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10 years, 359 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Annonymouse

I am working on problems in identifiability and I am interested in how many Lie derivatives of two kinds are required to get a full result for a simple system, and more interestingly a way of visualising what comes out when too few Lie derivatives are used. 

The method is simple, I use Lie derivatives my own program GTS2 to get relationships that must be conserved for the output for two parameter vectors to give the same output (you can find it along with everything else for this question here.

An example of a list of parameter relationships is: 

[{R = R, Rh = Rh, alpha = alpha, C[T] = C[T], Ch[T] = Ch[T], k[a1] = -(k[a2]*C[T]*R-kh[a1]*Ch[T]*Rh-kh[a2]*Ch[T]*Rh)/(R*C[T]), k[a2] = k[a2], k[d1] = k[d1], k[d2] = k[d2], kh[a1] = kh[a1], kh[a2] = kh[a2], kh[d1] = -(k[d1]*x[2]-k[d1]*xh[1]-k[d1]*xh[2]-k[d2]*x[2]+kh[d2]*xh[2])/xh[1], kh[d2] = kh[d2], x[1] = -x[2]+xh[1]+xh[2], x[2] = x[2], xh[1] = xh[1], xh[2] = xh[2]},{...},{...}]

i.e. they will show that there are multiple relationships that satisfy the Lie derivative conditions (each relationship is in a seperate set within the list) and within each set some parameters can vary freely (like R and Rh in the above) and others are determined by the ones that vary freely (like k[a1] and kh[a2]).
I want to count the numbers of parameters that have their relationships determined in three different ways so i can plot these numbers as the numbers of both types of Lie-Derivatives vary. These numbers are:

  1. N_i number of identifiabile parameters; parameters that in all solutions are of the form {p=ph or ph=p}
  2. N_l number of locally identifiable parameters; parameters that in all solutions take either the form {p=ph or ph=p} or {p=some function of the parameters with hs at the end of their names or ph=some function of exclusively the parameters without hs at the end of their names}
  3. N_u number of unidentifiable parameters; parameters that are neither identifiable or n locally-identifiable. 

    I think its nice to have a link to a worksheet at the end of a question, so here_it_is_again.

Acknowledgement: most of the code in the above was based on snippets written by @Carl Love in response to my previous questions.

EDIT: I had some teaching to do, so uploaded the question early as i was writing in a computer room- as a result the maple worksheet I originally included was confusing, the worksheet I've included in this edit is much easier to understand.

TLDR: i am looking a way to count the numbers of outputs of various types from a program that is built around maples solve feature, and stuck

I am trying to show visually how many Lie derivatives of two different objects are needed to get a unique solution to a problem, so i want to create a graph of the form:

for the elements of this workseet:

I have a list of relationships between variables, in this example there are three. The second of these requires one of the parameters to have a relationshipo that is not allowed with one of the other parmaters i.e. k[d2] = k[d1]; the rule is a parameter without h in its name can only be equated to itself or an expression with at least one parameter with h in its name.

How can I eliminate sets with relationships that break this rule?

Sa1 := [{R = R, Rh = R, C[T] = Ch[T]*kh[a1]/k[a2], Ch[T] = Ch[T], k[a1] = kh[a2]*k[a2]/kh[a1], k[a2] = k[a2], k[d1] = k[d1], k[d2] = k[d2], kh[a1] = kh[a1], kh[a2] = kh[a2]}, {R = R, Rh = R, C[T] = C[T], Ch[T] = Ch[T], k[a1] = -(C[T]*k[a2]-Ch[T]*kh[a1]-Ch[T]*kh[a2])/C[T], k[a2] = k[a2], k[d1] = k[d1], k[d2] = k[d1], kh[a1] = kh[a1], kh[a2] = kh[a2]}, {R = R, Rh = Rh, C[T] = C[T], Ch[T] = Ch[T], k[a1] = -k[a2], k[a2] = k[a2], k[d1] = k[d1], k[d2] = k[d1], kh[a1] = -kh[a2], kh[a2] = kh[a2]}]

I am sure that this is a common enough problem. I want to show what commands I'm using to make an output in a maple worksheet in a latex document that i can include in a report.

So far I've got the export feature to work:

(here is an example mapleworksheet, texfile and a corresponding LatexProducedPDF),

but i can't see how to get it to include the commands that create the output.

I have a list of relationships between variables, in this example there are three. The third of these requires at least one of the parameters to take a negative value i.e. kh[a1] = -kh[a2] how do I eliminate sets from a list like this that do that?

Sa1 := [{R = R, Rh = R, C[T] = Ch[T]*kh[a1]/k[a2], Ch[T] = Ch[T], k[a1] = kh[a2]*k[a2]/kh[a1], k[a2] = k[a2], k[d1] = k[d1], k[d2] = k[d2], kh[a1] = kh[a1], kh[a2] = kh[a2]}, {R = R, Rh = R, C[T] = C[T], Ch[T] = Ch[T], k[a1] = -(C[T]*k[a2]-Ch[T]*kh[a1]-Ch[T]*kh[a2])/C[T], k[a2] = k[a2], k[d1] = k[d1], k[d2] = k[d1], kh[a1] = kh[a1], kh[a2] = kh[a2]}, {R = R, Rh = Rh, C[T] = C[T], Ch[T] = Ch[T], k[a1] = -k[a2], k[a2] = k[a2], k[d1] = k[d1], k[d2] = k[d1], kh[a1] = -kh[a2], kh[a2] = kh[a2]}]

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