Maple 2021 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2021

intersections := proc(P, Q, T)
local R, W, w, t, a, b, sol, buff, v;
sol := []; if T = Y then W := X; else W := Y; end if;
R := resultant(P, Q, T);
print(`Résultant :`);
w := fsolve(R, W); t := [];
for v in [w] do t := [op(t), fsolve(subs(W = v, P), T)]; end do;
for a in [w] do for b in [t] do if T = Y then buff := abs(subs(X = a, Y = b, P)) + abs(subs(X = a, Y = b, Q));
printf(`X=%a,   Y=%a   --->  %a\\n`, a, b, buff); if buff < 1/100000000 then sol := [op(sol), [a, b]]; end if;
else buff := abs(subs(X = b, Y = a, P)) + abs(subs(X = b, Y = a, Q));
printf(`X=%a,   Y=%a   --->  %a\\n`, b, a, buff); if buff < 1/100000000 then sol := [op(sol), [b, a]];
end if; end if; end do; end do;
printf(`Nombre de solutions :  %a\\n`, nops(sol)); print(sol); end proc;
Try with :
intersections(X^2 + Y^2 - 1, X - Y, X); Would you like to develop this procedure which does not give the number of solutions ?Thank you.

On considère une ellipse x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-1=0 et 2 sommets de cette ellipse A(a,0) et B(0,b). On imagine une hyperbole équilatère variable passant par les points O, A et B. Cette courbe rencontre l'ellipse en 2 autres points A1 et B1. Montrer que la droite A1B1 passe par un point fixe. Même avec l'intelligence artificielle, je ne parviens pas à résoudre ce problème. Pourriez-vous d'aider. Merci.

Machine translation by moderator:

We consider an ellipse x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-1=0 and 2 vertices of this ellipse A(a,0) and B(0,b). We imagine a variable equilateral hyperbola passing through the points O, A and B. This curve meets the ellipse at 2 other points A1 and B1. Show that the line A1B1 passes through a fixed point. Even with artificial intelligence, I can't solve this problem. Could you help. Thank you.

On donne une ellipse rapportée à ses axes x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-1=0 et une droite (D) qui rencontre cette
courbe en 2 points A et B. 
On considère un cercle variable passant parles points A et B et on demande le lieu géométrique des points de rencontre des tangentes communes au cercle et à l'ellipse.
a := 5;
b := 3;
ellipse_eq := (x, y) -> x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 - 1;
m := 1;
c := -2;
line_eq := (x, y) -> y - m*x - c;
intersections := solve({line_eq(x, y) = 0, ellipse_eq(x, y) = 0}, {x, y}, explicit);
A := intersections[1];
B := intersections[2];
A := [VectorCalculus:-`+`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(25, 17^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1)), VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(15, sqrt(30)), 34^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1))), VectorCalculus:-`+`(VectorCalculus:-`-`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(9, 17^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1))), VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(15, sqrt(30)), 34^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1)))];
B := [VectorCalculus:-`+`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(25, 17^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1)), VectorCalculus:-`-`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(15, sqrt(30)), 34^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1)))), VectorCalculus:-`+`(VectorCalculus:-`-`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(9, 17^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1))), VectorCalculus:-`-`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(15, sqrt(30)), 34^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1))))];
center_x := VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`+`(A[1], B[1]), 2^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1));
center_y := VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`+`(A[2], B[2]), 2^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1));
radius := VectorCalculus:-`*`(sqrt(VectorCalculus:-`+`(VectorCalculus:-`+`(A[1], VectorCalculus:-`-`(B[1]))^2, VectorCalculus:-`+`(A[2], VectorCalculus:-`-`(B[2]))^2)), 2^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1));
circle_eq := (x, y) -> (x - center_x)^2 + (y - center_y)^2 - radius^2;
L := (x1, y1, x2, y2, lambda1, lambda2) -> (x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2 + lambda1*ellipse_eq(x1, y1) + lambda2*circle_eq(x2, y2);
eq1 := diff(L(x1, y1, x2, y2, lambda1, lambda2), x1);
eq2 := diff(L(x1, y1, x2, y2, lambda1, lambda2), y1);
eq3 := diff(L(x1, y1, x2, y2, lambda1, lambda2), x2);
eq4 := diff(L(x1, y1, x2, y2, lambda1, lambda2), y2);
eq5 := ellipse_eq(x1, y1);
eq6 := circle_eq(x2, y2);
sols := solve({eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6}, {lambda1, lambda2, x1, x2, y1, y2}, explicit);
lieu_geometrique := [seq([sols[i][1], sols[i][2]], i = 1 .. nops(sols))];
plot(lieu_geometrique, style = point, symbol = cross, color = red, title = "Lieu géométrique des points de rencontre");
Ce code m'a été donné en partie par l'intelligence artificielle (Mistral), mais il se plante. Pourriez-vous corriger les erreurs. Merci.

