Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer

Hi all,

I have an array [1..2503] y-axis for different values,  x-axis [0..180], 

when I plot these two arrays its not possible.   but if I change x-axis [1..2503] then plot is ok... I want to plot x-axis [0..180] and y-axis [1..2503]



A.Q   Soton

Find the value of the integral I=∫√(tanx)dx

Hi all,

I want to compare two signals where intersections between the two signals represent the instant of command (like boolean pulse) of a thyristor. The two signals are volatges and command of thyristor is boolean. A conversion of voltage to boolean signal should also done, I think ?

Thanks in advance

See image below.


I am really stuck in one more bit thats the least square problem.  leastsquare1.mw 

Hope someone can help me to solve this bit and get me out of this problem :(.

Least square method is successfuly implemented in MATLAB code (WRITTEN IN THIS MESSAGE AT THE END), but I couldn't do it in Maple.  I am having problem in the for loop section,  I am attaching Matlab code and  maple code ...

Hi everyone,

I guess the question I am asking is quite common, however I am still not able to figure it out. I have several (right now three) non-linear inequalities. Given these inequalities, I try to plot them in one graph and then color the different areas with different colors. It would be also ok, if just the area where all inequalities hold is plotted. To do this I have already tried several things. With implicitplot and transparency it is generally working, but...

So basically I'm trying to slice a tesseract, with a 3D surface but first want to be able to slice a cube, with a 2D plane. so I have a 3D plot of a polygon of a face (of a cube) and I want to find the intersection of that with a plane. intersectplot doesn't seem to be working for me, and I'm unsure of how to represent a finite face of a cube as a plane


Hi everyone,

I tried to solve the following system of equations with Maple 15:

You can copy paste the commands below to get the equations
pde1 := [diff(`#msub(mi("n"),mo("&uminus0;"))`(x, t), t) =
diff(`#msub(mi("n"),mo("&uminus0;"))`(x, t), x)+n[o](x, t)-`#msub(mi("n"),mo("&uminus0;"))`(x, t)]


pde2 := [diff(n[o](x, t), t) = 0.3139e-2*(diff(n[o](x, t), x, x))-2*n[o](x, t)+`#msub(mi("n"...

I am really struggeling with these 2 questions.. 
need to plot this in maple


This is my last 2 questions on my school report that i need to deliver tomorrow

Can someone tell me how Maple coding written in worksheet mode can be fully transferred into a Word document taking all maple's commands, alignments and any section's arrows as they apper in worksheet mode? 

I found that after using "Export as" (tried everthing there), my worksheet appers to be abrupt, alignment of certain codings changed and all the arrows of sections removed.

Please tell me how to deal with this issue, I need to transfer my maple coding...

Problem. In the plane 2*x -3*y +3*z -17 = 0, find a point M such that the sum of its distances from the poits A(3, -4, 7) and B(-5, -14, 17) will have the least value.

First way.




plane(P,2*x - 3*y +3*z -17=0,[x,y,z]):



Hi all!

I was able to run an external progam using the "system" command.
i.e. >system("name.exe");

The external program (name.exe which is an executable written in Fortran) prompts for the name of my input file and the name of my output file one by one. If I supply these two information, everything works fine.
My problem is this, I want to automate the process such that Maple helps me to write the input and output filename when the external program...

When using Maple 15, sometimes the pagackages and formulas that were previously defined seem to completely drop it.  I'll load packages and assign variables at the beginning of my project, yet after maybe 10 minutes or so, I have to redefine my variables and reload my pacakges.  I have noticed that it happens more often if I try to switch over to the "Text" tab and then back to "Math."  It's very intermittent, Maple will be working just fine churning out graphs,...

Dear guys,

recently, I met a problem. I need to compute numerically the Mathieu function of bessel I type and bessel K type(Ie,Io,Ke,Ko or denoted by Ce(-q),Se(q),Fek,Gek etc.). That is the mathieu function could be expanded in the series of the modified bessel function I or K. However, I find the commands in maple is very limited, and a question is coming: how to compute these functions with maple?

Thanks for your attention.




I am trying to implement some numerical algorithm for an optimal control problem (still).

It involves double cycle. In the inner one two DE systems are solved sequentially and the result is used to update values of some objective function.

This part uses remeber option thanks to pagan  and is ok.

However, in the outer cycle I use the values of this objective function to obtain solution for yet another DE and update ICs for the inner cycle.


   The error showed up whenever I tried to do the Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Global Optimization Toolbox.My objective (likelihood ) function f is defined as follows(A1 to A5 are intermediate variables; parameters  are x[1] to x[12]):

   f := 0;

   for j from 1 by 1 to 21 do

       A1 := exp(x[1]+x[2]*c[j]);

       A2 := exp(x[3]+x[4]*c[j]);

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