Daniel Skoog

Daniel Skoog

1766 Reputation

22 Badges

14 years, 23 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Daniel Skoog

The Joint Mathematics Meetings are taking place next week (January 16 – 19) in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. This will be the 102nd annual winter meeting of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and the 125th annual meeting of the American Mathematical Society (AMS).

Maplesoft will be exhibiting at booth #501 as well as in the networking area. Please stop by to chat with me and other members of the Maplesoft team, as well as to pick up some free Maplesoft swag or win some prizes.

This year we will be hosting a hands-on workshop on Maple: A Natural Way to Work with Math

This special event will take place on Thursday, January 17 at 6:00 -8:00 P.M. in the Holiday Ballroom 4 at the Hilton Baltimore.


There are also several other interesting Maple related talks:

MYMathApps Tutorials

MAA General Contributed Paper Session on Mathematics and Technology 

Wednesday January 16, 2019, 1:00 p.m.-1:55 p.m.

Room 323, BCC
Matthew Weihing*, Texas A&M University 
Philip B Yasskin, Texas A&M University 


The Logic Behind the Turing Bombe's Role in Breaking Enigma. 

MAA General Contributed Paper Session on Mathematics and Technology 

Wednesday January 16, 2019, 1:00 p.m.-1:55 p.m.
Room 323, BCC
Neil Sigmon*, Radford University 
Rick Klima, Appalachian State University 


On a software accessible database of faithful representations of Lie algebras. 

MAA General Contributed Paper Session on Algebra, I 

Wednesday January 16, 2019, 2:15 p.m.-6:25 p.m.
Room 348, BCC
Cailin Foster*, Dixie State University 

Discussion of Various Technical Strategies Used in College Math Teaching. 

MAA Contributed Paper Session on Open Educational Resources: Combining Technological Tools and Innovative Practices to Improve Student Learning, IV 

Friday January 18, 2019, 8:00 a.m.-10:55 a.m.
Room 303, BCC
Lina Wu*, Borough of Manhattan Community College-The City University of New York 

An Enticing Simulation in Ordinary Differential Equations that predict tangible results. 

MAA Contributed Paper Session on The Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Ordinary Differential Equations 

Friday January 18, 2019, 1:00 p.m.-4:55 p.m.
Room 324, BCC
Satyanand Singh*, New York City College of Technology of CUNY 

An Effort to Assess the Impact a Modeling First Approach has in a Traditional Differential Equations Class. 

AMS Special Session on Using Modeling to Motivate the Study of Differential Equations, I 
Saturday January 19, 2019, 8:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m.

Room 336, BCC
Rosemary C Farley*, Manhattan College 
Patrice G Tiffany, Manhattan College 


If you are attending the Joint Math meetings this week and plan on presenting anything on Maple, please feel free to let me know and I'll update this list accordingly.

See you in Baltimore!


Maple Product Manager

From time to time, people ask me about visualizing knots in Maple. There's no formal "Knot Theory" package in Maple per se, but it is certainly possible to generate many different knots using a couple of simple commands. The following shows various examples of knots visualized using the plots:-tubeplot and algcurves:-plot_knot commands.

The unknot can be defined by the following parametric equations:






   radius=0.2, axes=none, color="Blue", orientation=[60,60], scaling=constrained, style=surfacecontour);


plots:-tubeplot([cos(t),sin(t),0,t=0..2*Pi],    radius=0.2,axes=none,color=


The trefoil knot can be defined by the following parametric equations:


x = sin(t) + 2*sin(2*t)

y = cos(t) + 2*sin(2*t)

z = sin(3*t)


plots:-tubeplot([sin(t)+2*sin(2*t),cos(t)-2*cos(2*t),-sin(3*t), t= 0..2*Pi],
   radius=0.2, axes=none, color="Green", orientation=[90,0], style=surface);


plots:-tubeplot([sin(t)+2*sin(2*t),cos(t)-2*cos(2*t),-sin(3*t),t= 0..2*Pi],    radius=0.2,axes=none,color=


