Lenin Araujo Castillo

Prof. Lenin Araujo Castillo

1790 Reputation

15 Badges

15 years, 122 days
Physics Pure || Computer Science
Trujillo/La Libertad, Peru

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Maple Application Center
Simulation Specialist for Dynamic Systems with Maple Classic and Modern Physics. Mathematical Modeling by Maple problems. Basic Science Teaching using ICT's. Business Data Analyst at Maple and MapleSim environment. Expertise in the development of mathematics with embedded components for mobile devices.

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These are Posts that have been published by Lenin Araujo Castillo

This worksheet is designed to develop engineering exercises with Maple applications. You should know the theory before using these applications. It is designed to solve problems faster. I hope you use something that is fully developed with embedded components.

In Spanish



Lenin Araujo Castillo

Ambassador Of Maple



Application that allows us to measure the reliability of a group of data through a row and columns called cronbach alpha at the same time to measure the correlation of items through the pearson correlation of even and odd items. It can run on maple 18 to maple 2017. This will be useful when we are developing a thesis in the statistical part.

In Spanish


Lenin Araujo Castillo

Ambassador of Maple



In the present work it has been shown how Maple helps in the teaching of Mathematics in the different subjects that it has. Using a Maple worksheet as if it were a class preparation notebook could develop problems such as: Vector Analysis, EDO, EDP, Statistics, Algebra, Geometry, etc., among others; Taking as a method of solution the clickable-mathpopup, the right click (contextual) or at best embedded components. No criteria or prerequisite is needed to use Maple; Rather than being willing to forget the traditional slate and down and replace it with dynamic leaves that maple offers us; To achieve excellent academic profiles both individually and in groups. The proprietary methods are used to develop applications (math-apps) being a professional criterion; That is to say, according to the problematic reality, we are looking for enduring interactive solutions. Here we use the graphical algorithm and the block diagram as a solution proposal but not as something obligatory to implement solutions. We take as a teaching-learning measure the results of our students in the ability to analyze and interpret the results; Since in the times of calculation; Maple helps tremendously; Opening up this way to train students competent in basic sciences and engineering.



In Spanish

Lenin Araujo Castillo

Ambassador of Maple - Perú



Graphical Programming with MapleSim in Vector Mechanics to Structures 2D

At the present time before constructing or starting to develop a mechanical structures project it is necessary to model it using graphic programming; In this opportunity and used MapleSim as a computational tool belonging to the company Maplesoft. The modern approach to modeling and simulation makes the fabrication of complex designs easy to solve. We will cover some examples taken from the engineering being implemented in Maplesim with insertion of physical objects; To be seen in real time through video output; Then integrates with Maple to analyze the equations and data through the static and dynamic behavior of the fabricated. Solved methods of physical block components include functionality for many domains: rotational and translational mechanics, multi-body dynamics, logic, and structural blocks; With techniques like: Drag-and-Drop Physical Modeling Environment and Create Custom Components Directly From Their Equations, thus the systems that would take hours or days to build from equations; In principle they can be created in a fraction of time using MapleSim, so it can incorporate significantly more complex graphical algorithms. In MapleSim, I use the revolutionary multibody technology that perfectly combines advanced multi-domain modeling tools to provide all the functionality you need in one environment.


Lenin Araujo Castillo

Ambassador Maple - Perú



It is very important that you learn to pose and solve equations in practical problems. Ernest Mach, a famous scientist of the nineteenth century, said that algebra is characterized by a lightening of mind, because the solution of a problem, after building the equation, you can "forget" all the practical situation to focus on the mathematical expression; everything that is not necessary to solve the problem no longer interfere with your mind. Another famous scientist, Isaac Newton, wrote that the language of algebra is the equation. To see a problem concerning abstract relations of numbers or amounts, simply translate the problem of colloquial language to the algebraic language. Here I leave the application for first order equations developed in 2016 Maple.



(In Spanish)

Lenin Araujo Castillo

Ambassador of Maple - Perú


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