Hi everyone, I just try a simple equivalent implicitplot3d code regarding Maple and matlab to see difference. First for Maple, I don't set grid, just input one random complicated function and displays "Warning, solutions may have been lost", while matlab doesn't, but it's figure cannot compare with maple's in terms of detail or beauty (just focused on this case). I wanna know why. Hope for your reply!
The Maple code is as below
Download implicitplot3d_solution_lost_try.mw
The orange font is equivalent matlab code and figure is attached.
% Define the function for implicit plotting
f = @(x, y, z) x.^(2*z) + y.^(-2*y.^(-z)) + exp(-0.1*z.^2) - 1;
% Use fimplicit3 for 3D implicit plotting
fimplicit3(f, [-2 2 -2 2 -2 2]);
% Set labels and title
title('Implicit 3D Plot of f(x, y, z) = 1');