
5 Reputation

One Badge

0 years, 213 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Ariathm


I'm trying to perform a nonlinear curve-fit on a data(named Data in the code) in Maple, but I get an error :

Error, (in Statistics:-NonlinearFit) could not store .476190476190476164*(4.41000000000000014*(4410./[2.08075582127286]^(2/3)+952.380952380952294*[2.08075582127286]^(1/3)+1000.)/[2.08075582127286]^(5/3)-19448.1000000000022/[2.08075582127286]^(7/3)+[1040.37791063642999]-500.-166.666666666666657*(8.82000000000000028/[2.08075582127286]^(2/3)+1.90476190476190466*[2.08075582127286]^(1/3))/[2.08075582127286]-166.666666666666657*(16.8000000000000007/[2.08075582127286]^(1/3)+.907029478458049820*[2.08075582127286]^(2/3))/[2.08075582127286])*[2.08075582127286]-.500000000000000000 in a floating-point rtable

I suspect there's a problem associated with the variable "r". I am trying to find J by solving the equation p__3 = 0. Then J(stored in "r") is used in P__eng1 to perform the curve-fit operation. I have tried using fsolve, and NLPSolve but they ended up in errors. I read the documents but I was unable to solve the problem.

I'm new to Maple and I'd appreciate any comment that helps me solve p__3=0 and to use the J in P__eng1. I have also attached the

Code and data :


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