Question: Numbering Figures

Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me with the following problem. I have a procedure AAP:=proc(A, titel) local a,b,c,d; a:=A; b:=[solve(t^3-a=0,a)]; c:= (z-L[1])*(z-op(2,L))*(z-op(3,L)): plot3d(pol(0), dsc(2), hsv( carg(F),1,1),ori,nweb,grid=[100,100], title=titel) end proc: for j from 1 to 8 do AAP(j,Figure j+1) end do; I want to get the titles as Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4, etc. However, I keep getting an error message and it doesn't seem to work. Thank you in advance
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