On considère un cercle fixe O et un point fixe A extérieur. Une sécante variable BC à ce cercle passe par un point fixe J.
Démontrer que le cercle ABC passe par un second point fixe P.
Proc := proc(m)
local xA, yA, xB, yB, xC, yC, xJ, yJ, tx, dr, Oo, c1, r, eqBJ, eq1, sol;
_EnvHorizontalName := 'x'; _EnvVerticalName := 'y';
xJ := 5; yJ := 1; geometry:-point(A, 2, 4); geometry:-point(J, xJ, yJ); geometry:-point(Oo, 0, 0);
r := 3; c1 := plottools[geometry:-circle]([0, 0], r, color = blue);
eqBJ := y = m*(x - xJ) + yJ; geometry:-line(BJ, eqBJ, [x, y]);
eq1 := x^2 + y^2 = r^2; sol := solve({eqBJ, eq1}, {x, y}, explicit);
xB := subs(sol[1], x); yB := subs(sol[1], y);
geometry:-point(B, xB, yB); xC := subs(sol[2], x); yC := subs(sol[2], y);
geometry:-point(C, xC, yC); geometry:-circle(c2, [A, B, C]); geometry:-line(AB, [A, B]); geometry:-line(AC, [A, C]);
eqBJ := y = m*(x - xJ) + yJ; geometry:-line(BJ, eqBJ, [x, y]);
eq1 := x^2 + y^2 = r^2; sol := solve({eqBJ, eq1}, {x, y},explicit);
xB := subs(sol[1], x); yB := subs(sol[1], y); geometry:-point(B, xB, yB);
xC := subs(sol[2], x); yC := subs(sol[2], y); geometry:-point(C, xC, yC);
geometry:-circle(c2, [A, B, C]); geometry:-line(AB, [A, B]); geometry:-line(AC, [A, C]);
tx := plots:-textplot([[geometry:-coordinates(A)[], "A"], [geometry:-coordinates(B)[], "B"], [geometry:-coordinates(C)[], "C"], [geometry:-coordinates(J)[], "J"]], font = [times, bold, 16], align = [above, right]);
dr := geometry:-draw([AB(color = black), c2(color = magenta), A(color = blue, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 16),
B(color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 16), C(color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 16),
J(color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 16)]); plots:-display([dr, c1, tx], axes = normal, view = [-5 .. 6, -4 .. 6], scaling = constrained);
end proc;
plots:-animate(Proc, [m], m = -0.9 .. 0.2*Pi, frames = 50);
Error, (in plots/animate) two lists or Vectors of numerical values expected
I am trying to find out point P; Thank you for your help.

Here are the source codes for the paper  "Gaps Between Integers Having a Common Divisor with an Odd Semi-prime"


gg := proc (x, y) return abs(x-y)-1 end proc

proc (x, y) return abs(x-y)-1 end proc


CopyArrayElem := proc (x, n) local y, i; y := Array(1 .. n); for i to n do y(i) := x(i) end do; return y end proc

proc (x, n) local y, i; y := Array(1 .. n); for i to n do y(i) := x(i) end do; return y end proc


PrintArray := proc (x, n) local i; for i to n do printf("%d, ", x(i)); if i = (1/2)*n then printf("|,") end if end do; printf("\n") end proc

proc (x, n) local i; for i to n do printf("%d, ", x(i)); if i = (1/2)*n then printf("|,") end if end do; printf("
") end proc


GapArray := proc (x, n) local i, y; y := Array(1 .. n-1); for i to n-1 do y(i) := gg(x(i), x(i+1)) end do; return y end proc

proc (x, n) local i, y; y := Array(1 .. n-1); for i to n-1 do y(i) := gg(x(i), x(i+1)) end do; return y end proc


ShiftArrayElem := proc (x, n, d) local i, y; y := Array(1 .. n); for i to n do y(i) := x(i)+d end do; return y end proc

proc (x, n, d) local i, y; y := Array(1 .. n); for i to n do y(i) := x(i)+d end do; return y end proc



"chost:=proc(p,q) local i,j,m; local Hpq,hh;   Hpq:=Array(1..p+q-2);  hh:=Array(1..p+q-2);    for i from 1 to q-1 do   Hpq(i):=i*p;   od;      for j from 1 to p-1 do;   Hpq(i++):=j*q;   od;   hh:=sort(Hpq);    return hh;    end proc "

proc (p, q) local i, j, m, Hpq, hh; Hpq := Array(1 .. p+q-2); hh := Array(1 .. p+q-2); for i to q-1 do Hpq(i) := i*p end do; for j to p-1 do Hpq(`++`(i)) := j*q end do; hh := sort(Hpq); return hh end proc


nGroup := proc (p, m) local j, n, ar; ar := Array(1 .. m); for j from 0 to m-1 do n := ceil((j+1)*p/m)-floor(j*p/m)-1; ar(j+1) := n end do; return ar end proc

proc (p, m) local j, n, ar; ar := Array(1 .. m); for j from 0 to m-1 do n := ceil((j+1)*p/m)-floor(j*p/m)-1; ar(j+1) := n end do; return ar end proc