The figure-eight can be defined by the following parametric equations:

x = (2 + cos(2*t)) * cos(3*t)

y = (2 + cos(2*t)) * sin(3*t)

z = sin(4*t)


   numpoints=100, radius=0.1, axes=none, color="Red", orientation=[75,30,0], style=surface);


plots:-tubeplot([(2+cos(2*t))*cos(3*t),(2+cos(2*t))*sin(3*t),sin(4*t),t=0..2*Pi],    numpoints=100,radius=0.1,axes=none,color=


The Lissajous knot can be defined by the following parametric equations:


x = cos(t*n[x]+phi[x])

y = cos(t*n[y]+phi[y])

z = cos(t n[z] + phi[z])

Where n[x], n[y], and n[z] are integers and the phase shifts phi[x], phi[y], and phi[z] are any real numbers.
The 8 21 knot ( n[x] = 3, n[y] = 4, and n[z] = 7) appears as follows:

   radius=0.05, axes=none, color="Brown", orientation=[90,0,0], style=surface);


plots:-tubeplot([cos(3*t+Pi/2),cos(4*t+Pi/2),cos(7*t),t=0..2*Pi],    radius=0.05,axes=none,color=


A star knot can be defined by using the following polynomial:

f = -x^5+y^2


f := -x^5+y^2
   radius=0.25, tubepoints=10, axes=none, color="Orange", orientation=[60,0], style=surfacecontour);



By switching x and y, different visualizations can be generated:




algcurves:-plot_knot(g,y,x, epsilon=0.8, radius=0.1, axes=none, color="CornflowerBlue", orientation=[75,30,0])|
algcurves:-plot_knot(g,x,y, epsilon=0.8, radius=0.1, axes=none, color="OrangeRed", orientation=[75,0,0])>);



f = (y^3-x^7)*(y^2-x^5)


  epsilon=0.8, radius=0.1, axes=none, orientation=[35,0,0]);






   epsilon=0.8, numpoints=400, radius=0.03, axes=none, color=["Blue","Red","Green"], orientation=[60,0,0]);


Please feel free to add more of your favourite knot visualizations in the comments below!

You can interact with the examples or download a copy of these examples from the MapleCloud here: https://maple.cloud/app/5654426890010624/Examples+of+Knots

Today we are pleased to announce the release of Maple 2018.

For many people, today is just another day in March. It’s not like the release of a new version of a software product is a world-shaking event. But for us here at Maplesoft, these first few days after the latest version of Maple is released are always a bit more special. There’s always a nervous energy whenever we release Maple and everyone else gets to see what we’ve been pouring our efforts into for the past year.

I’m not going to start this post by calling the latest version of Maple “game-changing” or “cutting edge” or any other marketing friendly platitude. I’m well aware that the latest version of Maple isn’t going to change the world.

What I would say though is that with every new release of software comes an opportunity. Every new software release is an opportunity to re-evaluate how that software has evolved to better suit your needs and requirements. So… if you've been sitting on the sidelines and watching version after version go by, assuming that it won't affect you, that's wrong! There's a lot that you could be missing out on.

The way that these release announcements usually work is that we try to amaze and astound you with a long list of features. Don’t worry, I’ll get into that in a bit. But first I wanted to walk through a simple exercise of release arithmetic.

I’ll start with one of those basic truths that has always been hiding in plain sight. The build number # for Maple 2018 is 1298750. Here at Maplesoft, every time our developers make a change to Maple this build number goes up by 1. These changes are sometimes small and sometimes very big; they can be as small as fixing a documentation typo or they can constitute implementing a major feature spread across numerous files in our source tree.

