
10 Reputation

3 Badges

11 years, 99 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Mathematix

L * di(t)/dt + R1 * i(t) + R2 * i(t) + 1/Cq(t) = U

How can I solve the equation with maple if and plot:

L = 2
R1 = 2
R2 = 8
C = 1/12
U = 4e-t 

a) How can i use laplacetransform to solve with maple?

i1 = i2 + i
2i1 + i2 + 2i1 = 30 + 20cos5 + 114sin5  
1/50 i3 + 4i3 - 2 i2 = 0  

i1(0) = 0




Hello. I have three diff. equations that I believe I have solved correct. But how do I put this in maple? They must also plotted. Grateful for your help.


y´´ + 2y´ + 2y = 5

Answer: y(x) = C1 e-x sinx + C2 e-x cosx + 5/2 




y´´ + 2y´ + 2y = sin5x

answer: y(x) = sin5/2 + C1 e-x

How can I Solve this using maple?

Differential equation:
y(n+2) + 7/10 y(n+1) + 1/10 y(n) = x(n)

x(n) = 1
y(0) = 0
y (1) = 1

Use Z-transformer to define y(n).

Solve y(0), y(1), y(2), y(3) y(4) and y(5) 

Any one?

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