Question: trouble with MultiSeries: series resp asympt for EllipticF

I want the asymptotics for EllipticF(z,k) w.r.t. z (yes, not k).

My example is F:=I*EllipticF(c*I/x,k), c=2-2^(1/2),k=3+2*2^(1/2)
and I want the limit x ---> 0+.


results in 0.54... + 0.54...*I (real = imag, positive value).


gives (after clearing the output) the same for setting x=0.

For Numerics my setting is Digits:=24 and eps:=1/10^18.

  subs(c=2-2^(1/2), k=3+2*2^(1/2), F);
  eval(%, x=eps); evalf(%);

      -0.54304590015531201290853733343625 - 0. I

which is a negative Real.

For cross checking write as integral and make an allowed
change of coordinates:

  convert(F,Int): subs(_alpha1=eta,%): combine(%);
  Change(%,eta*I/c = -xi,xi);

               |                     1
           -c  |     ---------------------------------- dxi
               |            2  2 1/2       2   2  2 1/2
              /      (1 + xi  c )    (1 + k  xi  c )

This shows, that we integrate over a positive integrand and
finally multiply by -c ~ -0.58 ( and continuing by value(%);
 simplify(%) assuming 0 < c; gives back the F).

So MultiSeries result can not be correct.

Any idea?
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