Gonzalo Garcia

155 Reputation

6 Badges

17 years, 55 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by


I am using a proceure to conpute de integral of a function by he Simpson's rule. My function is defined from a function and a procedure, but I am getting the error  "Error, (in w) invalid input: hfun2 expects its 1st argument, t, to be of type numeric, but received (1/10)*i+1/20"

As you can see in the attaxhed file, I have tried several ways to compute the integral but always returns the above error. Please, can yo help me?




I am trying to implement the algorithms given in this paper (free for download) in Maple 2015


Such algorithms, apparently very easy, provides an approximation of  a sapce-filling curve and its pseudo-inverse. I am interesting in this space--filling curve for its properties. Please, find attached the Maple file, I am not sure if the code of the paper is not fine or I am doing something wrong. 

Many thanks un advsnce for your help



I want to implement to attached fortran program in Maple 2015 (the procudure starts at the end of the first page). 


The code does not seem dificult, but I don't know how to interpret the instructions "go to" of fortran. Reading Maple's doc about the "goto" instruction, I don't understand how to implement it.

Can somebody help with this code, please?

Many thanks in advance for your comments.


Somebody know how Maple computes (numerically) the values of the Z function? That is, if we run the command evalf(Z(3)), How compute Maple this number?

Many thanks in advance for your comments.


The so called Haar system is given as the follwoing sequence of functions:



Someboy know how to code the above functions? For a given n, I think that the rpoblem is to find the numbre k in the above definition.

Many thanks in advance for you comments.

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