Position := proc (ary, k) local i, pos; pos := 0; for i to k-1 do pos := pos+ary(i) end do; pos := pos+1; return pos end proc

proc (ary, k) local i, pos; pos := 0; for i to k-1 do pos := pos+ary(i) end do; pos := pos+1; return pos end proc


groups := proc (p, q, lm, m) local k, j, x, r, ll, rr, ni, bl, br, i; i := 1; printf("______\n"); for k from 0 to m-2 do ll := floor(k*p/m); rr := floor((k+1)*p/m); ni := rr-ll; for j to ni do r := (j+ll)*m-k*p; printf("(%d: %d),", i, r); if j = ni then printf(" # %d p-hosts after q-host %d\n", lm+1, i*q) end if; i := i+1 end do; printf("\n") end do; ll := floor((m-1)*p/m); rr := p-1; ni := rr-ll; for j to ni do r := (j+ll)*m-k*p; printf("(%d: %d),", i, r); i := i+1 end do; printf("\n______\n") end proc

proc (p, q, lm, m) local k, j, x, r, ll, rr, ni, bl, br, i; i := 1; printf("______
"); for k from 0 to m-2 do ll := floor(k*p/m); rr := floor((k+1)*p/m); ni := rr-ll; for j to ni do r := (j+ll)*m-k*p; printf("(%d: %d),", i, r); if j = ni then printf(" # %d p-hosts after q-host %d
", lm+1, i*q) end if; i := i+1 end do; printf("
") end do; ll := floor((m-1)*p/m); rr := p-1; ni := rr-ll; for j to ni do r := (j+ll)*m-k*p; printf("(%d: %d),", i, r); i := i+1 end do; printf("
") end proc


idx := proc (p, m) local i, r, ri; for i to p-1 do r := i*m-floor(i*m/p)*p; if r = 1 or r = p-1 then ri := i end if; printf("%d, ", r) end do; printf("\n"); return ri end proc

proc (p, m) local i, r, ri; for i to p-1 do r := i*m-floor(i*m/p)*p; if r = 1 or r = p-1 then ri := i end if; printf("%d, ", r) end do; printf("
"); return ri end proc


DoTest := proc (p, q) local k, i, j, x, y, r, ni, lambda, n, g, xx, ll, rr, w, pos, nj, hh, grp; n := p+q-2; g := Array(1 .. n-1); hh := chost(p, q); printf("Hosts of p and q are:\n"); PrintArray(hh, n); lambda := floor(q/p); r := q-lambda*p; printf("Lambda=%d\nr=%d\n", lambda, r); printf("The %d elements in S(r,p) are:\n", p-1); for i to p-1 do printf("%d,", i*r) end do; printf("\n"); printf("The %d elements in rZ(r,p) are:\n", p-1); for j to p-1 do x := j*r-floor(j*r/p)*p; printf("%d,", x) end do; printf("\n"); printf("The %d subsets are as follows:\n", r); groups(p, q, lambda, r); printf("The maximum gap is: %d \n", p-1); g := q-p-1; printf("Total number of maximum gaps is:%d\n", g); g := GapArray(hh, n); xx := CopyArrayElem(hh, n-1); dataplot(xx, g) end proc

proc (p, q) local k, i, j, x, y, r, ni, lambda, n, g, xx, ll, rr, w, pos, nj, hh, grp; n := p+q-2; g := Array(1 .. n-1); hh := chost(p, q); printf("Hosts of p and q are:
"); PrintArray(hh, n); lambda := floor(q/p); r := q-lambda*p; printf("Lambda=%d
", lambda, r); printf("The %d elements in S(r,p) are:
", p-1); for i to p-1 do printf("%d,", i*r) end do; printf("
"); printf("The %d elements in rZ(r,p) are:
", p-1); for j to p-1 do x := j*r-floor(j*r/p)*p; printf("%d,", x) end do; printf("
"); printf("The %d subsets are as follows:
", r); groups(p, q, lambda, r); printf("The maximum gap is: %d 
", p-1); g := q-p-1; printf("Total number of maximum gaps is:%d
", g); g := GapArray(hh, n); xx := CopyArrayElem(hh, n-1); dataplot(xx, g) end proc



DoTest(3, 5)


DoTest(5, 7)






DoTest(7, 9)


DoTest(11, 13)


DoTest(7, 11)



DoTest(5, 23)


DoTest(11, 47)


DoTest(13, 71)


DoTest(17, 29)


DoTest(23, 31)


DoTest(13, 23)


DoTest(11, 17)



DoTest(11, 29)


DoTest(13, 27)


DoTest(13, 79)


DoTest(11, 45)


DoTest(41, 71)


DoTest(47, 97)


DoTest(53, 103)


DoTest(101, 199)


DoTest(101, 205)


DoTest(23, 45)


DoTest(13, 25)


DoTest(13, 77)


DoTest(23, 93)


DoTest(23, 91)


DoTest(13, 25)


DoTest(13, 77)


DoTest(47, 91)


DoTest(53, 109)





How we can change identity like 1/sin(x)=csc(x) or 1/cos(x)=sec(x) sometime our function is beger than this and radical come in how i can do thus simplification?


