Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer

I need help of your expertize in solving the following queries:

I would start with a sample equation:

Eq1 = u_{xxxx} + u_{xxyy} - v_{xxxy} - v_{xyyy}
where u_{xxxy} represents 4th order pde of u i.e. d^4/(dx^3 dy).

I get a equation similar to Eq1 (but quite complicated) on solving the
equilibrium equations. I would like to collect the similar derivatives
for variable u and v together like

Eq2 = d^2/d x^2 ( u_{xx} + u_{yy} ) - d^2/dx dy ( v_{xx} + v_{yy} )

hi, could You help me to write script(program) with maple( maple 13) exercise....?

1) The velocity of a freely falling object near Earth's surface is described by the equation
dv/dt=-g     (1.1)
where v is the velocity, g=9.8m/s^2 . Write a program that employs the Euler method to compute to solution to (1.1); that is, calculate v as a function of t. For simpilicity, assume that the initial velocity is zero-that is, the object starts from rest-and...

Hi and thank you for looking.

I have recently begun advanced maths and need help with maple. Is it possible to input an algebra equation and have maple rearrange it to make it a different subject?


I am new to maple and maths again so any help much appreciated. 


Also can maple for example if I input 6 equations could it or is there a way to get maple to pick two like equations out of them.


Thanks again, Danny 

hello, I am trying to call a matlab function from maple and get error msg.

I did instruction about set up matlab but it doesn't work.

I would highly appreciate if someone could help me out with this. Thanks Sina

I have used dsolve to obtain the solution of the inserted two systems below. The obtained results for the first system is accurate, where the obtaind solution of the second one is not accurate. I think the problem is in approximating the first system solution to be used in the second one. I would appreciate any advice on how to  obtain accurate results for the second system

 restart; endv := 5; sys0 := diff(f(x), `$`(x, 2...

I used dsolve to obtain the solution of the attached two systems of ODEs, where the second system depends on the solution of the first one. The obtained results for the first system is accurate, where the obtaind solution of the second one is not accurate. I think the problem is using cubic spline approximation. I would appreciate any advice on how to  obtain accurate results for the second system

I am "playing" around with the Maplet Builder and I am having some problems:
Let say I have three separate vector columns with data loaded in maple ie A, B and C.

i) I want the user of the maplet to be able to select ie highlight a vector from the three
available vectors which are presented in a drop down box.

ii) A button when clicked on plots the data in the selected vector.

How can I do this with the Maplebuilder??  I will need step-by-step instructions.

The code below, which is a PLOT structure, seems to be one of the more efficient forms of specifying individual colors for each point in a 2D point plot.

My central question is: what plotting command will construct this?

     STYLE(POINT), AXESLABELS("", ""), VIEW(0 .. 10, 0 .. 10),

I know that I can call `plot` and pass the m-by-2 Matrix of point data, and specify style=point. But how can I pass in such a nice, efficient float[8] Array to specify the points' colors? I know that the float[8] Array is leaner than a long sequence of HFloats. But even in the simpler case of just two points: how can one pass the `color` option just once to specify the colors to be used for each of the points?

Oh, in case anyone's interested, another old-fashioned (but terser) was to get such a float[8], C_order Array is with the `hfarray` command.

Hi. Solving a problem of non-linear oscilations of thin string I met a PDE with unusual bcs at the right side of the string: 
((diff(xi(x, t), t))^2-a1-b1*x)*(1+(diff(phi(x), x))*(diff(xi(x, t), x)))+c1*(diff(xi(x, t), x))*(diff(xi(x, t), t))*(2*(diff(phi(x), x))-(diff(xi(x, t), x)))*sqrt(1+(diff(xi(x, t), x))^2) = 0 , where phi is known function. Can...

Hello! How i can write this expression in maple?

ma × (Ω' × a )
where is
Omega := Vector(3, [Omega1, Omega2, Omega3])
dT := proc (f) options operator, arrow; add((diff(f, var[k]))*dz[k], k = 1 .. N) end proc
a := Vector(3, {(1) = Ri*n1, (2) = n2*Ri, (3) = n3*Ri-R0})

Dear all

How to avoid in plot "matrix in singular" in my pde system

> a1 := -2;
> b1 := 3;
> c1 := -1;
> L := 15;
> b := .25;
> th := 1.5;
> pde := diff(u(x, t), x, x, x, x, t...

Hello Everybody.

Im new to Maple, so i have a couple of questions. In the last few days I have learned the basic of Maple, and now i would like to solve an differential equation.

The Math question is:

Enter the solution of differential equation:


In the link i have put in the informations from the math question.

I am trying to solve a system of nonlinear 36 differential-algebraic equations numerically in Maple. The last line of my code is the dsolve(.) command which is used to solve the DAE system. My problem is that it takes forever to evaluate the dsove(.) command. Maple does not give me any errors/warning, however, it keeps evaluating, and evaluating...nothing happens...


I have used stiff solvers as well hoping to make the process faster but that dowsn't work either.

The question is to use a program of modified newton raphson , incorporating the Romberg intergal procedure which i have already created, to create a new program which evaluates the integral f(alpha) = 1-10*int(tan(x)^alpha),from 0 to Pi/4.
The following needs to be incorporated in your program:

-Let ci be the approximation of alpha* on iterate i of your "modified newton raphson" method, then the program should run until:

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