Marko Riedel

Mr. Marko Riedel

390 Reputation

9 Badges

11 years, 358 days
B.Sc. Computer Science UBC 1994, M.Sc. Computer Science UofT 1996.

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Marko Riedel

Greetings to all. I will keep this brief and to the point. I would like to point out a certain deficit in the integral transform package. I have recently been calculating some Mellin transforms at this link and the base functions are of the following type.

g := (p, q) -> 1/(x+p)/(x+(p*q-1)/q);

Now to see the deficit here are some Mellin transforms that...

Greetings to all.

A recent post at asked for good approximations to pi using the nine nonzero digits, the four arithmetic operations and exponentiation. The problem definition definitely suggests a computational solution, which is actually non-trivial because the search space of all legal mathematical expressions over the nine digits and with the aforementioned operations is so huge that it cannot possibly be searched exhaustively.

I will post here the output of two commands that has me a bit worried. Of course it is entirely possible that I am overlooking something very simple, which is why I am writing to your site.

> residue(1/(2^s-1), s=2*Pi*I*3/log(2));

Dear friends,

I am reporting with a brief comment concerning the integral int(1/(1+x^a), x=0..infinity) with a>=2 a real number. This was evaluated here.

Now Maple 15 (X86 64 LINUX) will quite happily compute this in its most simple form involving the sine when a is not a positive integer or a rational number. If it is, however, a beta function term results,...

Dear friends,

this is to share with you what a joy it was to work with Maple on the problem of enumerating non-isomorphic graphs. This problem goes back to Polya and Harary and it is a beautiful example of Polya counting, while also being of notable simplicity, so that a high school student or an undergraduate can follow it easily.

I have worked on this problem over the years, adapting my solutions in Cocoa and Lisp as I gained insights. My first attempt used...

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