M := sin(x)/cos(x)



convert(M, trig)









K := 1/sinh(x)



simplify(convert(K, trig))






Q := sqrt(beta[0]/(B[1]*cosh(xi*sqrt(-lambda))))





simplify((beta[0]/(B[1]*cosh(xi*(-lambda)^(1/2))))^(1/2), 'trig')





OneFrame := proc(k)
local Courbe, T, a, b, c, t, P, Q, NormM, F, Ell, sol, N1, N2, dr, tx;
a := 11; b := 7; c := sqrt(a^2 - b^2); t := 1/3*Pi;
Ell := x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1;
geometry:-point(T, (a^2 - b^2)*cos(t)^3/a, -(a^2 - b^2)*sin(t)^3/b);
Courbe := plots:-implicitplot(Ell, x = -a - 10 .. a + 10, y = -b - 10 .. b + 10, scaling = constrained, color = blue);
NormM := plots:-implicitplot(y - b*sin(t) = a*sin(t)*(x - a*cos(t))/(b*cos(t)), x = -a - 5 .. a + 10, y = -b - 10 .. b + 10, color = orange); geometry:-line(Per, y - b*sin(t) = a*sin(t)*(x - a*cos(t))/(b*cos(t)), [x, y]);
geometry:-point(P, subs(y = 0
, geometry:-Equation(Per), 0));
geometry:-point(Q, 0, subs(x = 0, geometry:-Equation(Per)));
geometry:-point(M, a*cos(t), b*sin(t));
geometry:-point(N1, a*cos(k), b*sin(k));
geometry:-point(F, 2.329411765, -2.567510609);
geometry:-line(L, N1, F);
sol := solve({geometry:-Equation(L), Ell}, {x, y},explicit);
geometry:-point(N2, subs(sol[2], x), subs(sol[2], y));
geometry:-segment(sg, N1, N2);
tx := plots:-textplot([[geometry:-coordinates(M)[], "M"],
[geometry:-coordinates(N1)[], "N1"], [geometry:-coordinates(N2)[], "N2"],
[geometry:-coordinates(P)[], "P"],
[geometry:-coordinates(Q)[], "Q"],
[geometry:-coordinates(F)[], "F point de Frégier"],
[geometry:-coordinates(T)[], "T"]], font = [times, bold, 16], align = [above, left]);
dr := geometry:-draw([sg(color = magenta, linestyle = dash),
Per(color = black), P(color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 12),
Q(color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 12),
M(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 12),
F(color = red, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 12),
N1(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 8),
N2(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 8),
T(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 8)]);
plots:-display(Courbe, tx, dr, scaling = constrained, axes = none); end proc;

plots:-animate(OneFrame, [k], k = Pi/3 .. Pi, frames = 50);
Error, (in plots/animate) wrong type of arguments
Why this animation does't work ? Thank you very much.

i use all code really sometime this is happen i can find each term seperatly without any factoring and collecting term i want all of them term by term i did all simplify code but i did't get result







`There is no more prime differentiation variable; all derivatives will be displayed as indexed functions`


F := l((V(xi)^(1/(2*m)))^(4*m-2)*(V(xi)^(1/(2*m))*((1/4)*V(xi)^(1/(2*m))*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)+(1/2)*V(xi)^(1/(2*m))*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))/(m*V(xi))-(1/2)*V(xi)^(1/(2*m))*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m*V(xi)^2))+(1/4)*(4*m+l-1)*(V(xi)^(1/(2*m)))^2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)))*a+4*m((V(xi)^(1/(2*m)))^(4*m-2)*(V(xi)^(1/(2*m))*((1/4)*V(xi)^(1/(2*m))*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)+(1/2)*V(xi)^(1/(2*m))*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))/(m*V(xi))-(1/2)*V(xi)^(1/(2*m))*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m*V(xi)^2))+(1/4)*(4*m+l-1)*(V(xi)^(1/(2*m)))^2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)))*a+b[5]*(V(xi)^(1/(2*m)))^(8*m)+b[4]*(V(xi)^(1/(2*m)))^(6*m)+b[3]*(V(xi)^(1/(2*m)))^(6*m)+b[2]*(V(xi)^(1/(2*m)))^(4*m)+(1/2)*b[6]*(V(xi)^(1/(2*m)))^2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*(2*m-1)*(V(xi)^(1/(2*m)))^(-2+2*m)/(m*V(xi)^2)+2*(V(xi)^(1/(2*m)))^(2*m-1)*((1/4)*V(xi)^(1/(2*m))*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)+(1/2)*V(xi)^(1/(2*m))*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))/(m*V(xi))-(1/2)*V(xi)^(1/(2*m))*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m*V(xi)^2))*m*b[6]+b[1]*(V(xi)^(1/(2*m)))^(2*m)-l*lambda = 0

