Question: Drawing multiple functions in one plot

Hello everybody, 

So, i managed to use the examples of to get to a figure that works for me. If there is a better way, i would love to hear about it. 

I believe the question does not need translation because it is very clear due to the other examples that have been done before example 3. 

The real question is: how to combine these parameters to form the right figure? The parameters are in the red box in the 3rd picture. 


#Toegepaste Wiskunde Deel 2
#Hoofdstuk 6
#Paragraaf 1

#Voorbeeld 1

plots:-inequal([2 <= x and x <= 7, 1 <= y and y <= 4], x = 0 .. 7, y = 0 .. 7)


plots:-inequal([1 <= y and y <= 4, 2 <= x and x <= 7], x = 0 .. 7, y = 0 .. 7)


#Voorbeeld 2

plots:-inequal([0 <= x and x <= 4, 0 <= y and y <= sqrt(x)], x = 0 .. 5, y = 0 .. 5)


plots:-inequal([0 <= y and y <= 2, y^2 <= x and x <= 4], x = 0 .. 5, y = 0 .. 5)


#Voorbeeld 3

plots:-inequal([0 <= x and x <= 2, (1/2)*x <= y and y <= 3*x*(1/2)], x = 0 .. 4, y = 0 .. 4)


plots:-inequal([0 <= y and y <= 1, 2*y*(1/3) <= x and x <= 2*y], x = 0 .. 5, y = 0 .. 5)



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