425 Reputation

4 Badges

7 years, 186 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by JAMET

I am trying to know the coordinates of PP with a and b parameters
p and q are the lengths of the horizontal and vertical sides of the triangle T1
more I know that : xPP=a-2*a*p*(b-q)./(2*a*b-p*q): that  yPP=b-2*b*q*(a-p)./(2*a*b-p*q):and that 2*(a-p)*(b-q)=p*q)
Program attempt :
  _EnvHorizontalName := x:
  _EnvVerticalName := y:
  b := a*(1/2 + 1/6*sqrt(45 - 24*sqrt(3)))^2:
  r := b*sqrt(b)/(sqrt(a + b) + sqrt(a)):
  ellipse(E, x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1):
  circle(C3, [point(P3, [(1 + sqrt(3))*r, -r]), r]):

ellipse: hint: unable to determine if 1/a^4/(1/2+1/6*(45-24*3^(1/2))^(1/2))^4 is zero
Error, (in geometry:-ellipse) the given polynomial/equation is not an algebraic representation of a ellipse
circle: hint: a^(3/2)*(1/2+1/6*(45-24*3^(1/2))^(1/2))^3/((a+a*(1/2+1/6*(45-24*3^(1/2))^(1/2))^2)^(1/2)+a^(1/2)) > 0
Error, (in geometry:-circle) not enough information: the radius might not be positive
Error, (in geometry:-Equation) wrong type of argument
Is it possible to find the coordinates of PP with a and b as parameters. Thank you very much.

Best reagards. Can you tell me why :IsOnCircle(PP, ic1); gives false.

_EnvHorizontalName := x:
_EnvVerticalName := y:

a := 7:
b := a*(1/2 + 1/6*sqrt(45 - 24*sqrt(3)))^2:
r := b*sqrt(b)/(sqrt(a + b) + sqrt(a)):
Tt := [5.349255162, 2.829908743]:
eq := x*Tt[1]/a^2 + y*Tt[2]/b^2 = 1:
subs(y = b, eq):
Pp := [solve(%, x), b]:
subs(x = a, eq):
Qq := [a, solve(%)]:
point(P, Pp[1], Pp[2]):
point(Q, Qq[1], Qq[2]):

point(A, -a, -b):
point(B, -a, b):
point(C, a, b):
point(F, a, -b):
point(T, [5.349255162, 2.829908743]):
square(Sq, [A, B, C, F]):
incircle(Cir1, PQC, 'centername' = o):
circle(C1, [point(P1, [r, 0]), r]):
circle(C2, [point(P2, [(1 + sqrt(3))*r, r]), r]):
circle(C3, [point(P3, [(1 + sqrt(3))*r, -r]), r]):
ellipse(E, x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1, [x, y]):
fsolve( {Equation(C1), x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1}, complex):
reflection(C4, C1, Lig):
reflection(C5, C2, Lig):
reflection(C6, C3, Lig):
reflection(Cir2, Cir1, Lig):
  draw( [ Sq(color = blue,filled=true,thickness=4,transparency=0.7),
          C1(color = orange, filled = true,transparency=0.7),
          C2(color = orange, filled = true,transparency=0.7),
          C3(color = orange, filled = true,transparency=0.7),
          C4(color = orange, filled = true,transparency=0.7),
          C5(color = orange, filled = true,transparency=0.7),
          C6(color = orange, filled = true,transparency=0.7),
          Cir1(color = red, filled = true,transparency=0.5),
          Cir2(color = red, filled = true,transparency=0.5),
          Cir3(color = red, filled = true,transparency=0.5),          
          Cir4(color = red, filled = true,transparency=0.5),

        axes = none,
        view = [-a .. a, -b .. b],
        scaling = constrained
      );The coordinates of T are approximate; Can be done better.Choose colors with RGB.Thank you.

Cen := proc(M, N, R) local eq1, eq2, sol;
eq1 := EqBIS(M, N, R) = 0;
eq2 := EqBIS(N, M, R) = 0;
sol := simplify(solve({eq1, eq2}, {x, y}));
RETURN([subs(sol, x), subs(sol, y)]);
end proc
  Ce := Cen(P, Dd, Q);
Error, (in LinearAlgebra:-Norm) expects its 1st argument, A, to be of type {Matrix, Vector}, but received [-5, 0]

  Why have I this message ?     Thank youi.               

