1))+(1/4)*(-cos(Pi*y*N/b)*sin(Pi*y/b)*sin(Pi*x/a)-sin(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*y/b)*sin(Pi*x/a)+sin(Pi*y*N/b)*sin(Pi*x/a)+sin(Pi*y/b)*sin(Pi*x/a))*`u__m,n`(t)/((cos(Pi*x/a)-1)*(cos(Pi*y/b)-1))


v(x, y, t) = sum(sum(`v__m,n`(t)*sin(m*Pi*x/a)*sin(n*Pi*y/b), n = 1 .. N), m = 1 .. M)

v(x, y, t) = -(1/4)*(cos(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-cos(Pi*y*N/b)*cos((M+1)*Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y/b)+cos(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-cos((M+1)*Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*y/b)-cos(Pi*y*N/b)*sin(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-cos(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y*N/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-cos(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)+cos((M+1)*Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y*N/b)+sin(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y/b)*cos((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-sin(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)+sin(Pi*y*N/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)+sin(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a))*`v__m,n`(t)/((cos(Pi*x/a)-1)*(cos(Pi*y/b)-1))+(1/4)*(-cos(Pi*y*N/b)*sin(Pi*y/b)*sin(Pi*x/a)-sin(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*y/b)*sin(Pi*x/a)+sin(Pi*y*N/b)*sin(Pi*x/a)+sin(Pi*y/b)*sin(Pi*x/a))*`v__m,n`(t)/((cos(Pi*x/a)-1)*(cos(Pi*y/b)-1))


w(x, y, t) = sum(sum(`w__m,n`(t)*sin(m*Pi*x/a)*sin(n*Pi*y/b), n = 1 .. N), m = 1 .. M)

w(x, y, t) = -(1/4)*(cos(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-cos(Pi*y*N/b)*cos((M+1)*Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y/b)+cos(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-cos((M+1)*Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*y/b)-cos(Pi*y*N/b)*sin(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-cos(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y*N/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-cos(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)+cos((M+1)*Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y*N/b)+sin(Pi*x/a)*sin(Pi*y/b)*cos((M+1)*Pi*x/a)-sin(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)+sin(Pi*y*N/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a)+sin(Pi*y/b)*sin((M+1)*Pi*x/a))*`w__m,n`(t)/((cos(Pi*x/a)-1)*(cos(Pi*y/b)-1))+(1/4)*(-cos(Pi*y*N/b)*sin(Pi*y/b)*sin(Pi*x/a)-sin(Pi*y*N/b)*cos(Pi*y/b)*sin(Pi*x/a)+sin(Pi*y*N/b)*sin(Pi*x/a)+sin(Pi*y/b)*sin(Pi*x/a))*`w__m,n`(t)/((cos(Pi*x/a)-1)*(cos(Pi*y/b)-1))


diff(`∂`(T(x, y, t))/`∂`(`#mscripts(mi("q"),mi("j"),none(),none(),mo("."),none(),none())`), t)-`∂`(T(x, y, t))/`∂`(`#mscripts(mi("q"),mi("j"),none(),none(),mo("."),none(),none())`)+`∂`(U(x, y, t))/`∂`(`#mscripts(mi("q"),mi("j"),none(),none(),mo("."),none(),none())`)+`∂`(U(x, y, t))/`∂`(`#mscripts(mi("q"),mi("j"),none(),none(),mo("."),none(),none())`)+`∂`(F(x, y, t))/`∂`(`#mscripts(mi("q"),mi("j"),none(),none(),mo("."),none(),none())`) = `∂`(W(x, y, t))/`∂`(`#mscripts(mi("q"),mi("j"),none(),none(),mo("."),none(),none())`), j = 1, () .. (), N

(D(`∂`))(T(x, y, t))*(diff(T(x, y, t), t))/`∂`(`#mscripts(mi("q"),mi("j"),none(),none(),mo("."),none(),none())`)-`∂`(T(x, y, t))/`∂`(`#mscripts(mi("q"),mi("j"),none(),none(),mo("."),none(),none())`)+2*`∂`(U(x, y, t))/`∂`(`#mscripts(mi("q"),mi("j"),none(),none(),mo("."),none(),none())`)+`∂`(F(x, y, t))/`∂`(`#mscripts(mi("q"),mi("j"),none(),none(),mo("."),none(),none())`) = `∂`(W(x, y, t))/`∂`(`#mscripts(mi("q"),mi("j"),none(),none(),mo("."),none(),none())`), j = 1, () .. (), N




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Hello all,

I'm trying to do kinetic modeling of sequential dissociations with DE. I'm hitting a snag when modeling the third dissociation. The population should start at zero at t=0, but some of my model functions are non-zero at t=0. Is there anyway to fix this to force the funtions to go through zero?

