MapleSim 6 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, MapleSim 6

I am trying to model a parallel manipulator but I am receiving an error message

State variable'diff(diff(`Main.R41.theta`(t),t),t)' does not appear in dynamic or constraint equations.

I tried changing the Revolute joint 41 but the same error is repeated. 

You can find my model here: ParalelManipulator_v2.msim

Can you help me solve this issue? Thank you in advance!

Hello everyone,

I have modeled a parallel manipulator using MapleSim 6.4 and it is giving me an error.


The types of joint are shown by the visual below. Note that in my model I have used a universal joint or two coinciding revolute joints instead of a speherical joint.

I have recently reinstalled the MapleSim 6.4 but the probe windows do not appeaar anymore.

The image below shows that there are 3 probes (none are disabled) and when I run the simulation nothing happens.,

Hi, i don't know what happened but every time that I run the simulation appears this: 

invalid input: Multibody:-GetMultibodyData expects its 4th argument, lsProbes, to be of type list(list), but received registerMultibodyVariable

If anyone can solve this problem, I am going to be very grateful. Thanks


Hello everyone,

I am making a mobile robot simulation in the MapleSim environment and I need to create varriable (uneven) terrain, do I need an additional library for that?

If not how can I do so?

Thanks for your time!


Hello everyone,

I am trying to create a custom component to find the minimum between 3 values.

I know that in Maple it is done by:

l := [5, 2, 3];
min(l[1], l[2], l[3]);

However I could not do the same with a custom component. I provided a screenshot below, where h(1), h(2), and h(3) are my input values and min(h1,h2,h3) is my output.

Thanks in advance,


Hi everyone,

I need some help with the following error,

How can i solve this problem?

Thanks for your time

Best regards,


Hi, so I am a newbie with simulation on maplesim. I've made a simulation of the lower part of a humanoid robot and I attempt to input angles to the joints from an excel file.

However, after adding my file .xls to the data set and linking it to a time lookup table, I get this error:

unable to store Time when datatype=float[8] Main

Havent installed any add-ins, I am working with excel 2007, Maplesim 6.4 and Maple 18.

Any insight on the problem would be of great help.

Thank you

The following error occurred when I simulate a build-in model, anyone could help me to solve this problem? Thanks first


I make a new parameter in MapleSim, but I don't konw why it becomes to something as shown in the above figure.

In MapleSim environment, I can see these code, but I find that I cannot edit them.

Is there a method that I can edit these codes?

Thank you.


Hi everybody,

is it possible to define an homokinetic joint in MapleSim for multibody modeling? How can I do that?




I used to use windows 32 bit, but I have 64 bit windows now. I installed the MapleSim 6.4 and Maple 18 and try to run the simulations that I created with the 32 bit windows. I have this error 'Unable to compile (rc=1), please try again, and if that fails verify your Windows compiller installation'. Could you please let me know what should I do to eliminate this problem?



Presentations of the first national congress of civil engineering developed at the University Cesar Vallejo. From 10 to 12 November 2014.



(in spanish)

Lenin Araujo Castillo

Physics Pure

Computer Science






I need to build a multibody model in MapleSim 6.4 in which with few global parameters I can describe all the other parameters. In other words the final user will enter this few parameters, that are coordinates of specific points, and then the model will calculate all the relative distances on the base of those coordinates.

The problem is that if I apply trigonometric function and square root (like in the screenshot) the model is not calculating any value. Is it possible to make those calculculations?


this is the model (don't worry about the nonsense plots, it's because it's not ultimated):






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