425 Reputation

4 Badges

7 years, 159 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by JAMET

My directory is Système(C)\ Program Files\Maple 2018\lib, so I have this message in the file Filters.mw: 
               "C:\Program Files\Maple 2018\lib"
Error, (in LibraryTools:-Save) could not open `C/Filters.mla\Filters.m` for writing
Is it possible to overcome this problem ? Thank you.


How to change this code  drawLines3.mw  to work with maple 18. Thank you very muche.

Thank you for your answer. Is it possible showing without geom3d ?

With the 3 lines and their projections on the same drawing, the program crashes (maple 18) ; If I try : display(doPlot(a), doPlot(b), doPlot(rhs~(convert(c,list))));I have the information: [La longueur de sortie d←passe la limite de 1%]; How do I manage ? Thank you.

Sorry for my bad explications. I wish the 3 lines a, b, c and their projections on the same ploting. Thank you.

how to make a fold as in descriptive geometry and represent the 3 lines in the 2 planes O,x,z and O,x,-z as well as the ground line; Is it possible ? Thank you very much.

how to avoid confusion between sol1 and 2 in Fig

Fig := proc (k)
local theta, Cor, corde, P, tgP, sol, tgP1, TgP, TgP1;
global a, b, ell, Lieu; theta := k;
corde := a*x/cos(theta)-b*y/sin(theta) = a^2-b^2;
P := [a*cos(theta), b*sin(theta)];
tgP := x*P[1]/a^2+y*P[2]/b^2 = 1;
sol := solve({ell, corde}, {x, y}, explicit);
tgP1 := x*rhs(sol[2][1])/a^2+y*rhs(sol[2][2])/b^2 = 1;#there is confusion between sol[1)and sol[2]
Cor := implicitplot(corde, x = -a .. a, y = -b-5 .. b+5, color = blue);
TgP := implicitplot(tgP, x = -15 .. 15, y = -15 .. 15, color = green);
TgP1 := implicitplot(tgP1, x = -15 .. 15, y = -15 .. 15, color = magenta);
display([Ell, Cor, Lieu, TgP, TgP1], axes = normal, view = [-15 .. 15, -10 .. 10], scaling = constrained) end proc;
nframes := 30; 
plots:-display([seq(Fig(2*Pi*i/nframes+0.001), i = 1 .. nframes)], insequence, scaling = constrained)
Thank you for your answer.

nframes := 100; plots:-display([seq(Fig(2*Pi*i/nframes), i = 0 .. nframes)], insequence, scaling = constrained);
There is still an error in the animation, I can't correct.
Error, (in factor/fac1mod/DegreeSet) unable to evaluate sign


Sorry your suggestion doen't work restart; _local(D); A := [-L, 0]; B := [L, 0]; C := [x, y]; D := [-x, y]; Dist := proc (X, Y) options operator, arrow; sqrt((X[1]-Y[1])^2+(X[2]-Y[2])^2) end proc; Eq := (Dist(C, D) = Dist(C, B))^2; centre := [solve(diff(Eq, x), x), solve(diff(Eq, y), y)]; with(geometry); `assuming`([conic(p, Eq, [x, y])], [L > 0]); detail(p); asymptotes(p); y_acymp := `~`[solve](`~`[Equation](asymptotes(p)), y); y := solve(Eq, y)[1]; P := proc (X, L0) local Curve, Asymptote, Trapezoid, T, pt, Ip; Curve := plot(eval([y, -y], L = L0), x = -(1/3)*L0 .. 15, color = red, thickness = 3); Asymptote := plot(eval([-sqrt(3)*x-(1/3)*sqrt(3)*L, sqrt(3)*x+(1/3)*sqrt(3)*L], L = L0), x = -(1/3)*L0 .. 15, linestyle = 3, color = black, thickness = 0); Trapezoid := plottools:-polygon(eval([A, B, C, D], [L = L0, x = X]), color = "LightGreen"); Ip := `~`[evalf]((1/3)*(eval(C, [x = X-(1/3)*L0, L = L0]))); printf("%a", Ip); T := plots:-textplot([[(eval(A, [x = X, L = L0]))[], "A"], [(eval(B, [x = X, L = L0]))[], "B"], [(eval(C, [x = X, L = L0]))[], "C"], [(eval(D, [x = X, L = L0]))[], "D"], [Ip[], "I"]], align = {above, left}, font = [TIMES, 16]); pt := plot([A, B, C, Ip], style = plottools:-point, color = blue, symbolsize = 15); plots:-display(Curve, Asymptote, Trapezoid, T, pt, scaling = constrained, size = [400, 800]) end proc; a := 7; P((1/2)*a, 6)

Following your code model, it is curious that get a hyperbol and you a parabola ! Why ?
LieuC := proc () local a, alpha, h, C; alpha := arccos((2*L-a)^2*(1/2)/(a*(2*L-a))); h := (1/2)*tan(alpha)*(2*L-a); C := `~`[eval]([L-L+(1/2)*a, h], L = 6); display([plot([C[1], C[2], a = 4 .. 11]), plot([C[1], -C[2], a = 4 .. 11])], view = [-6 .. 6, -6 .. 10], axes = normal, scaling = constrained) end proc

I apologize  for my bad explination. What are the values of MF1, MF2, coordinates of M with 'a',
'b' and 'phi' without numeric values ? Thank you.

Very good procedure. However what are the values of MF1, MF2, coordinates of M with a, b and phi ? Thank you.

Want to show me a complete example with numeris values. Thank you.

Bravo.Your program meets my expectations.Thank you very much.However, I still want to convert homogeneous coordinates directly into cartesian.

Choix de 3 points. On veut une famille de coniques passant par ces 3 points; On génère les droites sur le modèle  y=m*(x-x0)+y0
pts:=[[1,3/2],[-1/2,1],[-1,-1]]: #pts in quadrants 1,2,3
tp:=textplot([[pts[1][],"P1"],[pts[2][],"P2"],[pts[3][],"P3"]],'align' = {'above', 'left'}):
#Tp:=textplot(seq([[pts[i][],"P",i=1..3)]],'align' = {'above', 'right'}):
slopes:=[seq(((dx,dy)->dy/dx)((pts[i]-pts[(i mod 3)+1])[]),i=1..3)]:
On utilse les coordonnées homogènes en x, y, z
lines := zip(proc (pt, slope) options operator, arrow; y-slope*(x-pt[1])+z*pt[2] end proc, pts, slopes):
P := lines[1]: Q := lines[2]: R := lines[3]:
conic1 := expand(subs(z=1-x-y,1*Q*R+1*P*Q+1*P*R)):
CONIC1 := implicitplot(conic1, x = -2 .. 2, y = -2 .. 2, color = red):
display([plotpts, tp,plotlines, CONIC1], scaling = constrained, view = [-2 .. 2, -2 .. 2]):

This is my program, the conic don't pass through the 3 points. Can you improve it ? Thank you.

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