Alec Mihailovs

Dr. Aleksandrs Mihailovs

4485 Reputation

21 Badges

20 years, 151 days
Mihailovs, Inc.
Owner, President, and CEO
Tyngsboro, Massachusetts, United States

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I received my Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1998 and I have been teaching since then at SUNY Oneonta for 1 year, at Shepherd University for 5 years, at Tennessee Tech for 2 years, at Lane College for 1 year, and this year I taught at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. My research interests include Representation Theory and Combinatorics.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Alec Mihailovs

The integral of a derivative should return the same expression, or maybe, different by adding a constant. Try something simple,


                               1/2  1/2
                              2    x
                                    3 1/2
                            (4 + 2 x )


The answer is too long to paste, and I didn't check whether it is correct, or wrong.


Sage has a group on Facebook now. I've just became a fan.


Recently this site became very slow. It takes a few minutes to get a page after clicking on a link. Search is very slow as well. Sometimes I couldn't get the resulting page at all - for example, searching for "digits".


Wolfram Alpha is launching in May - that looks interesting.


Titlefont affects other text elements in an animation. Here is an example.

First, without an animation (works OK, ignoring such things as the plot being higher at 0 than it should, having too many ticks on the y axis, the plot being located too far from the title etc., which are different topics),

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