Maple 2018 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2018


Hi guys,

I am trying to determine the first 5 eigen frequencies of a bending beam with rotational and translational spring supports. This is done by setting the determinant of the coefficient matrix equal to zero. I use RootFInder -> Analytic to find the first 5 roots between 0.001 and 0.1. After I substitute the roots back in to the equation they do not give me a zero value.

Can someone see where this goes wrong?


Be an ellipse E of center O, of foci F, F1, of major axis AA1 (OA=a, OF=c), M a point of E, m its projection on AA1, T and N the points where the tangent and the normal in M cut AA1 respectively. How to establish the formulas: NF=c/a*MF; Om*OT=a² ; ON=c²/a²*Om ? Thank you.

A triangle ABC with fixed B and C vertex is considered in the plane, A being variable so that b+c remains constant and equal to a given length L.
We call P, T, T' the points of contact of the exinscrit circle in the angle B with the sides BC, AB and AC respectively.
Show that P is fixed and is one of the vertex of the ellipse described by point A. What are the locus of T and T'? How to animate the drawing when A move ? Thank you.

In the plane, an ABC triangle is considered for the vertices B and C are fixed, A being variable so that b +c remains constant and equal to a given length l. (b=distance(A,C), (c=distance(A,B)
How to show that the product tan(B/2=*tan(C/2) remains constant ?


Good day to all.

I have a data set consisting of 12 points in the x-y plane. These points form a periodic pattern and I was wondering if it is possible to obtain a curve that is a best-fit for these points. I have reason to expect that this pattern will repeat for successive points (i.e. points 13, 14, ..., 30).

Does anyone know of a way to obtain a function that can represent this behavior?

Thanks for reading!


Whoever designed Maple's user-interface thinks very differently from me. How can I insert a 2nd section into Chapter 1? There's no space between the end of Section 1 and the end of Chapter 1 for me to put the cursor, so where should I put the cursor, and what should I do?

What do I need to do to the "2 + 3" in the attached Document in order to make it evaluate? I know about F5 to switch between Text and Math modes, but that's not enough to get me where I want to be. The "2 + 3" is already in Math mode, but that's not enough to get it to evaluate.

The Document:

R2,R3,R4,R5 have been given,I try to solve the following ode equation: The initial value:r2(0)=r3(0)=r4(0)=r5#(0);system={diff(r2(theta),theta)=R2;diff(r3(theta),theta)=2*R2*U2+R3;diff(r4(theta),theta)=R2*(U2^2+2*U3)+3*R3*U2+R4;diff(r5(theta),theta)=2*R2*(U2*U3+U4)+3*R3*(U2^2+U3)+4*R4*U2+R5}.I want to get the exact solution of subs(theta=2*Pi,U5),But it just gives the form include _Z1,_Z_2,_Z3.How can I get exact value?


#interface(echo = 2)




A1 := c03*y^3+c12*x*y^2+c02*y^2+c11*x*y+c01*y+c10*x:B1:=d03*y^3+d12*x*y^2+d02*y^2+d11*x*y+d01*y+d10*x:


  A11:= subs({x = -u, y = (v+c10*u/sqrt(w))*sqrt(w)/c01}, -A1):B11:= subs({x = -u, y = (v+c10*u/sqrt(w))*sqrt(w)/c01}, B1):

w :=-c01*d10+c10*d01:

f11 := subs({x = -u, y = (v+c10*u/sqrt(w))*sqrt(w)/c01}, -A1): collect(%, v):f2 := subs({x = -u, y = (v+c10*u/sqrt(w))*sqrt(w)/c01}, B1): collect(%, v):g := simplify(-c10*f11/sqrt(w)+c01*f2/sqrt(w)): collect(%, v):







#R2,R3,R4,R5 have been given,I try to solve the following ode equation: The initial value:r2(0)=r3(0)=r4(0)=r5#(0);system={diff(r2(theta),theta)=R2;diff(r3(theta),theta)=2*R2*U2+R3;diff(r4(theta),theta)=R2*(U2^2+2*U3)+3*R3*U2+R4;diff(r5(theta),theta)=2*R2*(U2*U3+U4)+3*R3*(U2^2+U3)+4*R4*U2+R5}.I want to get the exact solution of subs(theta=2*Pi,U5),But it just gives the form include _Z1,_Z_2,_Z3.How can I get exact value?






U6:=subs(theta=2*Pi,U5):save U6, output5:







how to draw and calculate the angle of a dihedral of a regular tetrahedron ? Thank you.

Hi everyone...

How can anyone help me in the attached file? I want to know how the equation of the system turned into a dimensionless

dynamical system?



Dear friends, please I would like to ask for your help with an odd problem I have using the remove command. 

I have an array 


and I need to remove its first element A[1]. 

A:= remove[flatten](x -> x = A[1], A);

Instead of getting the result  A:= [4 1 7] I get  A:=[4 7], and I can't understand why. 

Could you please help me with a solution to the problem? Many thanks for the help.  


Dear house 

I am new to maple and will really appreciate some assistance in calculating the disease free , endemic equilibrium states and basic reproduction number for my model.


I have been trying for weeks. any asistance will be much appreciated



Download Analisa_Dinamik_Limb_v1_(30).mwAnalisa_Dinamik_Limb_v1_(30).mw

So I have an equation that basically takes the component of vectors to be used as an equation. The variables that I after are FB1z, FB2x, and FB3y For example here is my equation: 





However there are unknown variable in AFB2[1] named FB2x and AFB3[1] named FB3y. Then AFB1[2] has unknown equation named FB1z and AFB3[2] has FB3y and so on. While in my FBBp1,FBBp2,and FBBp3 holds all of the variable of FB1z, FB2x, and FB3x
I have tried to use 'solve' command to find the variable but my computer won't stop processing it:

I tried to use the Gauss-Elimination by forming a matrix but it doesn't work as well since I am really confused how to take out the variables out of the vector component.


I would be very grateful If someone could help me. Thankyou


Edit: here are the .txt files and .mpl files that required to run the program


Download DisplacementXYZ.txt


There is an .mpl file that I couldn't upload so I will upload it in the comments


Dear friends, please I would like to ask for your help with the following problem: 

I have a remember table generated by a recursive procedure

x:= proc(n)
option remember; 
end proc:

It helps compute x(1), x(2), x(3), x(4). 

After several additional steps I have a new x(2), say 

x(2):= 3; 

With this new x(2) I need to recompute x(3), x(4). I've tried 

forget( x, [ x(3), x(4) ], subfunctions = false ); 



However, I do not get the new values of x(3) and x(4) but the old ones. What could it be wrong? 

Many thanks for your help.  

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