
88 Reputation

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18 years, 113 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by MaestroSorrow

Thank you Georgios for both an incredibly fast response, as well as an excellent starting point. I will try this out very shortly, thank you again! I am fairly sure this would be enough to get the job done, if I am to understand animations correctly it is essentially plotting several graphs on top of each other with progressive values put into the function to demonstrate what would happen.
Thank you Georgios for both an incredibly fast response, as well as an excellent starting point. I will try this out very shortly, thank you again! I am fairly sure this would be enough to get the job done, if I am to understand animations correctly it is essentially plotting several graphs on top of each other with progressive values put into the function to demonstrate what would happen.
Thank you Will, it worked perfectly, whilst also teaching me procedures which was going to be my next question! Bullet Dodged! (I now also get the maple thing with this post, I am amused :D!)
Thank you Will, it worked perfectly, whilst also teaching me procedures which was going to be my next question! Bullet Dodged! (I now also get the maple thing with this post, I am amused :D!)
I've taken a look at your code, I must say i'm a little swept away by it, it's a tad advanced for my knowledge of Maple for now, allow me to paste your code here and let me see if I understand the mechanics behind it. T:=proc() This being the procedure declration global f,g,m; This declares global variables, meaning any function can refer to it correct? uses Maplets, Maplets:-Elements; This line is new to me, what does it mean? f:=(a,b,c)->is(min(a+b-c,a-b+c,-a+b+c)>0); Are you declaring three fariables to the global variable "f", in which you have given it these conditions that must be above zero? g:=proc() uses Maplets:-Tools; I have not yet dived into this "Maplets:-Tools", what is it's basic function? if f(parse(Get('a')),parse(Get('b')),parse(Get('c'))) then Set('d'=parse(Get('a'))+parse(Get('b'))+parse(Get('c'))); Set('L'('visible')=false) What I am getting from this segment is you are parsing the data into numbers? else Set('d'=""); Set('L'('visible')=true) fi end; This ends the function or procedure? m := Maplet(["Enter the side lengths:", [TextField['a']('value'=`if`(nargs>0,args[1],3), 10), TextField['b']('value'=`if`(nargs>1,args[2],4), 10), TextField['c']('value'=`if`(nargs>2,args[3],5), 10)], Label['L']("A triangle with these sides doesn't exist.\n", 'visible'='false'), Button("Perimeter",Evaluate('function'="g")), TextField['d']()]); Display(m) end: This is a new way of displaying for me, there appears to be multiple ways of displaying a Maplet, is there any specif special attribute in this method, or would they all do the same thing? T(); This initializes the whole thing correct? Now I want to ask another question to you, I see that hiding an element affects the size of the Maplet, is there a way to make sure the Maplet size remains constant?
I've taken a look at your code, I must say i'm a little swept away by it, it's a tad advanced for my knowledge of Maple for now, allow me to paste your code here and let me see if I understand the mechanics behind it. T:=proc() This being the procedure declration global f,g,m; This declares global variables, meaning any function can refer to it correct? uses Maplets, Maplets:-Elements; This line is new to me, what does it mean? f:=(a,b,c)->is(min(a+b-c,a-b+c,-a+b+c)>0); Are you declaring three fariables to the global variable "f", in which you have given it these conditions that must be above zero? g:=proc() uses Maplets:-Tools; I have not yet dived into this "Maplets:-Tools", what is it's basic function? if f(parse(Get('a')),parse(Get('b')),parse(Get('c'))) then Set('d'=parse(Get('a'))+parse(Get('b'))+parse(Get('c'))); Set('L'('visible')=false) What I am getting from this segment is you are parsing the data into numbers? else Set('d'=""); Set('L'('visible')=true) fi end; This ends the function or procedure? m := Maplet(["Enter the side lengths:", [TextField['a']('value'=`if`(nargs>0,args[1],3), 10), TextField['b']('value'=`if`(nargs>1,args[2],4), 10), TextField['c']('value'=`if`(nargs>2,args[3],5), 10)], Label['L']("A triangle with these sides doesn't exist.\n", 'visible'='false'), Button("Perimeter",Evaluate('function'="g")), TextField['d']()]); Display(m) end: This is a new way of displaying for me, there appears to be multiple ways of displaying a Maplet, is there any specif special attribute in this method, or would they all do the same thing? T(); This initializes the whole thing correct? Now I want to ask another question to you, I see that hiding an element affects the size of the Maplet, is there a way to make sure the Maplet size remains constant?
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