130 Reputation

2 Badges

5 years, 139 days

MaplePrimes Activity

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Hi!  I am trying to calculate a complex integral.  To double check my work, I directly coded the calculation.  The result is that the two results don't match.  Have I done something wrong?

here is the file


Hi everyone!  I'm trying to study a certain function.  The output says that, from -5 to 5, the output is undefined.  Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance.


Hi everyone!

I'm double checking a result from maple.  When I substitute maple's solution into the differential equation, left side does no equal right side.  Does anyone have some insight into this?


the maple file is below



I want to create a matrix of variables, and another matrix of variables that are different from the first matrix.

The idea is to generate a matrix of equations, then reshape the matrix into an array of functions, and then enter the array into "solve" to solve the system of equations.  

I was able to do this in a different software package, and I was able to do it.

Basically, (matrix a - matrix b - identity matrix).  Then, "equate" this matrix to a matrix of zeros to generate the right hand side.

Can this be done in maple? How would one do this?

Hi everyone!

I am trying to count the number of operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) in object "A".  I have donea lot of searching around, but haven't been able to find out how to do this.  Some help would be appreciated!


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