Question: Typesetting: What happened to the whitespace in the axis label

To label axes, names with Maple typesetting tags can be used. This is convenient because the typesetting package does not have to be loaded and code is shorter. However, when used together with plot white spaces (mo(“ “)) sometimes do render. Below is an example where a white space after the character N is not rendered.


ta:=Typesetting:-Typeset(`#mrow(mo("N "),mo("* "),msup(mo("mm"),mo("-2")))`)

Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mo("N "), Typesetting:-mo("* "), Typesetting:-msup(Typesetting:-mo("mm"), Typesetting:-mo("-2")), Typesetting:-msemantics = "atomic")


tb:=`#mrow(mo("N ",color="red"),mo("* "),msup(mo("mm"),mo("-2")))`

`#mrow(mo("N ",color="red"),mo("* "),msup(mo("mm"),mo("-2")))`


tc:=Typesetting:-Typeset(mrow(mo("N "),mo("* "),msup(mo("mm"),mo("-2"))))

Typesetting:-mrow(Typesetting:-mo("N "), Typesetting:-mo("* "), Typesetting:-msup(Typesetting:-mo("mm"), Typesetting:-mo("-2")))





A workarround is adding an addtional tag mspace() or an invisible html character. Are there any others?

Since typesetting of normal Maple output shows the whitespace I am wondering if this way of plotting axis labels is intended. 


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