
5 Reputation

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0 years, 289 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by JDragon5

I want to solve or try to solve this equation 

PDE := diff(G(a, H, phi, PI), a)(aH) + diff(G(a, H, phi, PI), H)(k/a^2 - kappa^2/2*PI^2/a^6) + diff(G(a, H, phi, PI), phi)(PI/a^3) = diff(G(a, H, phi, PI), PI)(a^3*diff(V(phi), phi))

with pdsolve(PDE, G)

and maple answer me the next

Error, (in pdsolve/info) first argument does not have a differentiated function with name G

I nw in maple, maybe I´m make a mistake, but I can't find what

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