I have come to look at these build numbers in a slightly different way. I look at build numbers as representing all of the small to large sized steps our developers take to get you from one version to the next (or put another way, how many steps behind you are if you are using the older versions). With that in mind, let’s do some quick math:

If you are using Maple 2017 (2017.0 was build # 1231047), there have been 1298750 – 1231047 = 67703 steps since that release (these numerous "steps" are what built the "long list" of features below). If you’re using Maple 2016 (#1113130) this number grows to 185620. And so it goes… Maple 2015 (#1022128) = 276622 steps, Maple 18 (#922027) = 376723, Maple 17 (#813473) = 485277, you get the idea. If you’re using a really old version of Maple – there’s a good chance that we have fixed up a bunch of stuff or added something that you might find interesting in the time since your last upgrade!


Every new release of Maple adds functionality that pushes Maple into new domains, rounds out existing packages, fills gaps, and addresses common user requests. Let's explore some additions:


Clickable Math - a.k.a. math that looks like math and can be interacted with using your mouse - has evolved. What was once a collection of operations found in the right-click or main menu items or in interactive smart-popups or in many additional dialogs, has been brought together and enhanced to form the new Context Panel.

We can summarize the Context Panel as follows: Enter an expression and relevant operations that you can apply to that expression appear in a panel on the right side of your screen. Easy, right? It's a great change that unlocks a large part of the Maple library for you.

The addition of the Context Panel is important. It represents a shift in the interaction model for Maple – you’ll see more and more interaction being driven through the context panel in future releases. Already, the changes for the Context Panel permeate through to various other parts of Maple too. You’ll see an example in the Units section below and here’s another for coding applications.

The Context Panel also gives you access to embedded component properties – this makes it much easier to modify parts of your application.

There’s much more we can say about the Context Panel but in the interest of keeping this post (somewhat) concise I’ll stop there. If you are interested and want to see more examples, watch this video.


Coding in Maple - For many of us, using the Maple coding language is fundamental; it's just what we do. Whether you write a lot of procedures, or modify the start-up code for your worksheet, or put a sequence of commands in a code edit region, or include a button or slider in your application, you’ll find yourself using Maple’s code editing tools.

For Code Edit Regions and the Maple Code Editor, there’s automatic command completion for packages, commands, and even file paths.

maplemint has been integrated into the Code Editor, providing code analysis while you write your code.

mint and maplemint have been unified and upgraded. If you’ve never heard of these before, these are tools for analysing your Maple code. They provide information on procedures, giving parameter naming conflicts, unreachable code, unused parameters or variables, and more. Mint is available for use with external text files and maplemint runs directly inside of Maple.

For more, I’ve got another video.


For many engineers and scientists, units are intrinsically linked with calculations. Here's something else in Maple 2018 that will improve your everyday experience – units are now supported in many core routines such as in numeric equation solving, integration, and optimization.

Here’s a quick example of using units in the int command with some thermophysical data:

We define an expression that gives the pressure of methane as a function of the specific volume V.

P := ThermophysicalData:-Property("pressure", "methane", "temperature" = 350*Unit('K'), "density" = 1/V):
-(int(P, V = 1.0*Unit('m'^3/'kg') .. .5*Unit('m'^3/'kg'), numeric));

You'll also find unit formatting in the Context Panel.

Near and dear to my heart, data analysts also have some occasion to rejoice. Maple 2018 finally adds an Interpolate command that supports irregular data! This is one of those items that users have been requesting for a long time and I'm very happy to say that it's finally here.

Furthering the data story, there are new sources for thermochemical data as well as updates to ensure that existing datasets for thermophysical data and scientific constants are up to date.


If you're interested in protecting your content in Maple, listen up:

You can now encrypt procedures; anyone can use your code, but they can't see the source!

You can also lock your Maple documents - effectively protecting them from accidental changes or other unintended modifications.



Of course, I won't leave mathematics out of this. As always, there’s a ton of new and updated stuff here.

