Question: Explore with delayed evaluation?

Hello everyone!

I am struggling to figure out the cause of the problem with Explore command. To put it as simple as possible:

 a := <3, 4, 5>

Explore(a[i], i = 1 .. 3);
Error, (in Explore) bad index into Vector

I am pretty sure that this has to do with an attempt to evaluate A[i] with i not yet defined, but why does Explore behave this way? seq has no such problem:

seq(a[i], i = 1 .. 3);
3, 4, 5

But as soon as I put it into Explore, seq seems to forget all its "special evaluation rules":

Explore(seq(a[i], i = 1 .. 3), b = 1 .. 2);
Error, (in Explore) bad index into Vector

It is probably for the same reason that I can't solve the problem with unevaluation quotes such as: 

Explore('a[i]', i = 1 .. 3);
Error, (in Explore) bad index into Vector

What am I doing wrong??




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