l((V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m-2)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*((1/4)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)+(1/2)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))/(m*V(xi))-(1/2)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m*V(xi)^2))+(1/4)*(4*m+l-1)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)))*a+4*m((V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m-2)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*((1/4)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)+(1/2)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))/(m*V(xi))-(1/2)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m*V(xi)^2))+(1/4)*(4*m+l-1)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)))*a+b[5]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(8*m)+b[4]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)+b[3]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)+b[2]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)+(1/2)*b[6]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*(2*m-1)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(-2+2*m)/(m*V(xi)^2)+2*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m-1)*((1/4)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)+(1/2)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))/(m*V(xi))-(1/2)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m*V(xi)^2))*m*b[6]+b[1]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m)-l*lambda = 0


simplify(l((V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m-2)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*((1/4)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)+(1/2)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))/(m*V(xi))-(1/2)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m*V(xi)^2))+(1/4)*(4*m+l-1)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)))*a+4*m((V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m-2)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*((1/4)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)+(1/2)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))/(m*V(xi))-(1/2)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m*V(xi)^2))+(1/4)*(4*m+l-1)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)))*a+b[5]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(8*m)+b[4]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)+b[3]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)+b[2]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)+(1/2)*b[6]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*(2*m-1)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(-2+2*m)/(m*V(xi)^2)+2*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m-1)*((1/4)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m^2*V(xi)^2)+(1/2)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))/(m*V(xi))-(1/2)*V(xi)^((1/2)/m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2/(m*V(xi)^2))*m*b[6]+b[1]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m)-l*lambda = 0)

((V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*V(xi)*b[2]+((diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)*b[1])*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m)+V(xi)*((b[3]+b[4])*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)+l((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+4*m((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+b[5]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(8*m)-l*lambda))/V(xi) = 0


simplify(((V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*V(xi)*b[2]+((diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)*b[1])*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m)+V(xi)*((b[3]+b[4])*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)+l((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+4*m((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+b[5]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(8*m)-l*lambda))/V(xi) = 0)

((V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*V(xi)*b[2]+((diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)*b[1])*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m)+V(xi)*((b[3]+b[4])*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)+l((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+4*m((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+b[5]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(8*m)-l*lambda))/V(xi) = 0


numer(lhs(((V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*V(xi)*b[2]+((diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)*b[1])*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m)+V(xi)*((b[3]+b[4])*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)+l((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+4*m((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+b[5]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(8*m)-l*lambda))/V(xi) = 0))*denom(rhs(((V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*V(xi)*b[2]+((diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)*b[1])*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m)+V(xi)*((b[3]+b[4])*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)+l((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+4*m((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+b[5]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(8*m)-l*lambda))/V(xi) = 0)) = numer(rhs(((V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*V(xi)*b[2]+((diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)*b[1])*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m)+V(xi)*((b[3]+b[4])*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)+l((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+4*m((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+b[5]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(8*m)-l*lambda))/V(xi) = 0))*denom(lhs(((V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*V(xi)*b[2]+((diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)*b[1])*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m)+V(xi)*((b[3]+b[4])*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)+l((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+4*m((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+b[5]*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(8*m)-l*lambda))/V(xi) = 0))

(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*V(xi)*b[2]+(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m)*V(xi)*b[1]+(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)*V(xi)*b[3]+(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)*V(xi)*b[4]+V(xi)*l((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+4*V(xi)*m((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(8*m)*V(xi)*b[5]-V(xi)*l*lambda+(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m)*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6] = 0


simplify((V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*V(xi)*b[2]+(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m)*V(xi)*b[1]+(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)*V(xi)*b[3]+(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(6*m)*V(xi)*b[4]+V(xi)*l((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+4*V(xi)*m((1/4)*(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(4*m)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/(m^2*V(xi)^2))*a+(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(8*m)*V(xi)*b[5]-V(xi)*l*lambda+(V(xi)^((1/2)/m))^(2*m)*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6] = 0, 'symbolic')

V(xi)*(l((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+4*m((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)^4*b[5]+(b[3]+b[4])*V(xi)^3+V(xi)^2*b[2]+V(xi)*b[1]-l*lambda) = 0


simplify(V(xi)*(l((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+4*m((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)^4*b[5]+(b[3]+b[4])*V(xi)^3+V(xi)^2*b[2]+V(xi)*b[1]-l*lambda) = 0)

V(xi)*(l((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+4*m((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)^4*b[5]+(b[3]+b[4])*V(xi)^3+V(xi)^2*b[2]+V(xi)*b[1]-l*lambda) = 0


normal(V(xi)*(l((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+4*m((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)^4*b[5]+(b[3]+b[4])*V(xi)^3+V(xi)^2*b[2]+V(xi)*b[1]-l*lambda) = 0, ':-expanded')