There's a new computational geometry package. There are improvements across all fields of mathematics including group theory, graph theory, integration, differential equations and partial differential equations. And there's a ton of new work in Physics (many of you who have been following the Physics project will already know about these).

You can recreate some of the visualizations above as follows:

Here’s an example of the new VoronoiDiagram Command:

m := LinearAlgebra:-RandomMatrix(40, 2):
ComputationalGeometry:-VoronoiDiagram(m, showpoints, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 7,colorregions=ColorTools:-GetPalette("Dalton"));

Here’s another change that I’ve seen mentioned several times on MaplePrimes – the ability to control the  border of arrows:

plots:-display(plottools:-arrow([0, 0], [2, 2], 0.5e-1, .2, .1, border = false, color = "DarkGrey", legend = "A+B"),
                       plottools:-arrow([0, 0], [1, 2], .15, .3, .15, border = false, color = "Crimson", legend = "A"),
                       plottools:-arrow([1, 2], [2, 2], .15, .3, .15, border = false, color = "CornflowerBlue", legend = "B"),
                   size = [600, 400]);

You can rotate Tickmarks in plots using the rotation option. Some plots, such as those in the TimeSeriesAnalysis package, use rotation by default.

ts := TimeSeriesAnalysis:-TimeSeries([7, 23, 21, 19, 13, 46, 42, 30, 31, 26, 19, 9, 16, 26, 17, 33, 31, 46, 42, 35, 45, 30, 11, 17, 23, 20, 15, 36, 31, 55, 49, 39, 36, 28, 12, 11, 21, 23, 27, 33, 36, 49, 42, 37, 33, 45, 12, 7, 23, 32, 25, 42, 27, 52, 50, 34, 41, 40, 16, 14], frequency = monthly, startdate = "2005-09");
TimeSeriesAnalysis:-SeasonalSubseriesPlot(ts, startingperiod = 9, seasonnames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], space = .25, size = [800, 400]);


I’ll also mention some updates to the Maple language – items that the readers of this forum will likely find useful.

Dates and Times – Maple 2018 adds new data structures that represent dates and times. There are numerous functions that work with dates and times, including fundamental operations such as date arithmetic and more advanced functionality for working with Calendars.

today := Date();

Year( today ), DayOfMonth( today ), Month( today );

Date arithmetic:

One_year_ago := today - 365*Unit(d);


Until - An optional until clause has been added to Maple's loop control structure.

Here's an example, the following code finds the next prime number after 37 and then terminates the loop.

n := 37;

do n := n+1 until



As always with these posts, we can't cover everything. This post is really just the beginning of the story. I would love to spend another couple of pages describing the inner-workings of every single improvement to Maple 2018 for you; however I'd rather you just try these features yourself, so go ahead, get out there and try out Maple 2018 today. You won't be disappointed that you did.

The Joint Mathematics Meetings are taking place this week (January 10 – 13) in San Diego, California, U.S.A. This will be the 101th annual winter meeting of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) and the 124nd annual meeting of the American Mathematical Society (AMS).

Maplesoft will be exhibiting at booth #505 as well as in the networking area. Please stop by our booth or the networking area to chat with me and other members of the Maplesoft team, as well as to pick up some free Maplesoft swag or win some prizes.

There are also several interesting Maple-related talks and events happening this week - I would definitely not miss the talk by our own Paulina Chin on grading sketch graphs.


Using Symbol-Crunching to find ALL Sucker's Bets (with given deck sizes). 

AMS Special Session on Applied and Computational Combinatorics, II 
Wednesday January 10, 2018, 2:15 p.m.-2:45 p.m.

Shalosh B. Ekhad, Rutgers University, New Brunswick 
Doron Zeilberger*, Rutgers University, New Brunswick 

Collaborative Research: Maplets for Calculus. 