PPPP -> intermediates -> PPP -> intermediates -> PP -> intermediates -> P  
(where P is a subunit and intermediates are confirmational changes before dissociation of a subunit)

a'..d' is the first dissociation
e' is the second dissociation
f'..l' is the third dissociation
Fits are evaluated by the residual sum of squares.

sol := dsolve([a' = -k1*a(x), b' = k1*a(x)-k1*b(x), c' = k1*b(x)-k1*c(x), d' = k1*c(x)-k1*d(x),
e' = k1*d(x)-k2*e(x), 
f' = k2*e(x)-k3*f(x), g' = k3*f(x)-k3*g(x), h' = k3*g(x)-k3*h(x), i' = k3*h(x)-k3*i(x), j' = k3*i(x)-k3*j(x), k' = k3*j(x)-k3*k(x), l' = k3*k(x)-k3*l(x), 
a(0) = 1, b(0) = 0, c(0) = 0, d(0) = 0, e(0) = 0, f(0) = 0, g(0) = 0, h(0) = 0, i(0) = 0, j(0) = 0, k(0) = 0, l(0) = 0],
{a(x), b(x), c(x), d(x), e(x), f(x), g(x), h(x), i(x), j(x), k(x), l(x)}, method = laplace);

f1 := sol[6];
f1 := rhs(f1);
g1 := sol[7];
g1 := rhs(g1);
h1 := sol[8];
h1 := rhs(h1);
i1 := sol[9];
i1 := rhs(i1);
j1 := sol[10];
j1 := rhs(j1);
kk := sol[11];
kk := rhs(kk);
l1 := sol[12];
l1 := rhs(l1);

xdata := Vector([0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,180,200,210,220,230,240,250,260,270,280,290,300,310,320,330,340,350,360,370,380,390,400], datatype = float);
ydata := Vector([0.0034,0.00392,0.00184,0.00782,0.01873,0.03683,0.11016,0.09838,0.18402,0.24727,0.20901,0.2972,0.37635,0.49235,0.57845,0.4457,0.50285,0.5672,0.62783,0.57264,0.54918,0.44792,0.49795,0.55218,0.47512,0.46473,0.37989,0.32236,0.3323,0.20894,0.28473,0.21273,0.19855,0.13548,0.12725,0.13277,0.0784,0.07969,0.06162,0.03855], datatype = float);

k1 := 0.391491454107626e-1; 
k2 := 0.222503562261129e-1; 


Statistics[NonlinearFit](z1,xdata, ydata, x, initialvalues = [k3=0.1], output = [parametervalues, residualsumofsquares]); 
A:=plot(xdata, ydata, style=point, symbol=solidcircle, color=blue, symbolsize=12,labels = ["time (minutes)", "Relative Abundance"], labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical]):
F:=Statistics[NonlinearFit](z1,xdata, ydata, x,initialvalues = [k3=0.1]):
B:=plot(F, x=xdata[1]..xdata[-1], color=red):
plots[display](A, B);

Statistics[NonlinearFit](z2,xdata, ydata, x, initialvalues = [k3=0.1], output = [parametervalues, residualsumofsquares]); 
A:=plot(xdata, ydata, style=point, symbol=solidcircle, color=blue, symbolsize=12,labels = ["time (minutes)", "Relative Abundance"], labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical]):
F:=Statistics[NonlinearFit](z2,xdata, ydata, x,initialvalues = [k3=0.1]):
B:=plot(F, x=xdata[1]..xdata[-1], color=red):
plots[display](A, B);

Statistics[NonlinearFit](z3,xdata, ydata, x, initialvalues = [k3=0.1], output = [parametervalues, residualsumofsquares]); 
A:=plot(xdata, ydata, style=point, symbol=solidcircle, color=blue, symbolsize=12,labels = ["time (minutes)", "Relative Abundance"], labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical]):
F:=Statistics[NonlinearFit](z3,xdata, ydata, x,initialvalues = [k3=0.1]):
B:=plot(F, x=xdata[1]..xdata[-1], color=red):
plots[display](A, B);

Statistics[NonlinearFit](z4,xdata, ydata, x, initialvalues = [k3=0.1], output = [parametervalues, residualsumofsquares]); 
A:=plot(xdata, ydata, style=point, symbol=solidcircle, color=blue, symbolsize=12,labels = ["time (minutes)", "Relative Abundance"], labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical]):
F:=Statistics[NonlinearFit](z4,xdata, ydata, x,initialvalues = [k3=0.1]):
B:=plot(F, x=xdata[1]..xdata[-1], color=red):
plots[display](A, B);

