
25 Reputation

2 Badges

11 years, 40 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Canis

I have a matrix then I need to plot its columns as curves on one plot.

I am trying to plot several curves with values from matrix columns on one plot.


L1 := zip(`[]`, groups, waitArray[ .. , 1]);

L2 := zip(`[]`, groups, waitArray[ .. , 2]);

plot([L1, L2])

plot(L1) and plot(L2) work fine.

But for a joined plot I have an error


Error, (in plot) incorrect first argument [Array(1..3, {(1) = [5, HFloat(0.2889190508261187)], (2) = [10, HFloat(0.9017773091123074)], (3) = [20, HFloat(2.4000000155705576)]}), Array(1..3, {(1) = [5, HFloat(0.019538366928174924)], (2) = [10, HFloat(0.06875266075705706)], (3) = [20, HFloat(0.1884304855100058)]})]

How to make a usual book view of a system of equations? I want that each equations is placed on new line with curly brace on the left.

 For some reason maple does not simplify root in the following cases: 

sqrt((c^2, r^2));

another one is

sqrt(4), ....

Such square roots occur after this command:

eigenvectors := simplify(simplify(evectors, g * (g - 1) * (e - u * u + v * v + w * w) * 1/2 = c * c), sqrt, simbolic)

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