Question: Superscripts in Linux

I've already bothered two other forums with this (retarded?) question, but I'm not getting any answers. So I'm bothering you now. I apologize. I tried to search but didn't find anything. The problem is I'm not able to type ^ or input superscripts in Maple 10.02. I'm using FVWM2, but the problem occurs in KDE, too. Maple clearly gets some input, but is it not visible, and it doesn't have the same effects as a caret does. Maple displays letters with carets like ô fine, but not the caret alone, nor does Maple indicate I'm writing a superscript. And I can type anything, but the first character after inputting a caret doesn't get shown, and I get no superscripts. For example, typing "x^22" is "x2" on the screen. While Maple clearly indicates that I'm about to write a subscript if I've entered an underscore. Does this have something to do with that I'm using a Scandinavian keyboard? There's no problems in inputting carets in other applications. Thanks for your answers!
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