V(xi)^3*b[2]+V(xi)^2*b[1]+V(xi)^4*b[3]+V(xi)^4*b[4]+V(xi)*l((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*l+2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*m)/m^2)*a+4*V(xi)*m((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*l+2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*m)/m^2)*a+V(xi)^5*b[5]-V(xi)*l*lambda+V(xi)*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6] = 0


normal(V(xi)^3*b[2]+V(xi)^2*b[1]+V(xi)^4*b[3]+V(xi)^4*b[4]+V(xi)*l((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*l+2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*m)/m^2)*a+4*V(xi)*m((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*l+2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*m)/m^2)*a+V(xi)^5*b[5]-V(xi)*l*lambda+V(xi)*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6] = 0)

V(xi)^3*b[2]+V(xi)^2*b[1]+V(xi)^4*b[3]+V(xi)^4*b[4]+V(xi)*l((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*l+2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*m)/m^2)*a+4*V(xi)*m((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*l+2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*m)/m^2)*a+V(xi)^5*b[5]-V(xi)*l*lambda+V(xi)*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6] = 0



(4*V(xi)^3*b[2]+4*V(xi)^2*b[1]+4*V(xi)^4*b[3]+4*V(xi)^4*b[4]+4*V(xi)*l((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*l+2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*m)/m^2)*a+16*V(xi)*m((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*l+2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*m)/m^2)*a+4*V(xi)^5*b[5]-4*V(xi)*l*lambda+4*V(xi)*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6])*m^2 = 0


simplify((4*V(xi)^3*b[2]+4*V(xi)^2*b[1]+4*V(xi)^4*b[3]+4*V(xi)^4*b[4]+4*V(xi)*l((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*l+2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*m)/m^2)*a+16*V(xi)*m((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*l+2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*m)/m^2)*a+4*V(xi)^5*b[5]-4*V(xi)*l*lambda+4*V(xi)*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6])*m^2 = 0)

4*V(xi)*m^2*(l((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+4*m((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)^4*b[5]+(b[3]+b[4])*V(xi)^3+V(xi)^2*b[2]+V(xi)*b[1]-l*lambda) = 0


simplify(4*V(xi)*m^2*(l((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+4*m((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)^4*b[5]+(b[3]+b[4])*V(xi)^3+V(xi)^2*b[2]+V(xi)*b[1]-l*lambda) = 0, 'symbolic')

4*V(xi)*m^2*(l((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+4*m((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)^4*b[5]+(b[3]+b[4])*V(xi)^3+V(xi)^2*b[2]+V(xi)*b[1]-l*lambda) = 0


normal(4*V(xi)*m^2*(l((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+4*m((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(l+2*m)*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2)/m^2)*a+(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+V(xi)^4*b[5]+(b[3]+b[4])*V(xi)^3+V(xi)^2*b[2]+V(xi)*b[1]-l*lambda) = 0, ':-expanded')

4*V(xi)^5*m^2*b[5]+4*V(xi)^4*m^2*b[3]+4*V(xi)^4*m^2*b[4]+4*V(xi)^3*m^2*b[2]+4*V(xi)*m^2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*b[6]+4*V(xi)^2*m^2*b[1]+4*V(xi)*m^2*l((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*l+2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*m)/m^2)*a+16*V(xi)*m^2*m((1/4)*(2*(diff(diff(V(xi), xi), xi))*V(xi)*m+(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*l+2*(diff(V(xi), xi))^2*m)/m^2)*a-4*V(xi)*m^2*l*lambda = 0




When i want reploting with the parameter i make them shorter by hand, make a problem for me and give me the same graph how fixed this problem? there is any code write in begind and give me all number about 2 decimal?


K := [alpha = .33101604, theta = -2.54098361, mu = 4.89071038, k = 5.0, A[1] = 2.70491803, a = 3.63387978]

[alpha = .33101604, theta = -2.54098361, mu = 4.89071038, k = 5.0, A[1] = 2.70491803, a = 3.63387978]


MapleTA:-Builtin:-decimal(2, 20.8571)



MapleTA:-Builtin:-decimal(2, K)

Error, (in MapleTA:-Builtin:-decimal) invalid input: round expects its 1st argument, a1, to be of type algebraic, but received [100*(alpha = .33101604), 100*(theta = -2.54098361), 100*(mu = 4.89071038), 100*(k = 5.0), 100*(A[1] = 2.70491803), 100*(a = 3.63387978)]




i found thus condition which if we substitute in equation must be equal to zero, i don't know  how i can get zero

each time i use this i did not have any problem but this equation not seperate any one know what is problem?




