Question: Systematizing calculations

I need to make a lot of similar calculations and wonder if it can be done in a smart way in Maple. Microsoft Excel is perfect for this kind of calculations, because you can downcopy cells. I would like to do everything in Maple, if possible, though. I have a number of points A, B, C, D, E, ... , which all lie on various circles in the plane. For every point radius and angle is given, so actually you can say that every point is delivered with polar coordinates. I want to have their rectangular coordinates. 

Maybe I could deliver their radii in a list and their angles in degrees in another list?

r:=[12,56,29,...., 78]:

v:=[15,45,75,..., 102]: 


I need to be able to refer to a certain point thorugh an index. At best it would be A, B, C, ... , but 1, 2, 3, ... will be acceptable. So in the end I need to be able to access say x_C and y_C or x_3 and y_3 (understood as index lowered). I hope someone can help me do the task in a nice a efefctive way.

NB! Maybe you have a solution, which involve transformation from polar to rectangular coordinates. That will be nice, but please also tell me how it can be done from scratch, because I want to be able to know about handling many points at once for other purposes, when the function is not r*cos(v), but an arbitrary function.



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