MAA Poster Session: Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education 
Thursday January 11, 2018, 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

Philip B. Yasskin*, Texas A&M University 
Douglas B. Meade, University of South Carolina 
Matthew Barry, Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service 
Andrew Crenwelge, Texas A&M University 
Joseph Martinson, Texas A&M University 
Matthew Weihing, Texas A&M University


Automated Grading of Sketched Graphs in Introductory Calculus Courses. 

AMS Special Session on Visualization in Mathematics: Perspectives of Mathematicians and Mathematics Educators, I 

Friday January 12, 2018, 9:00 a.m.

Dr. Paulina Chin*, Maplesoft 


Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings of Mathematical Expressions between LaTeX and Computer Algebra Systems.

AMS Special Session on Mathematical Information in the Digital Age of Science, III 
Friday January 12, 2018, 9:00 a.m.-9:20 a.m.

Howard S. Cohl*, NIST 


Interactive Animations in MYMathApps Calculus. 

MAA General Contributed Paper Session on Mathematics and Technology 
Saturday January 13, 2018, 11:30 a.m.-11:40 a.m.

Philip B. Yasskin*, Texas A&M University 
Andrew Crenwelge, Texas A&M University 
Joseph Martinsen, Texas A&M University 
Matthew Weihing, Texas A&M University 
Matthew Barry, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station 


Applying Maple Technology in Calculus Teaching To Create Artwork. 

MAA General Contributed Paper Session on Teaching and Learning Calculus, II 
Saturday January 13, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

Lina Wu*, Borough of Manhattan Community College-The City University of New York


If you are attending the Joint Math meetings this week and plan on presenting anything on Maple, please feel free to let me know and I'll update this list accordingly.

See you in San Diego!


Maple Product Manager

The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) is an online database of integer sequences. Originally founded by Neil Sloane in 1964, OEIS has evolved into a larger community based project that today contains information records on over 280,000 sequences. Each record contains information on the leading terms of the sequence, keywords, mathematical motivations, literature links, and more - there’s even Maple code to reproduce many of the sequences!

You can read more about the OEIS project on the main site, or on Wikipedia. There have also been several articles written about the OEIS project; here’s a (somewhat) recent article on Building a Searching Engine for Mathematics that gives a little more history on the project.

I wrote a simple package for Maple that can be used to search OEIS for a sequence of numbers or a string and retrieve information on various integer sequences. You can interact with the OEIS package using the commands: Get, Search or Print, or using the right-click context menu.

Here are some examples:



Search for a sequence of 6 or more numbers (note that you can also just right-click on an integer sequence to run the search):

Search(0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 9, 20);
    6 results found
             81, 255636, 35084, 58386, 5908, 14267


Retrieve information on the integer sequence A000081. By default, this returns the data as a JSON string and stores the results in a table:

results81 := Get(81):
    ["revision"], ["number"], ["formula"], ["offset"], ["example"], ["keyword"], ["id"], ["xref"], ["data"], ["reference"], ["mathematica"], ["maple"], ["created"], ["comment"], ["references"], ["time"], ["link"], ["author"], ["program"], ["name"]


Entries in the table can be accessed as follows:

    "_N. J. A. Sloane_"


I’ve also added some functionality for printing tables containing information on integer sequences. The Print command displays an embedded table containing all or selected output from records. For example, say we search for a sequence of numbers:

Search(0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 9, 20);
    6 results found
             81, 255636, 35084, 58386, 5908, 14267


Let’s print out selected details on the first three of these sequences (including Maple code if available):

Print([81, 255636, 35084], output = ["author", "name", "data", "maple"]);


The OEIS API is somewhat limited, so I have had to put some restrictions in place for returning results. Any query that returns more than 100 entries will return an error and a message to provide a more precise specification for the query. Also, in order to reduce the number of search results, the Search command requires at least 6 integers.


You can install the OEIS package directly from the MapleCloud or by running:



Comments and feedback are welcome here, or on the project page: https://github.com/dskoog/Maple-OEIS

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