Maple 2021 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2021

In Maple, when calling LinearAlgebra:-Eigenvectors the order can change randomally each time. Ofcourse the result is always correct, but can show up in different order. 

I find this confusing, as I am looking at the screen, and see order changed each time. This is the order of how Maple shows the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors.

Why does Maple do this? Is there a way to have same order given each time? Here is an example. If you run this code twice, most likely you will get different order each time. If not, try the command one more time.

lambda, v :=LinearAlgebra:-Eigenvectors(Sy);

screen shot

I thought there might be a global option to tell Maple not to do this? 

Again, answer is correct each time. I just like same output to show each time, as it is less confusing. Sometimes I think I did something wrong when I see different output show up for same command.



sometimes I get expressions with sqrt(n)/n in them where n is positive integer. I'd like Maple to simplify this to 1/sqrt(n).

So sqrt(2)/2 will becomes 1/sqrt(2). I find this simpler.

Here is an example

v:=Vector([1/2, -1/2*sqrt(2), 1/2]);

and tried few other things. 

is there a trick to do this? This is the case where all the expression have actual numerical integers in them (not symbolic), just like the above example. These come from numerical examples. 


Before I put in a change request to make LinearAlgebra:-Equal the "is" of matrix/vector options, I wonder is there something else I should be doing.

Few months ago, someone was kind enough to send me an email letting me know that in Maple 2021 the following new change will be in Object

I am attending a workshop on OOP.  In Maple 2021, one will be able 
to invoke a method of an instance of an object with the  syntax:  object_name:-method_name

However, I am not able to get the above to work in Maple 2021. And I looked at the help pages and see no such example. This is what I tried

module person()
    option object;
    local name := "me";   

    export get_name::static := proc( self::person, $ )

    export set_name::static := proc( self::person, name, $ )


p:=Object( person ); #create object


Error, invalid input: person:-get_name uses a 1st argument, self (of type person), which is missing

What changes are needed in the above code to be able to use  obj:-method()  syntax?

Or is it possible that this change did not go into Maple 2021?




I can't find the toolbar for drawing i Maple 2021. 

Can anyone help me? I'm using Macbook.


I try to clik on at picture but I can't see it.

I try to insert a drawnig but I can't see it.


Hope someone can help me.

Would be nice if someone could add Maple 2021 to Software Change Requests list.

Right now Maple 2021 is unusable for us due to a big problem related to saving workbooks.

I get the degree sequence of a graph, I want to create more graphs, but maple seems to only get the only graph.

Is there a good way to get more, a foolish dream, can we get all the graphs that satisfy this degree sequence condition?

G := SequenceGraph(L):




Anyone have a problem with non-appearance of the animation toolbar in Maple 2021????


Whilst coming up with a response for the problem here

I found an issue with the non-appearance of the animation toolbar in Maple 2021. This is rather difficult to illustrate without the use of screenshots, for which I apologise.

Normally(?) I would just select a plot and the animation toolbar appears "as if by magic"

First screen shot is using Maple 2020, The blue highlighting rectangle around the plot was visible when I initiated the snip, but disappeared when the snipping tool activated. However this shows that the animation toolbar is available (and works)

I do exactly the same thing in  Maple 2021 and I can't make the animation toolbar appear - see below. Aagain the plot wa highlighted when I initiated the snip but the highlighting disappeared when the snipping tool activated. Now there is no sign of the animation toolbar

It is still possible to do very basic animation in Maple 2021 by clicking on the plot and using the context menu - but this is very basic

The code used in the above plots is given supplied below

         ( [ seq
             ( plot
               ( Vector([1, 3, 4, 6]),
                 Vector([8, 6, 2, 5]),
                 style = point,
                 symbol = j,
                 symbolsize = 40,
                 color = blue
               j in [ asterisk, box, circle, cross, diagonalcross,
                      diamond, point, solidbox, solidcircle, soliddiamond
           insequence = true

Is it just me?

Consider an easy example of a table.


We can give an index to it and get its corresponding entry if exists.


