
37 Reputation

4 Badges

18 years, 103 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Nate

I have been using the DirectSearch package contributed by Dr. Sergey N. Moiseev.  It works very well for the problems I have been working on and would like to use it in Matlab.  Is anyone aware of a Matlab version, how I may convert this to a Matlab file, or call Maple from Malab? 

I am trying to find all the complex roots of T:


> w := 60*(2*3.14159);
> R12 := .5;
> L12 := 3/w;
> Z12 := R12+s*L12+I*w*L12;
> kp := 0.5e-3;
> kv := 0.5e-3;
> Q1 := 384;
> Q2 := 375;
> apw1 := s+kp*(-Q1+w*L12/abs(Z12)^2);
> apw2 := s+kp*(-Q2+w*L12/abs(Z12)^2);
> aqv1 := 1+kv*(Q1+w*L12/abs(Z12)^2);
> aqv2 := 1+kv*(Q2+w*L12/abs(Z12)^2);

> T := apw1*apw2*aqv1*aqv2;

I would like ot change the default font to Arial.  How can this be done?

Is there a way to check a function for positive definiteness or local
positive definiteness?

Eg:  v(x1, x2, t) = (x1^2 + x2^2)*exp(-t)


I am trying to plot the ouput of a procedure as oulined below:


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