
3158 Reputation

18 Badges

16 years, 310 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by MrMarc

if I have a variable A_:=diff(A(t)/B(t),t); which gives me A_ := (diff(A(t), t))/B(t)-A(t)*(diff(B(t), t))/B(t)^2 what command do I use to split the second term after the minus sign so I get: A_ := (diff(A(t), t))/B(t)-A(t)/B(t)*(diff(B(t), t))/B(t); Any suggestions ??
hi, I was wondering how I can plot a phasediagram for the Solow growth model which has k(dot) on the y-axis and k on the x-axis and that has arrows that point in the right direction above k(dot)=0 and arrows that point in the left direction below k(dot)=0 The code I use to plot k(dot) is: restart: y:=A*k^a: S:=s*y: BE:=(n+g+d)*k: k_dot:=S-BE; s:=0.7: A:=1: a:=0.3: n:=0.06: g:=0.04: d:=0.03: plot(k_dot,k=0..15,color=blue, labels=["k", "k_dot"]); works fine but I am missing the arrows....
hi, what code do I use to sum the number of heads from a random coin toss to illustrate the Central limit theorem (relationship between the binomial and normal distribution). The more approachable the code is the better..
hi, if generate 10 random 0 and 1's by using the following maple code > restart: > coin:=rand(0..1): > coin_1:=proc(n) seq(coin(),i=1..n) end: > data1:=coin_1(10); How can I count the number of sequences that have a lenght equal to 1 zero, 2 zero, 3 zero, 1 one, 2 one, 3 one etc etc and how can I plot it in a histogram to illustrate the law of large numbers alex
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