Mikhail Drugov

133 Reputation

5 Badges

17 years, 284 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Mikhail Drugov


Is it possible to have the labels of the x-axis and of the tickmarks above the axis?

Thank you!



I am trying to maximize


Is there a Maple procedure that generates all possible partitions of a given set? For example, for the set {1,2,3} it should give {1,2,3}, {1,{2,3}}, {2,{1,3}}, {3,{1,2}}, {{1,2,3}}.

If not, how could I write one?

Thank you!


I need to plot a solid circle on a line. The problem is that you can see the line through the circle:

l := plot(x,color=red,thickness=3): 
d:=disk([0.5, 0.5],0.05,color=black): 
display({l, d},view=[0..1,0..1]);

I think I need something which is called in Microsoft Office products "Bring Forward (or to Front)" and "Send Backward (to Back)"

I suppose it's something very simple but I just cannot find it!

Thank you!


I am trying to assign a value to a variable depending on whether fsolve does or does not give a solution.

However, I cannot do it when there is no solution - fsolve returns unevaluated, and I cannot do almost anything with the unevaluated expression.

The only way I can do it is the following:

if (a='fsolve(x+ln(x) = 0,x,1 .. 2)') then solution:='no' else solution:='yes' end if;

this equation does not have solutions, and returns the string to which I compare a.

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