Maple 2020 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2020

This Anti-derivative of  arccos(x)*arcsin(x), Maple  2020 cannot do that? It seems not difficult.


In Mathematica, we can easily to get output :

2 x - Sqrt[1 - x^2] ArcSin[x] +  ArcCos[x] (Sqrt[1 - x^2] + x ArcSin[x])

When pressing !!! (Execute entire worksheet) it seems to me that startup code is executed.

Is that correct, and if - why is that so?

Today I Installed  Physics Updates" version "642 in Maple2020, why does it tell me  it has installed but is not active? How to active it?


`The "Physics Updates" version "642" is installed but is not active. The active version of Physics is within the library D:\\Program Files\\Maple 2020\\lib\\maple.mla, created 2020, March 5, 9:36 hours`


is it possible to solve the attached partial differential equation with zero initial boundary condition?

If not by assuming diff(u(sigma, tau, phi, t), t, t)=0 is there an answer for the equation?


Hello I am trying to compute the following expression;


(x^2r+y^2+z^2) gamma^{0} partial_{x} (-xy(1-r)) gamma^{2} partial_{y} \Psi


in which r = sqrt(1-K(x^2+y^2+z^2)), K is a constant, the gamma's are the Dirac gamma matrices and \Psi is the wave function. Essentially I would like to have partial_{x} operate on the expression to the right of it and apply product rule where there will be three terms with the last one being partia_{x} partial_{y} \Psi where it evaluates on everything expect the partial and the wavefunction, combining into the term partial_{x} partial_{y} \Psi, and if the partials are the same they combine into a single second order derivative with respect to the given variable. I have done this calculation by hand but seeing that there is an extensive amount of terms I would like to automate it using Maple. I have tried using the D() calling sequence but it doesn't quite give me what I am looking for. Is there anything documentation which will give me what I am looking for?

Hello everyone. I want to know how I can extract terms with the lowest sum of the degree of x and of y in a multivariate polynomial (in x and y)?

For instance, if I've f(x) = 100x^2y^2 + 35x^2y + 45y, I want an output of 45y.

On the other hand, if I've g(x) = 13x^2y^2 + xy^2 + 2yx^2, I want an output of xy^2 + yx^2.


I try to calculate the limit of the function, 

sin(x*sin(1/x))/(x*sin(1/x))  at point x=0,maple gives answer:1

However,actually it does not have a limit at x=0,because for the limit to exist at a point,there needs to exist a neighbourhood at the point so that all x in the neighbour have definition.

It means f(x) should have have definition at point x=0's negihbourhood,however small the neighbourhood is.If I choose x=1/(n*Pi), n belongs to integers,the function doesn't have definition.As n increase,there doesn't exist such a neighbourhood.So is it something maple should correct?



All too often I encounter an annoying issue, and when it happens it makes Maple slower than just scribbling on paper.  Unfortunately I don't understand why it happens or when it is going to happen so it creates a huge waste of time.

While most of the time expressions behave as expected, other times the exact same expression behaves as if it is something other than what is shown on screen.  I just ran into such an issue as an example:

What am I missing here? Why would phi not be interpreted as phi?

The only thing I could think of not being a Maple expert is assumptions.  I found I have an assumption earlier on phi (assume(phi>0,phi<45) so I removed it, but inexplicably(to me) that only fixes the first 2 lines, the last 2 lines still have the same issue, why I can't understand.  Why would having an assumption on phi, prevent me from evaluating the expression at some value of phi? The provided value is even within the assumed range.  And in either case, why can't I declare a value for phi and have that be understood?

Sorry for what I suspect is a dumb question, and thanks in advance.

EDITED to correct = -> :=


"with(LinearAlgebra):  T := proc(n::integer)  local t0, tn, i, t, t1;  if (n>0) then t0 := Matrix(1, 1, 1); tn := Matrix(1,1,0);  for i from 1 to n do local z := 2^i;  t := Matrix([[Add(t0, tn), x .~ t0], [t0, ZeroMatrix(z/(2))]]);  t1 := Matrix([[y .~ t0, ZeroMatrix(z/(2))], [ZeroMatrix(z/(2)), ZeroMatrix(z/(2))]]);  t0 := t; tn := t1;  end do;  else 'T'(n) end if; t0; end proc;"

