
524 Reputation

18 Badges

15 years, 198 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Alger

Hi all,

I have a large system of equations in matrix form A x = b (A and b are constituated with numbers)

The rank of the matrice A is 1524 by 1524

How to solve numerically the system with maple. I searched in maple help and mapleprimes questions but I have not got answer.

If maple has a limitation in solving large system of equation numerically,

Is it possible to export the matrices A and b in matlab and solve the system in matlab and...

I have 8 equations (eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7 and eq8) with 8 varibles A1[n], A2[n], C1[n], C2[n], B2[n], A[k,i], D2[n], A[0,i] and where n=1..nn, k=1..nk, i=1..Q

I have some difficulties to get the matrix form AX=b

Thanks in advance for any help

I attached my maple code


Hi all,

I have this two equations:



Where ap[k] and a[n] are the unknowns.

I want to convert the two equations in the Matrix form A*X=b to solve it numerically and where X=[ap[k, k=1..kk] and a[n, n=1..nn]] and A the matrix with a rand (nn+kk,nn+kk) the coef and b the second member and a vector (nn+kk)

Thank you for any help to do this with Maple

Hi all,

When I solved:

restart: mu:=solve(h*sin(mu*b)+mu*cos(mu*b)=0,mu,AllSolutions=true);

where b and h are constant, the solution is:



When I solve this equation



Where _C1 and L are constants, I get 0.

But the solution of this equation which is easy is lambda=n*Pi/L where n=1,2,3,...



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