We can also get the set of all indices, or the set of all entries. But what about receiving the index or set of indices with a specific entry. for example asking what indices have the entry `1`?

Of course I can define a search procedure myself, but I thought there might be an efficient way which is already implemented as a function/method on tables.

This is new exception generated by Maple pdsolve in 2021. Different from the last post I gave on pdsolve. So I thought it will be better to keep them separate since the causes are different.

pde :=  diff(w(x,y,z),x)+(a1*x^n1*y+b1*x^m1)*diff(w(x,y,z),y)+(a2*x^n2*y+b2*x^m1)*diff(w(x,y,z),z)= 0;

#another example

local gamma:
pde := diff(w(x,y,z),x)+(a1*x^n1*y+ b1*x^m1)*diff(w(x,y,z),y)+(a2*x^n2*y+b2*x^m2)*diff(w(x,y,z),z)=c2*x^k2*y+c1*x^k1*z;


Error, (in GAMMA) numeric exception: division by zero

The same PDE works in 2020.2. The answer it gives is large so will not show it all below.

Screen shots

Maple 2021


Maple 2020.2

All on windows 10.

Do other see the same error? What causes it?


I noticed number of pde's now fail in Maple 2021 with the error 

          int/gbinthm/structure INVALID subscript selector

but they do not fail in Maple 2020.2.

Here are few   examples

pde :=a*x^n*diff(w(x,y),x) + n*x^m*y*diff(w(x,y),y) =s*x^p*y^q+d;

pde :=a*x^n*diff(w(x,y),x) + n*x^m*y*diff(w(x,y),y)=c*x^k*y^s+d; 

pde :=a*x^n*diff(w(x,y),x)+b*x^m*y*diff(w(x,y),y) =  (c*x^k*y^s + d)*w(x,y);

pde :=  a*diff(w(x,y),x)+ y*diff(w(x,y),y) = b*w(x,y)+ c*x^n*y^m;


Error, (in int/gbinthm/structure) invalid subscript selector

While in Maple 2020.2 they all work. Screen shot

Maple 2021


Maple 2020.2


Any idea why this happens? Do others see the same error?



I've experienced problems a couple of times when trying to save a workbook in Maple 2021.

At first I thought it was due to a unstable VPN connection, but this also happens on a local drive.

This is just an obervation. May be due to me missing some clarification.

My understanding is that in Maple 2021, one can now export a complete Maple worksheet/document to Latex successfuly.

According to  it says under "Latex export"
  Export is available for individual expressions or the entire document, though the latex command

So I would have expected that now all the online PDF documents for the new features in Maple 2021 to be generated from Latex for better formatting.

But when going over number of documents, they do not appear to have converted to Latex before generating the PDF.

Even the PDF document about the new latex command does not appear to have been generated from Latex. I can quickly recognize a PDF that was generated from Latex, and these PDF files are clearly not.

Looking at sample PDF from Maple website, it says the generator is "iText" and not latex compiler.

It looks like these documents were just a direct export of the Maple worksheet to PDF, instead of being exporting to Latex first, and then compiled to PDF.

Am I missing something? Why not take advantage of the Maple Latex export, and convert all the documents to Latex first and then generate the PDF from Latex? This would make them look much better in terms of formatting and math rendering.

Here are some examples

Why did not Maple documentation take advantage of the new export command of Maple's latex command? This would also have been a good way and an opportunity to show case the effectiveness of the new latex export command.

May be it was not done due to time constraint before the release date of maple 2021? Or are there other technical reasons?



Dear all,

I believe there is a bug in integration of square of Jacobi sine function.

Here is what I did:

u := int(JacobiSN(x, k)^2, x);

The result I got is
                  x - EllipticE(JacobiSN(x, k), k)
             u := --------------------------------
However, according to  Handbook of elliptic integrals for engineers and scientists by Byrd and Friedman Eq (310.02), it is supposed to be  

                  x - EllipticE(JacobiAM(x, k), k)
             u := --------------------------------


 Note that I tried also to integrate first and third power of JacobiSN a the results are in agreement with the book.

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