`There is no more prime differentiation variable; all derivatives will be displayed as indexed functions`



P := U(xi)^3*mu*C[2]*h[9]+(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*a*k*mu+4*(diff(U(xi), xi))*k*mu^3*C[2]*h[7]-4*(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi))*k^3*mu*C[2]*h[7]-U(xi)^3*mu*C[2]*h[8]+I*(diff(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi), xi))*k^4*C[2]*h[7]+I*(diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*C[2]*h[9]-(6*I)*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*k^2*mu^2*C[2]*h[7]+I*U(xi)*mu^4*C[2]*h[7]-I*(diff(U(xi), xi))*v-U(xi)*w+b*U(xi)^3-U(xi)*a*mu^2+(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*a*k^2+I*(diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*C[2]*h[8]+C[1](-U(xi)^3*mu^2*h[2]+(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*mu*h[4]-(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*mu*h[5]+(diff(U(xi), xi))^2*U(xi)*k^2*h[2]-U(xi)^3*mu^2*h[5]+U(xi)^2*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*k^2*h[5]-(4*(diff(U(xi), xi))*I)*k*mu^3*h[1]+4*(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi))*k^3*mu*h[1]*I+(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*mu*h[2]+h[6]*U(xi)^5-U(xi)^3*mu^2*h[4]+U(xi)^2*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*k^2*h[4]+U(xi)*mu^4*h[1]-6*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*k^2*mu^2*h[1]+(diff(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi), xi))*k^4*h[1]+h[3](k^2*(diff(U(xi), xi))^2+2*(0+I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*k*mu*U(xi)-mu^2*U(xi)^2)*U(xi)) = 0

U(xi)^3*mu*C[2]*h[9]+I*(diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*C[2]*h[8]+4*(diff(U(xi), xi))*k*mu^3*C[2]*h[7]-4*(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi))*k^3*mu*C[2]*h[7]-U(xi)^3*mu*C[2]*h[8]+I*(diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*C[2]*h[9]-(6*I)*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*k^2*mu^2*C[2]*h[7]+I*U(xi)*mu^4*C[2]*h[7]-I*(diff(U(xi), xi))*v+(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*a*k*mu-U(xi)*w+b*U(xi)^3-U(xi)*a*mu^2+(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*a*k^2+I*(diff(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi), xi))*k^4*C[2]*h[7]+C[1](-U(xi)^3*mu^2*h[2]+(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*mu*h[4]-(4*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*k*mu^3*h[1]+(diff(U(xi), xi))^2*U(xi)*k^2*h[2]-U(xi)^3*mu^2*h[5]+U(xi)^2*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*k^2*h[5]+(4*I)*(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi))*k^3*mu*h[1]-(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*mu*h[5]+(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*mu*h[2]+h[6]*U(xi)^5-U(xi)^3*mu^2*h[4]+U(xi)^2*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*k^2*h[4]+U(xi)*mu^4*h[1]-6*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*k^2*mu^2*h[1]+(diff(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi), xi))*k^4*h[1]+h[3](k^2*(diff(U(xi), xi))^2+(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*k*mu*U(xi)-mu^2*U(xi)^2)*U(xi)) = 0



Re(U(xi)^3*mu*C[2]*h[9]+4*(diff(U(xi), xi))*k*mu^3*C[2]*h[7]-4*(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi))*k^3*mu*C[2]*h[7]-U(xi)^3*mu*C[2]*h[8]-U(xi)*w+b*U(xi)^3-U(xi)*a*mu^2+(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*a*k^2+C[1](-U(xi)^3*mu^2*h[2]+(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*mu*h[4]-(4*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*k*mu^3*h[1]+(diff(U(xi), xi))^2*U(xi)*k^2*h[2]-U(xi)^3*mu^2*h[5]+U(xi)^2*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*k^2*h[5]+(4*I)*(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi))*k^3*mu*h[1]-(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*mu*h[5]+(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*mu*h[2]+h[6]*U(xi)^5-U(xi)^3*mu^2*h[4]+U(xi)^2*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*k^2*h[4]+U(xi)*mu^4*h[1]-6*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*k^2*mu^2*h[1]+(diff(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi), xi))*k^4*h[1]+h[3](k^2*(diff(U(xi), xi))^2+(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*k*mu*U(xi)-mu^2*U(xi)^2)*U(xi)))-Im((diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*C[2]*h[8]+(diff(U(xi), xi))*U(xi)^2*k*C[2]*h[9]-6*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*k^2*mu^2*C[2]*h[7]+U(xi)*mu^4*C[2]*h[7]-(diff(U(xi), xi))*v+2*(diff(U(xi), xi))*a*k*mu+(diff(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi), xi))*k^4*C[2]*h[7]) = 0




I have  a big problem in transformation How we can do suh transformation in  type of  procure  without use any hand work for example in physic abs|-| remove the exponential term how the maple remove that term automatically and collect all term and do my transformation this example is really hard one which is must do a lot by hand and mixed them which maybe a week take my time to get results and how i reach the results without spending that time i have a result of this equation and i am try to get but i don't know the results of this person is correct or not but i will share in here,  i did some try i will share in here too if in DEchange add U(xi) it will work and give me the other step but i need something more effective, when q^* is conjugate of q =exp(-ipsi(x,t))U(xi)







`There is no more prime differentiation variable; all derivatives will be displayed as indexed functions`




tr := {t = tau, x = xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+theta, u(x, t) = U(xi)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta)), u[1](x, t) = U(xi)*exp(-I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))}

