20 Reputation

2 Badges

1 years, 362 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by MAXR

@Thomas Richard 

I have uploaded an edited file. If I replace the dot by an asterisk, it automatically takes the dot in equn1.

@Thomas Richard 

According to your suggestion I have replaced, but the same error occurred.

@acer Thank you so much! once again

@acer Thank you so much for your continous helping. That type of color combination I wanted.

Againg one help needed! you have provided one contour plot code in another post, there are 3d coordinates system x, y,z,where range of x, y, z are given.

I have done it. But it was not fitted with my problem, if possibe please corrected in my code

Here it is attached:

Range of x and y both from 0.1 to 0.5

Thank you

@acer Thank you for helping

I want to make Deep pink color on upper surface, if possible please provide it.

I am beginner in maple, so need some time to understand it.


Thank you for the guidance on the problem.

If possible please guide me, how to change color of upper surface



@Madhukesh J K 

Thank you so much for your reply!

In our problem range of x and y from 0.1 to 0.5 but it shown in this code from 0 to 4. Please look at this matter.

I didn't get contour plots properly. please help me


Need 3D plots like:

Try to find 3D plot of Nusselt number for beta star vs. M. 

I have attached modified code which contain 16 systems


Nusselt numer is :  - theta dash (0)

And how to get stramline flow and isotherms  for my model like:

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