
20 Reputation

2 Badges

18 years, 108 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Marko

How do I know whether I have standard or classic interface on my desktop? I have a feeling that mouse wheel worked on my previous desktop and it doesn't in this new one. The math department at this university uses Maple 6, I think we have licence for about 100 desktops or something. Many of the personnel complain about the mouse wheel thing and use other programs for that reason. Maybe it can't be fixed.
How do I know whether I have standard or classic interface on my desktop? I have a feeling that mouse wheel worked on my previous desktop and it doesn't in this new one. The math department at this university uses Maple 6, I think we have licence for about 100 desktops or something. Many of the personnel complain about the mouse wheel thing and use other programs for that reason. Maybe it can't be fixed.
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