Lenin Araujo Castillo

Prof. Lenin Araujo Castillo

1790 Reputation

15 Badges

15 years, 243 days
Physics Pure || Computer Science
Trujillo/La Libertad, Peru

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Maple Application Center
Simulation Specialist for Dynamic Systems with Maple Classic and Modern Physics. Mathematical Modeling by Maple problems. Basic Science Teaching using ICT's. Business Data Analyst at Maple and MapleSim environment. Expertise in the development of mathematics with embedded components for mobile devices.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Lenin Araujo Castillo

Presentations of the first national congress of civil engineering developed at the University Cesar Vallejo. From 10 to 12 November 2014.



(in spanish)

Lenin Araujo Castillo

Physics Pure

Computer Science





The Embedded Components are containers that currently use industries for modeling complex systems to find viable solutions in real time and thus avoid huge wait times and overload our computer; by this paper should show you how to implement a dynamic worksheet through Embedded Components in Maple; it goes from finding solutions to ordinary differential equations partial; which interact with the researcher using different parameters.
Using graphical programming will find immediate solutions to selected problems in science and engineering criteria of variability and boundary conditions evolving development with buttons on multiple actions.



(in spanish)



Lenin Araujo Castillo

Physics Pure

Computer Science


Presented at the National University of Trujillo - CUICITI 2014.

IT Solutions for the Next Generation of Engineers




Descarga aqui los Slides de la presentación/mw CUICITI-2014



Lenin Araujo Castillo

Physics Pure

Computer Science


This is an application of vector position to better understand the vector speed and acceleration is a well defined vector space. Fully developed with embedded components for proper use.


    Vector_Posición.mw                   (in spanish)


L. Araujo C.

Physics Pure

Computer Science

I am sure that with this vector file with embedded components will learn how it works the vector operations. The code is free and can be modified to be improved. Forward engineers.


Vectores_con_Components_Embedded.mw     (in spanish)      


Lenin Araujo Castillo

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