_EnvHorizontalName := 'x';
_EnvVerticalName := 'y';
a := 11;
b := 5;
fig := proc(theta) local aa, bb, ell, Ell, m, p, sol, A, B, C, Dd, quadri; global a, b; ell := (x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta))^2/a^2 + (x*sin(theta) - y*cos(theta))^2/b^2 = 1; sol := solve({y = m, ell}, {x, y}, explicit); subs(sol[1], x) = subs(sol[2], x); sol := solve(%, m); bb := sol[1]; sol := solve({x = p, ell}, {x, y}, explicit); subs(sol[1], y) = subs(sol[2], y); sol := solve(%, p); aa := sol[1]; A := [aa, bb]; B := [aa, -bb]; C := [-aa, -bb]; Dd := [-aa, bb]; Ell := implicitplot(ell, x = -12 .. 12, y = -12 .. 12, thickness = 3, color = blue); quadri := plot([A, B, C, Dd, A], color = pink, filled = true); display([quadri, Ell], scaling = constrained, axes = none); end proc;
nframes := 10:
frames := seq(fig(2*Pi*i/(2*nframes)), i=0..nframes-1):
display(frames, insequence);

Thank you for your last programma. Here is mine who needs to be improved.

Apart from the animation, I consider that your program is more complicated than mine. Would you have an animation without Geometry ?

_EnvHorizontalName := 'x';
_EnvVerticalName := 'y';
a := 11;
b := 5;
theta := Pi/5;

ell := (x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta))^2/a^2 + (x*sin(theta) - y*cos(theta))^2/b^2 = 1;
sol := solve({ell, y = m}, {x, y}, explicit);
subs(sol[1], x) = subs(sol[2], x);
sol := solve(%, m);
bb := sol[1];

sol := solve({ell, x = m}, {x, y}, explicit);
subs(sol[1], y) = subs(sol[2], y);
sol := solve(%, m);

aa := sol[1];

A := [aa, bb];
B := [aa, -bb];
C := [-aa, -bb];
Dd := [-aa, bb];
Ell := implicitplot(ell, x = -12 .. 12, y = -12 .. 12, thickness = 3, color = blue);
quadri := plot([A, B, C, Dd, A], color = pink, filled = true);

display([quadri, Ell], scaling = constrained, axes = none);

As "it is this program works;I wish it rotates when theta varies.



Very good program; Thanks Tom Leslie .And without  using Geometry ?

restart:local D:

a := 7;
b := a/2;

r := b/2;
c := 2*sqrt(10)*r;
A := [c/2, c/2];
B := [c/2, -1/2*c];
C := [-c/2, (-c)/2];
D := [-c/2, c/2];
f := (x, y) -> x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1;

Ell1 := implicitplot(5/98*x^2 - 3/49*x*y + 5/98*y^2 = 1, x = -9 .. 9, y = -6 .. 6, color = white);
g := (x, y) -> x^2/b^2 + y^2/a^2 = 1;

Ell2 := implicitplot(5/98*x^2 + 3/49*x*y + 5/98*y^2 = 1, x = -9 .. 9, y = -6 .. 6, color = white);
quadri := plot([A, B, C, D, A], x = -6 .. 6, y = -6 .. 6, filled = true, color = red, transparency = 0.6);
Cir1 := disk([c/2 - r, -c/2 + r], r, color = blue);
Cir2 := disk([-c/2 + r, -c/2 + r], r, color = blue);
Cir3 := disk([-c/2 + r, c/2 - r], r, color = blue);
Cir4 := disk([c/2 - r, c/2 - r], r, color = blue);
display([quadri, Ell1, Ell2, Cir1, Cir2, Cir3, Cir4], scaling = constrained, axes = normal);

Is it possible to have while the inside of the ellipses ?

