
115 Reputation

4 Badges

3 years, 363 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by 2cUniverse

When printing a Maple Worksheet  often I go in the PrintPrewiev of the Mac and then select some sides to print.

This is not working anymore since I have updated from Maple 2021 to Maple 2023.

Is this known ?

Any help for his ?

My Maple-Program is creating svg-files (or PNG) in a squared format.
There are a lot of these files in a local folder.
I would like to add a white surrounding frame (10% of the Imagesize) to it and afterwards store it as a TIFF file.

Studying ImageTools I have not found a way to solve this with ImageTools.

Until now I am using a graphic software to add a frame and store as TIFF in a desired resolution.

Now I plan to do this process automatically with maple.

Thanks for support :)

This could be simple but I didn't solve it.

How can I dipsplay the output of ifactor(n) in an embedded component.

for example:

                            3    2     
                         (2)  (5)  (13)

I mean the output with the exponents.

Whats better, label or text area ?

a simple example will be very helpfull :)

I am reading (and enjoying) this:

"On the computation of the nth decimal digit of various transcendental numbers" by

Simon Plouffe, 1996 (2009)

On the third page Simon calculates this:

a := 1/binomial(100, 50);
              a := ------------------------------

(8)  (81)  (11) (13) (17) (19) (29) (31) (53) (59) (61) (67) (71) (73) (79) (83) (89) (97)

and builds a sum of fractions where the above primefactors are the denominators in this sum.

5/8 + 20/81 + 10/11 + 2/13 + 13/17 + 10/19 + 4/29 + 5/31 + 23/53 + 41/59 + 29/61 + 37/67 + 33/71 +19/73 + 36/79 + 7/83 + 13/89 + 88/97

Solving a diophantine equation and using continued fractions are the steps to get that fractions (see link above).

May someone explain these steps to me ?


I am creating an user interface with embedded components (Labels, Buttons, plotwindow ...).

All works well.

Now I need to include a combobox selection in that code. I can't get any further with that.

The specific question is what to type here (this is "edit selected code", in the combobox options)

use DocumentTools in 

end use; 

to get the choosen value as a variable in the rest of the code (startup code and other code in buttons with edit click code).

A simple example explaining that would be very helpfull:)

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