Question: Understanding the ScientificConstants package.

I am going through the documentation on ScientificConstants and trying things out in a worksheet.

My first question about this package is about the following



`A[r](alpha)`, `A[r](d)`, `A[r](e)`, `A[r](h)`, `A[r](n)`, `A[r](p)`, E[h], F, G, G[0], K[J], M[Earth], M[Sun], M[u], N[A], Phi[0], R, R[Earth], R[K], R[infinity], V[m], Z[0], a[0], a[e], a[mu], alpha, b, c, c[1, L], c[1], c[2], e, epsilon[0], g, g[e], g[mu], g[n], g[p], gamma[e], gamma[n], gamma[p], gamma_prime[h], gamma_prime[p], h, hbar, k, l[P], lambda[C, mu], lambda[C, n], lambda[C, p], lambda[C, tau], lambda[C], m[P], m[alpha], m[d], m[e], `m[e]/m[mu]`, m[h], m[mu], m[n], m[p], m[tau], `m[tau]c^2`, m[u], mu[0], mu[B], mu[N], mu[d], `mu[d]/mu[e]`, mu[e], `mu[e]/mu[p]`, `mu[e]/mu_prime[p]`, mu[mu], mu[n], `mu[n]/mu_prime[p]`, mu[p], mu_prime[h], `mu_prime[h]/mu_prime[p]`, mu_prime[p], n[0], r[e], sigma, sigma[e], sigma_prime[p], t[P]


Copy and paste from the list above.


neutron_g_factor, symbol = g[n], derive = 2*mu[n]/mu[N]


Manually try to type in g__n.


Error, (in ScientificConstants:-GetConstant) `g__n` is not a known Constant



Why doesn't the latter work?


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