Statistics[NonlinearFit](z5,xdata, ydata, x, initialvalues = [k3=0.1], output = [parametervalues, residualsumofsquares]); 
A:=plot(xdata, ydata, style=point, symbol=solidcircle, color=blue, symbolsize=12,labels = ["time (minutes)", "Relative Abundance"], labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical]):
F:=Statistics[NonlinearFit](z5,xdata, ydata, x,initialvalues = [k3=0.1]):
B:=plot(F, x=xdata[1]..xdata[-1], color=red):
plots[display](A, B);

Statistics[NonlinearFit](z6,xdata, ydata, x, initialvalues = [k3=0.1], output = [parametervalues, residualsumofsquares]); 
A:=plot(xdata, ydata, style=point, symbol=solidcircle, color=blue, symbolsize=12,labels = ["time (minutes)", "Relative Abundance"], labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical]):
F:=Statistics[NonlinearFit](z6,xdata, ydata, x,initialvalues = [k3=0.1]):
B:=plot(F, x=xdata[1]..xdata[-1], color=red):
plots[display](A, B);

Statistics[NonlinearFit](z7,xdata, ydata, x, initialvalues = [k3=0.1], output = [parametervalues, residualsumofsquares]); 
A:=plot(xdata, ydata, style=point, symbol=solidcircle, color=blue, symbolsize=12,labels = ["time (minutes)", "Relative Abundance"], labeldirections = [horizontal, vertical]):
F:=Statistics[NonlinearFit](z7,xdata, ydata, x,initialvalues = [k3=0.1]):
B:=plot(F, x=xdata[1]..xdata[-1], color=red):
plots[display](A, B);

Hello every one,

My slideshow now contains a lot of animation sequences and take
a very long time to load and a large amount of physical memory (>20GB).

To reduce this size I have decided to convert these animations to GIF format.
Unfortunatly Maple/MaplePayer do not play GIF animations.

I decide to put URLs (image icons pointing to GIF files) in the document.
Now the GIF are play by a WEB browser (program to operate in fullscreen 
mode to minimize any disturbance in the audience with IE11).

Now the issue:
Using F11 to start the Slideshow, cliking the URL start the browser with the requested
animated GIF, that is fine, but now Maple/MaplePayer both auto-exit fullscreen
mode just after that click. The speaker (me) now need to manage the return to
fullscreen (F11) at the current slide while
thinking about what i have to
say next.

Is there any trick to prevent auto-exit from fulls-screen mode in this situation?

Thank you for your help



Des suggestions de solutions? Merci.

A) a) Écrire une procédure qui produit une itération du calcul babylonien de la racine carrée d'un nombre positif k à partir     d'une première approximation x0 .

    Entrée: k , x0 .

    Sortie:  x1 = (x0+ k/x0)/2 .

b) En utilisant la procédure trouvée en a), en écrire une autre, qui prend en entrée un entier positif n en plus des entiers k   et x0 vus en a) et qui retourne en sortie n itérations du calcul babylonien de la racine carée de k.


Écrire une procédure récursive Maple qui prend en entrée deux nombres n et k et qui utilise l'identité (n k) = (n -1k)+(n-1 k-1) pour retourner en sortie le coefficient binomial (n k) , cette procédure ne doit pas utiliser la commande Maple binomial.


Suggestions for solutions? Thank you.

A) a) Write a procedure that produces an iteration of the Babylonian calculus of the square root of a positive number k from a     first approximation x0.

    Input: k, x0.

   Output: x1 = (x0 + k / x0) / 2.

b) Using the procedure found in a), write another one, which takes as input a positive integer n in addition to the integers k and   x0 seen in a) and which returns in exit n iterations of the Babylonian calculation of the square root of k.

B) Write a Maple recursive procedure that takes as input two numbers n and k and uses the identity (n k) = (n-1 k)+ (n-1 k-1) to   return the binomial coefficient (n k), this procedure should not use the binomial Maple command.

Hi , how we can read the fractional differential equations in maple with out solving . I means just read and determine which is the order of fractional differential equations.


Hello everyone!

In previous versions of Maple (e.g. Maple 2016) it used to be possible to use scaletorange and colorscheme options together as in:

densityplot(sin(x+y), x = -1 .. 1, y = -1 .. 1, colorscheme = [black, red, yellow, white], scaletorange = -.5 .. .5);

But Maple 2018 returns an error:

Error, (in plots/densityplot) the scaletorange option cannot be used with the colorscheme option

Why is that and can one work around this error in any simple way?

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