Error, unterminated loop

"with(LinearAlgebra):  T := proc(n::integer)  local t0, tn, i, t, t1;  if (n>0) then t0 := Matrix(1, 1, 1); tn := Matrix(1,1,0);  for i from 1 to n do local z := 2^i;  t := Matrix([[Add(t0, tn), x .~ t0], [t0, ZeroMatrix(z/2)]]);  t1 := Matrix([[y .~ t0, ZeroMatrix(z/2)], [ZeroMatrix(z/2), ZeroMatrix(z/2)]]);  t0 := t; tn := t1;  end do;  else 'T'(n) end if; t0; end proc;"








Hello everyone. I was trying to code the recurrence relation given in the image below (without taking the mth power):


But, as I run the program, I am getting an "unterminated loop" error. Can someone please point out the mistake(s)?

rfin := proc(m::integer) 
local c, i, flg := 0;
for i from 0 to m do
	local b := i;
		c := b mod 3;
		if (c <> 2) then next else flg := 1; 
		end if;
		b := 1/3*b - 1/3*c;
	until b = 0;
	if evalb(flg = 0) then print(i); 
	end if; 
end do;
end proc;

Hello everyone. I've written a procedure that outputs all numbers <= a given user I/P whose ternary representation has no 2.

However, I get an "Error, unterminated loop" message. Can someone please out the mistake(s)?

Update:This bug ONLY occurs when the file title containing Chinese Characters.


The .mw files have already been associated with Maple 2020, but when clicking on any of them, Maple 2020 won't launch as expected and nothing actually will happen.
I have tried to reinstall Maple 2020, but the problem just keep existing.

The Windows version where the bug occurs is Windows 10 version 1909.

I'm using the 15 day trial as a Computer Science student. For my first project, Maple worked very well. I've been using the ApproximateInt() command. This command worked in the first assignment, and so I created a new document to start on my second assignment, and suddenly:

Entering the same ApproximateInt() command in a prompt line will not execute the command. Where it should display a plot of Riemann sums, it only displays the text I had entered. If I open the first document in which it was working properly, it also breaks upon re-iterating the command lines.

Image of expected behaviour:

Image taken right after pressing enter:

Is anyone familiar with this Maple behaviour? Thank you for any help. Meanwhile, I will attempt a reinstallation. The maple file is attached, as well.

P.S: Interestingly, the plot() command does work, as well as simple commands such as 1+2 (Displays "3")


Using a geometry package, I ran into a problem: the area() function returns the wrong value for square elements.

What am I doing wrong?



b := 2

h := 1

square(sq1, [point(A, 0, 0), point(B, b, 0), point(C, b, h), point(D, 0, h)])




draw([sq1, A(printtext = true), B(printtext = true), C(printtext = true), D(printtext = true)])


triangle(tr1, [point(A, 0, 0), point(B, b, 0), point(C, b, h)])




draw([tr1, A(printtext = true), B(printtext = true), C(printtext = true)])




b := .1

h := 1

square(sq2, [point(A, 0, 0), point(B, b, 0), point(C, b, h), point(D, 0, h)])




draw([sq2, A(printtext = true), B(printtext = true), C(printtext = true), D(printtext = true)])


triangle(tr2, [point(A, 0, 0), point(B, b, 0), point(C, b, h)])




draw([tr2, A(printtext = true), B(printtext = true), C(printtext = true)])





Word-cloud is popular function which many languages have as add-on. Sometime called tag-cloud.

"A tag cloud (word cloud or wordle or weighted list in visual design) is a novelty visual representation of text data"

I did help and did some google search, but can not find function in Maple. May be I did not search correctly.

In Mathematica is it called WordCloud. Here is an example of its use


And it returns this image back to the screen


Can one do the above in Maple? And what is the function name? Is it in special package?


Can one hope that next version of Maple will be able to solve the standard convection-diffusion pde in 1D?


in 1D. Even the most simple form with zero boundary conditions can't be solved.

sol:=pdsolve([pde,ic,bc],u(x,t)) assuming d>0,c>0,L>0

              sol := NULL

I tried some HINT's also but not all of them.

FYI, Mathematica 12.1 is now able to solve the above PDE



Is it possible I am overlooking some other option or a trick to obtain solution for the above using pdsolve? Only reason I am asking is that Maple can solve much more complicated PDE's and the above is one of the basic diffusion based PDE's. So I am surprised why Maple still can't solve this as it is just a seperation of variables method.

Maple 2020 on windows 10. Physics version 631

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