MaplePrimes Questions

I want to display international characters in maplets. For this to work with the MapletViewer I have found that they maplet needs to be saved using the Western (Windows-1252) encoding. (Even this appears to not be entirely perfect, but that is not the issue here.) I have had absolutely no success with MapleNet. The international characters appear differently when the same maplet is launched with MapletViewer and with MapleNet. The two maplets can be viewed from our MapletNet server by visiting the URLs:
Hi, I am working on an excersise about surface integration. Normally I would define my Surface like this: Surface(
Hello I to have about the PDE question, the topic like appendix, asks everybody to help me to do explains View on MapleNet or Download
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I have several nut questions. (1) after I installed maple, there are "classical worksheet maple 10" and "maple 10"? Are they different? which should I use? looks the same, but when i do plot and something else, they work differently? (2) about plot: when I plot a figure, there is always a big blank outside frame. And I want get the eps fig without this blank outside frame, can i do it? this outside frame makes the totoal size of this fig large and I could not arrange the eps files in my paper well. W thanks!!
Hello there! I have a maple code that is approximately 300 lines. There are no graphs printed and I would like to export this as a LaTeX code. I choose export under File and save the file as "test.tex" I have installed all the maple packages and refreshed fndb. The problem is that LaTex is not able to run the document. I get the following error: ! Argument of \end has an extra }.
Hello everybody, I'm trying to apply the command allvalues to the output of solve( x^2=cos(x^2), x ): RootOf(_Z^2-RootOf(_Z-cos(_Z)), label = _L4) but when I enter: allvalues(%) I get the following error message under Windows XP SP2: Error, (in @) too many levels of recursion Does anybody know what's going on? Many thanks in advance, Ruben
Hi Am trying to tidy up a printout of two columns in M version 7, such that the second column is lined up. Using the tab character \t in the printf statement does not seem to work - it just shifts a fixed number of spces, rather than go to a tab stop position. The following Maple code is very klutzy: however its redeeming feature is that it does work. Sample Maple code: #Create a long string of spaces (26 spaces between " ") aspac:=CharacterMap( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", " ", cat(a,a) ); #NB a is the first 'word' - see output below #spac is a string of spaces to ensure alignment
Hello, I'm having a difficulty with MAPLE's dsolve which is best understood by looking at the uploaded file. If anyone has the time to help me on this I would sure appreciate it. View 2292_Dsolve doesnt work with on MapleNet or Download 2292_Dsolve doesnt work with
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What would be the simplest method using maple to calcualte the angles of incidence/reflection of straight lines from a common point striking the internal surface of a circle. If the centre of the circle lies on the y-axis and circumference touches x-axis forming a semi circle. Is it possible to represent graphically the setup and also have calculations giving accurate reflected rays from the surface of the curve, for the various points along the x-axis. Thanks

Hi, I am solving a question about derives. I now what's the value of dx/dt, x and y. I was asked to calculate the value of dy/dt. This is my Maple worksheet:
Hello everybody, I'm just trying to get familiar with Maple and I'm wondering if it would be possible to transform an expresion like: 3*x+3*y into 3*(x+y). Many thanks in advance, Ruben
Dear all, i want to do some pharmacokinetic calculations with the convolution intergral. E.g. the input rate into the linear system is Inpfunc:=t-> a*exp(-k*t)+b*exp(-m*t); the system impulse response is Transfunc:=t->c*exp(-u*t)+d*exp(-v*t)+e*exp(-w*t); When i compute the system response to the input rate function as Respf:=int(Transfunc(t-tau)*Inpfunc(tau),tau=0..t); I do obtain a huge mess of exponentials. With the 'collect' function i collected the preexponential terms but they were still huge (abt. 4 screens full). I have tried 'factor', 'symplify' and so on but all commands
Hi, By default it seems that using plot in the maple:statement tag in a jsp page creates jpegs. Is there a way, via plotsetup or otherwise, to create images in different formats? Thanks.
Hello all! How can I get Maple 10 to output it's numbers using engineering notation (milli, micro, Mega, Giga, etc) instead of indices? Thanks --Amr
Hello everybody, I was going through the manual and I'm having difficulties trying to replicate the example on Adding Custom Distributions (Section 4.6 under Probability Distributions and Random Variables). I cannot replicate the piecewise function using 2D Input. I can only type the first 2 conditions. I know it can be done in 1-D with the piecewise command but I'd like to use the other way. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Ruben
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