MapleSim 2016 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MapleSim 2016

Hi all,

I am new to maplesim and trying to learn it.

While simulation of the battery operated 4 wheeled driven electric vehicle 

it tells can't find solution.



Same time if i connect a fixed reference all four wheels are running (same place) but not moving since the frame fixed.




thank you..



I would like to ask, if somebody knows whether the CAD Toolbox is included in the students version and if not how much is it?



I'm writting a Modelica External component which use a C function, like this :

model SAMS.BlockUdpReceiver
    parameter Integer relativeSockId = 0 "Relative socket id (0..10)";
    parameter Integer stateUdp = 2 "state of receiver 1=receive data from udp ; 2=state from recorder config file";
    parameter Real step_time = 0.05 "sample time in second";
    parameter Integer nbDouble = 3 "number of double value to send";

    function udpReceiveDataMapleSim
        input Integer relativeSockId;
        input Integer stateUdp;
        input Real step_time;
        input Real currentTime;
        input Integer nbDouble;
        output Real dataToReceived[nbDouble];
    external "C"udpReceiveDataMapleSim(SAMS.BlockUdpReceiver.udpReceiveDataMapleSim.relativeSockId, SAMS.BlockUdpReceiver.udpReceiveDataMapleSim.stateUdp, SAMS.BlockUdpReceiver.udpReceiveDataMapleSim.step_time, SAMS.BlockUdpReceiver.udpReceiveDataMapleSim.currentTime, SAMS.BlockUdpReceiver.udpReceiveDataMapleSim.nbDouble, SAMS.BlockUdpReceiver.udpReceiveDataMapleSim.dataToReceived)
            annotation (
                Library = "F:/SAMSSVN/workspaceMaple/SamsLibrary/x64/Debug/SamsDll.dll",
                __Maplesoft_callconv = "stdcall");
    end udpReceiveDataMapleSim;

    Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput dataReceived[nbDouble] annotation (Placement(
        visible = true,
            origin = {120, 50},
            extent = {
                {-20, -20},
                {20, 20}},
            rotation = 0),
            origin = {110, 50},
            extent = {
                {-10, -10},
                {10, 10}},
            rotation = 0)));
    when {initial(), sample(0, step_time)} then
        dataReceived = udpReceiveDataMapleSim(relativeSockId, stateUdp, step_time, time, nbDouble);
    end when;

    annotation (
        Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {
            {-100, -100},
            {100, 100}})),
        experiment(__Maplesoft_engine = 2),
end SAMS.BlockUdpReceiver;

I want MapleSim to call C function at initial() time and with a sampled period of step_time.

But, the function is called at each simulation step (here at 0.4 ms)

for demonstrate it, I print a log file each time the function is called.
this is a part of the result :

id Receiver =11 ; CurrentTime = 0.151200 while t_step=0.002000
id Receiver =11 ; CurrentTime = 0.151200 while t_step=0.002000
id Receiver =11 ; CurrentTime = 0.151200 while t_step=0.002000

id Receiver =11 ; CurrentTime = 0.151600 while t_step=0.002000
id Receiver =11 ; CurrentTime = 0.151600 while t_step=0.002000
id Receiver =11 ; CurrentTime = 0.151600 while t_step=0.002000

id Receiver =11 ; CurrentTime = 0.152000 while t_step=0.002000
id Receiver =11 ; CurrentTime = 0.152000 while t_step=0.002000
id Receiver =11 ; CurrentTime = 0.152000 while t_step=0.002000

Why C function is called so many time (3 times in a step), and why is called for each simulation step (0.4ms) instead of each 2 ms ?

Maybe I make a bug in my Modelica code ? or not ?

thanks for any reply.



I have an industrial robot model and I need to define constraints for the revolute joints. For example, R2 joint is only allowed to move between -165 to 165 degrees. Could you please tell me how I can impose these constraints?

Thank you.


We have just released a major update to MapleSim and the MapleSim family of products. This update includes significant enhancements in the areas of model development and toolchain connectivity, including:

  • Live simulations let you see results as the simulation is running, so you can track progress and react to problems immediately.
  • A new 3-D overlay option lets you easily compare simulation visualizations by overlaying one visualization on top of another
  • Tools for revision control enable a structured approach to managing and tracking changes to your model, making it easier to manage projects when multiple engineers are working on the same model and reducing development risk.
  • MapleSim now supports direct import of models created in other FMI-compatible software, providing even greater cross-tool compatibility and opportunities for co-simulation.
  • The MapleSim Connector, for connectivity with Simulink®, and the MapleSim Connector for FMI, for exporting MapleSim models to other FMI-compatible tools, have been expanded to allow you to explore simulation results involving exported MapleSim models from within MapleSim, even though the simulation was done in the target tool.


This update is being distributed through the automatic Check for Updates system, and is also available from our website. See the MapleSim 2016.2  downloads page for details on obtaining this update.



Hello guys..

I am a master student and I am interested in modelling of six dof industrial robots. in this study, ı firtsly import autocad model into Maplesim and add revolute jont between each  two link. I want to coriolisis matrix from the model with inertia matriix . I wait your helping and thanks for your interest   

If you try and scroll a page up or down, it just selects the content.  How hard would it be to fix this?

I am working on modelling a helicopter blade. Maplesim's Flexible Beam model cannot handle composite material cross section and pre-twist angle. I need to build a custom component based on Hodges's beam model. When I use the Custom Component template, add port and choose port type, there is no "frame" type, which is needed to connect other multibody components. Is it possible to create custom multibody component? If so, how can I make it? Thanks! 

where i can found oscilloscope icon for cisuit simulation?thanks


MapleSim 2016 is here!

MapleSim 2016 provides variety of improvements to streamline the user experience, expand modeling scope, and enhance connectivity with other tools. Here are some highlights:

  • Collapsible task panes provide a larger model workspace, so you can see more of your model at once.
  • Improved layout ensures the tools you need for your current task are available at your fingertips.
  • The expanded Multibody component library now supports contact modeling.
  • A new add-on library, the MapleSim Pneumatics Library from Modelon, supports the modeling and simulation of pneumatic systems.
  • The MapleSim CAD Toolbox has been extended to support the latest versions of Inventor®, NX®, SOLIDWORKS®, CATIA® V5, Solid Edge®, PTC® Creo Parametric™, and more.
  • The MapleSim Connector, which provides connectivity to Simulink®, now supports single precision export of S-functions so you can run your MapleSim models on hardware that only supports single precision.

See What’s New in MapleSim 2016 for more information about these and other improvements.



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