Thanks a lot.
Here is my last pgr.
How to animate this drawing moving P1 in the circle dfor instance

with(plots): with(plottools):with(LinearAlgebra): unprotect(D);
_EnvHorizontalName := 'x':
_EnvVerticalName := 'y':
Vdot := proc (U, V)local i: add(U[i]*V[i], i = 1 .. 2) end proc:
dist := proc (M, N) sqrt(Vdot(expand(M-N), expand(M-N))) end proc:
MinDistPoint := proc (A::[algebraic, algebraic], B::[algebraic, algebraic], P::[algebraic, algebraic]) 
local D, R, V; 
description "Point on line AB at minimum distance from P";
D := `<,>`(A-B); R := `<,>`(`<|>`(0, -1), `<|>`(1, 0)); 
V := `<,>`(`<,>`(P) . D, -R . `<,>`(A) . `<,>`(B)); `~`[`/`]([V . D, R . V . D], ` $`, D . D) 
end proc:

EqBIS := proc(P, U, V) local a, eq1, M1, t, PU, PV, bissec1; a := (P - U)/LinearAlgebra:-Norm(P - U, 2) + (P - V)/LinearAlgebra:-Norm(P - V, 2); M1 := P + a*t; eq1 := op(eliminate({x = M1[1], y = M1[2]}, t)); RETURN(op(eq1[2])); end proc;

Cen := proc(M, N, R) local eq1, eq2, sol; eq1 := EqBIS(M, N, R) = 0; eq2 := EqBIS(N, M, R) = 0; sol := simplify(solve({eq1, eq2}, {x, y})); RETURN([subs(sol, x), subs(sol, y)]); end proc;

CircleParm := t -> [(-t^2 + 1)/(t^2 + 1), 2*t/(t^2 + 1)];
P1 := Vector(CircleParm(1/3)):

P2 := Vector(CircleParm(5)):
P3 := Vector(CircleParm(-1/10)):
P4 := Vector(CircleParm(-19/2)):
p1 := convert(P1, list);
p2 := convert(P2, list);
p3 := convert(P3, list);
p4 := convert(P4, list);
C4 := Vector(Cen(P1, P2, P3)):H := convert(C4, list):
C1 := Vector(Cen(P4, P2, P3));
J := convert(C1, list);
C2 := Vector(Cen(P4, P1, P3));
Ii := convert(C2, list);
C3 := Vector(Cen(P4, P2, P1));
K := convert(C3, list);
Pts := [P1, P2, P3, P4, C1, C2, C3, C4]:
r4 := dist(MinDistPoint(p1, p2, H), H);
r2 := dist(MinDistPoint(p1, p4, Ii), Ii);
r1 := dist(MinDistPoint(p2, p3, J), J);
r3 := dist(MinDistPoint(p2, p1, K), K);
Cir1 := circle(Ii, r2, color = black);
Cir2 := circle(K, r3, color = black);
Cir3 := circle(J, r1, color = black);
Cir4 := circle(H, r4, color = black);
Poly := polygonplot([p1, p2, p4, p3, p1], color = blue, transparency = 0.9);
SegP1P4 := plot([p1, p4], color = black);
SegP2P3 := plot([p2, p3], color = black);
quadri := plot([p1, p2, p4, p3, p1], color = black);
rect := polygonplot([H, Ii, J, K, H], color = red, transparency = 0.7);
tex := textplot([[p1[], "P1"], [p2[], "P2"], [p3[], "P3"], [p4[], "P4"], [H[], "H"], [Ii[], "I"], [J[], "J"], [K[], "K"]], align = ["above", "right"]);
display(Poly, tex, quadri, rect, SegP1P4, SegP2P3, Cir1, Cir2, Cir3, Cir4, implicitplot([x^2 + y^2 - 1], x = -2 .. 2, y = -4 .. 2, colour = [blue], scaling = constrained), pointplot(Pts, symbolsize = 16), axes = none);

how to draw all the lines P1P2,P2P3,P3P4, etc,  and the incirles of centers C1, C2..

Thanks a lot, Still an error. 
Tri1 := plot([P2, P3, P4, P2], color = red);
Error, (in plot) incorrect first argument [Vector(2, {(1) = -12/13, (2) = 5/13}), Vector(2, {(1) = 99/101, (2) = -20/101}), Vector(2, {(1) = -5/13, (2) = -12/13}), Vector(2, {(1) = -12/13, (2) = 5/13})]

I have still error message :
  Error, (in plots:-display) expecting plot structures but received: [plots:-pointplot*([seq*([cos((2/17)*k*Pi), sin((2/17)*k*Pi)], k = 1 .. 16)], symbol = solidcircle, color = red, symbolsize = 10), plots:-textplot*([seq*([cos((2/17)*k*Pi), sin((2/17)*k*Pi), "Mk"], k = 1 .. 16)], align = ["above", "right"])]

How to use textplot to write M1...M17 near each point ? Thank you.

clearly how to show that the only Friday 13 of 2022 is in May. Thank you very much.

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