{t = tau, x = xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+theta, u(x, t) = U(xi)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta)), u[1](x, t) = U(xi)*exp(-I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))}


pde := I*(I*U(xi)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)-mu*tau+theta))*w-exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(U(xi), xi))*v)+a*(diff(u(x, t), `$`(x, 2)))+b*U(xi)^2*u(x, t)+C[1](h[1]*(diff(u(x, t), `$`(x, 4)))+h[2]*(diff(u(x, t), x))^2*u[1](x, t)+h[3]*abs(diff(u(x, t), x))^2*u(x, t)+h[4]*U(xi)^2*(diff(u(x, t), `$`(x, 2)))+h[5]*u(x, t)^2*(diff(u[1](x, t), `$`(x, 2)))+h[6]*U(xi)^4*u(x, t))+I*C[2]*(h[7]*(diff(u(x, t), `$`(x, 4)))+h[8]*U(xi)^2*(diff(u(x, t), x))+h[9]*u(x, t)^2*(diff(u[1](x, t), x))) = 0

I*(I*U(xi)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)-mu*tau+theta))*w-exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(U(xi), xi))*v)+a*(diff(diff(u(x, t), x), x))+b*U(xi)^2*u(x, t)+C[1](h[1]*(diff(diff(diff(diff(u(x, t), x), x), x), x))+h[2]*(diff(u(x, t), x))^2*u[1](x, t)+h[3]*abs(diff(u(x, t), x))^2*u(x, t)+h[4]*U(xi)^2*(diff(diff(u(x, t), x), x))+h[5]*u(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(u[1](x, t), x), x))+h[6]*U(xi)^4*u(x, t))+I*C[2]*(h[7]*(diff(diff(diff(diff(u(x, t), x), x), x), x))+h[8]*U(xi)^2*(diff(u(x, t), x))+h[9]*u(x, t)^2*(diff(u[1](x, t), x))) = 0



PDEtools:-dchange(tr, pde, [xi, tau, U, U(xi)])

I*(I*U(xi)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)-mu*tau+theta))*w-exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(U(xi), xi))*v)+a*((2*I)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(U(xi), xi))/k+exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))-U(xi)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))/k^2)*k^2+b*U(xi)^3*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))+C[1](h[1]*(-(4*I)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(U(xi), xi))/k^3-6*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))/k^2+(4*I)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi))/k+exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi), xi))+U(xi)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))/k^4)*k^4+h[2]*(exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(U(xi), xi))+I*U(xi)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))/k)^2*k^2*U(xi)*exp(-I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))+h[3]*abs((exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(U(xi), xi))+I*U(xi)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))/k)*k)^2*U(xi)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))+h[4]*U(xi)^2*((2*I)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(U(xi), xi))/k+exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))-U(xi)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))/k^2)*k^2+h[5]*U(xi)^2*(exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta)))^2*((diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*exp(-I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))-(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*exp(-I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))/k-U(xi)*exp(-I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))/k^2)*k^2+h[6]*U(xi)^5*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta)))+I*C[2]*(h[7]*(-(4*I)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(U(xi), xi))/k^3-6*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))/k^2+(4*I)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi))/k+exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(diff(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi), xi), xi))+U(xi)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))/k^4)*k^4+h[8]*U(xi)^2*(exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))*(diff(U(xi), xi))+I*U(xi)*exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))/k)*k+h[9]*U(xi)^2*(exp(I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta)))^2*((diff(U(xi), xi))*exp(-I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))-I*U(xi)*exp(-I*(xi/k+v*tau^alpha/(k*alpha)+mu*tau+theta))/k)*k) = 0




@Rouben Rostamian  

Dear Sir Professor Rostamian my name is Viorel Popescu from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest if you remember in the summer of 2019 you helped me to solve the equation: rH''(r)+H'(r)+(rk^2-r^2*b^2/R^2)H(r)=0 where k, b, and R are real constants positive number, with condition H(R)=0 and H'(1/R)=R. I appreciate it very much, please I'm in a similarly embarrassing situation to beg you for an answer. I want to find the equation of audion and complete the experiment

My account in Maple Primes is the same michaelvio (35) as the email and also it's an experiment that I want to make for my PhD. Practically I suppose that the energy can be approx. as a series of power of frequency t from I selected severaral terms Ea := 0.00762014687*t + a*t^2 + b*t^3 + c*t^4 + d*t^5 and I guess that satisfies an equation as in the document. The case of photons is beyond my possibility, but a little help from a distinguished Professor as you should cheer me up


Please help! 


How merge or combine two or more 3D plot together ? and How many 3D plot exist for describe graph ? and how we can transfer this combine plot to another program like matlab?

Maple is  good for decribe plot  and very faster from other program but for visualization and some other stuff we need other language program, so how we can combine the plot and how we transfer this plot another program like matlab i know the matlab have special template for this kind plot but i didn't have the template if any one have it it will be  awesome?


Hi all
I have a simple problem with the following matrix entries. I probably have a problem with the indices. Because the matrix is ​​not calculated correctly. Anyone have suggestion?

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