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9 years, 123 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by GambiaMan


In this procedure I get the error, 

Error, `:=` unexpected

I know what it means I just can't seem to resolve it. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for looking at this code!

Kind regards,

Gambia Man

HamilMat := proc (K::integer) local ni, mi, nj, mj, N, Hamil, Eigenvec, i, j, res; option remember; global Vij, U, L; N := K^2; ni := Vector(N); mi := Vector(N); nj := Vector[row](N); mj := Vector[row](N); for i to N do for j to K do res := (i+K-j)/K; if type(res, integer) = true then ni[i] := j; nj[i] := j; mi[i] := res; mj[i] := res end if end do end do; Hamil := Matrix(N, shape = symmetric); for i to N do for j from i to N do if i <> j then Hamil(i, j) := Vij(ni[i], mi[i], nj[j], mj[j]) elif i = j then Hamil(i, j) := Vij(ni[i], mi[i], nj[j], mj[j])+(1/2)*(ni[i]^2+mi[i]^2)*Pi^2/L^2 end if end do end do; return Eigenvec := Eigenvectors(Hamil, output = ['values', 'vectors']), Hamil end proc

Error, `:=` unexpected





I need to be able to find the difference between the ith+1 and the ith element of a sequence and store that difference in another list. My code so far doesn't seem to be able to do that. My code is below. Thank you in advance to anyone taking their time looking at this, any help is greatly appreciated!



Kind regards,

Gambia Man


I'm writing a code and I seem to have an issue when trying to implement a procedure. Here is the code:



Z := 75; A := 189; k := 14.6; Rm := 8*R; r0 := 10^(-8)*R; c := 137.036; ms := 105.66/(.51100)

fmtoau := 10^(-15)/(0.529177e-1*10^(-9)):

R := 1.1*fmtoau*A^(1.0/(3.0)):

f := proc (x) options operator, arrow; 1/(1+exp(k*(x-1))) end proc:

n0 := 3*Z*k^2/(4*Pi*(Pi^2+k^2)*R^3):

n := proc (r) options operator, arrow; 4*Pi*n0*f(r/R) end proc:

int(r^2*n(r), r = 0 .. Rm);



plot(n/n0, 0 .. 2*R);


v1 := unapply(int(x^2*f(x), x), x):

Vfermi := proc (r) options operator, arrow; -4*Pi*n0*R^2*(R*(v1(r/R)-v10)/r+v2Rm-v2(r/R)) end proc:

Vuniform := proc (r) options operator, arrow; piecewise(r < R, -Z*(3/2-(1/2)*r^2/R^2)/R, -Z/r) end proc:

plot([Vuniform(r), Vfermi(r), -Z/r], r = r0 .. 2*R, V = 1.2*Vfermi(r0) .. 0, legend = ["uniform charge", "Fermi distribution", "point charge"]);



plotsol1s := proc (E, K, r0, S, col) local Eqns, ICs, fnl, gnl, r, soln; global ms, c; Eqns := diff(fnl(r), r) = gnl(r)*[E+2*ms*c^2-Vuniform(r)]/c-(K+1)*fnl(r)/r, diff(gnl(r), r) = -fnl(r)*[E-Vuniform(r)]/c-(1-K)*fnl(r)/r; ICs := fnl(r0) = 1, gnl(r0) = 0; soln := dsolve({Eqns, ICs}, numeric); plots:-odeplot(soln, [r, fnl(r)], r0 .. S, color = col) end proc:

plotsol1s(-3*10^5, -1, 10^(-10), Rm, red)

Error, (in f) unable to store '[HFloat(0.0)]' when datatype=float[8]




Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Gambia Man


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