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4 years, 356 days

MaplePrimes Activity

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Hi everyone!

I am trying to count the number of operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) in object "A".  I have donea lot of searching around, but haven't been able to find out how to do this.  Some help would be appreciated!


Hi everyone!

I am trying to build a matrix using for loops.  I have been unable to construct a matrix using one "double" for loop using variables i and j.

Instead, I have 5 "single" for loops.  Could someone show me how to do this using a "double" loop over i and j (rows and colums)?

Thanks so much!



When I enter this command into maple and press enter, nothing is produced.  That's the "first" problem.  However, what I am trying to do is to figure out how many calculations (multipication, addition, subtraction, division) are performed for each variable that "solve" is designed to solve.  Basically, how many math operations are performed when calculating A?

Thanks for your help!



I would like to plot this function from x= 2pi to 4pi.  I entered this into the plotting command, and nothing happened.  How do I plot this from 2pi to 4pi?



This might sound like a simple question, but I have looked pretty hard in the documentation and can't find a solution.  I want to plot functions in spherical coordinates in such a way that they are actually spherical.  For example, r = 1 should be a sphere.  All I can do is get the "cube" with sides labelled as the traditional variables r, theta, and phi.  That's not really spherical coordinates, it's just relabelled Cartesian.

I didn't make a worksheet for this topic.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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