Kim Seong Gwan

5 Reputation

One Badge

9 years, 343 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Kim Seong Gwan

This is the simplest method to explain numerically solving an ODE, more precisely, an IVP.

Using the method, to get a fell for numerics as well as for the nature of IVPs, solve the IVP numerically with a PC, 10steps.

Graph the computed values and the solution curve on the same coordinate axes.


y'=(y-x)^2, y(0)=0 , h=0.1

Sol. y=x-tanh(x)


I don't know well maple. 

I study Advanced Engineering Math and using maple, but i am stopped in this test.

I want to know how solve this problem.

please teach me~ 

IT IS EULER's method

Hi there. I'm Student

i want to know how solve this problem.

please teach me! 

y'=(y-x)^2, y(0)=0, h=0.1


how solve this problem for maple? 

please teach me~

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